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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Hmm.. seems like Jax is updating that .plan more often now. Anyhoo, here's the new update:

"Never trust anything that can think for itself, if you can't see where it keeps its brain."

J.K. Rowling, from "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"

I wonder if this is going to be a regular thing now?

I got home late last night. Much later than I had planned to. This meant that I woke up late today, sleeping through the rec skating time today (unless it was scheduled for three, in which case I wouldn't have cared anyway). I felt like I was steamrolled when I woke up. I may be in more shape than some of the other people on my team, but I really shouldn't play so many games that often.. (Well, I shouldn't, but I still would like to..)

I eventually got around to making breakfast/supper and planned to make myself some french toast. Mmm! So I went down and got everything prepared for my food, had the frying pan warmed up and well oiled, got the bread out and cheese (for the omelet I was going to make as well), got the cutlery and chopsticks (the all-purpose cooking utensil) and I cracked an egg.

I saw red.

Uhh.. err.. eggs aren't supposed to be red. Red is usually bad right? It's seeing something like this that would turn any normal carnivore into an orthodox vegetarian. Needless to say, it didn't help my appetite much.

For those of you who have queasy stomachs, or just ate a gallon of oatmeal, you may want to skip the next few paragraphs.

Upon closer inspection, I noticed that there was something that was partially developed next to the yolk. It was completely red, and had a long tail but why the albumin was tinted with blood could be anyone's guess.

I waved down Jake and Werdna, and they both came in to inspect my find. Neither of them was feeling very hungry afterward. I wanted to take a picture for posterity and Jake commented:

"I don't know what's worse, us standing around staring at this thing, or you wanting to take pictures of it."

Hey! I want to keep it for it's shock value.

Anyway, I was getting hungry again and the shock was wearing off but it took me a while to get back to making breakfast. Werdna commented on how lucky I was that it was the first egg that came out that way. Had it been the last, I probably would've dumped the whole thing. Oh hurrah.

In the middle of all of this, Jake asked us:

"Does our washing machine eat clothes?"

I wasn't sure what to say about that, but I couldn't remember any of my clothes being eaten my the washing machine. He asked a couple more times, and even asked Werdna before taking out a grey shirt and commenting:

"Well, this is not my Polo shirt."

My eyes went wide with recognition because it was the new Polo shirt that I brought back from home during the Christmas holidays! Ahh! Apparently it got sucked into the middle column of the washing machine and it was dumb luck that Jake found it (he thought it was a sock until he tugged it out). I took the shirt from him and gave it the onceover. On the front, there was a nice little hole right in the middle of the chest area. Oh great, and the fabric was frayed so it looked like it's been worn for a few years. What a way to start the day..

I guess I should've noticed that my shirt was missing, but I'm very bad at noticing things that disappear. There are some things in life that you don't notice until they come back to haunt you. Like that significant other you thought you got over, or that Visa bill you thought you paid off..

I've been reading Tiffi's recent letters and I have to take the other stand with snow: I like snow. I don't mind shovelling that white stuff whether it's dry and fluffly, or wet and slushy. I've been living up here for more than twenty years and it would be difficult to go through a whole year without seeing any of this white stuff on the ground. Hell, I couldn't really call myself a Canadian if I didn't like snow now could I? (Eh?)

It took me a while, but I figured why my script is so slow. The grep function is great, but it's not particularly fast, especially if I ran it a hundred times on a 100Kb array every time.. I fiddled around with it and It's running much faster now. Hopefully I didn't break anything in the process..

During a couple of the CTRL-A dinners (one at the Italian restaurant and one at the China Garden) we started talking about old superhero television shows. Actually, they started talking about how cheesy Wonder Woman was. I personally can't remember the show much, but I remember seeing it a few times. Since it was a show with a strong female lead (and role model I guess), AgentP made the observation that it was one of the few comic based shows that your dad would come to watch. While you're sitting, watching the show, your dad would come in and watch as well. When you go and ask him why he came to watch, his reply would be:

"Shut up son, Linda Carter's talking."

Well, I found that funny.. gee.

Speaking of AgentP, he sent us a couple of links of some painted (Warhammer 40,000) models. I don't recognize Yuri, but I do recognize Misty Mae. AgentP's comments were:

"Check these out. May I burn forever if I do this to my own stuff."

I'll say.

KGL's got an update on that page again. A little small, but if you're interested..

Well, here I am at school while everyone else is watching the Superbowl. Mind you, I don't watch football so it doesn't really matter to me. I do have to get more sleep tonight since I feel very tired. Hopefully I'll be able to wake up at a good time tomorrow. I want to finish this paper soon!

Anyway, I'm gonna go now. Still have some mail to respond to, but heck, I can do it tomorrow right? (I said that to myself yesterday, but it's always a good excuse.)


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:29:16 EDT

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Robert Fulford (From The Quotations Page.)