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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Laz spotted a bug with my new journal entry calendar script. All fixed now! (I hope.) Speaking of Laz, some of you may have noticed that his site is down. I'm not sure when it's going to be back up, but I have been reassured that work is being done to bring it back online, so expect to read more of Laz's antics soon..

While Laz doesn't have anything up ATM, KGL has been busy with little updates here and there. Today is not an exception, so you may want to pop on over to check out what's new. Sparky also has an update, so see what's going on with that faucet of hers..

Despite my prediction yesterday, we may not be seeing more frequent updates of Jax's .plan.

(and no, I don't plan to update my .plan too much -- only when you notice it and it's time to change... :P )

But I noticed that it hasn't been changed yet! You have to change it now!

Got an interesting link from KNZ today. For those of you who don't know english, you may not find it very humourous, but then why would be reading this page? Anyhoo, the is an article, while there's close-up that you can check as well. I think I can understand what the heck's going on, but geez.. can they?

While we're on the topic of links, I got a link from weirDo about a little math that had to do with Moore's Law. For all you procrastinators out there, you should site this page in your references!

Been doing a bit more script writing. Yeah I know, I know, I should be doing real work. Whatever. I wanted to see the trends in the past two hundred days and it looks pretty neat. You can see the huge lull during the cross Canada trip, and during the winter break. I think it's pretty cool.

Nothing to exciting happened today. I did get a message from Jax to go skating this afternoon. I figured, what the hell. I may be sore but I missed out yesterday so I should make up for that. Jax wanted to get those skates sharpened so I figured I would wait a while before meeting at the rink. Well, when I got there, I was shown one of the reasons why people shouldn't trust machines. I'm glad I never tried sharpening my skates in that contraption..

I see a little improvement in Jax's skating skills (but don't spread the word.. I don't want to sound like I'm supportive or anything. It'll ruin my reputation!).

We had lunch later at the South Campus Hall. I haven't eaten there in.. years. Many months at least. Wow, it's been a long time. The place hasn't changed much, although while I was getting my cup of water (showing off how drink savvy I was by using that hidden latch on the machine) the cashier (or Jax, I can't remember) asked me why I didn't use the nozzle labeled (in big bold letters) "water".


Oh good, that was quite impressive indeed! *hangs head*

And to top it off, the water that came out of the hidden nozzle was gross! It must've had some coke residue or something because it was pretty ranchy. How does that saying go again? A stupid is what a stupid does? We'll just leave it at that.

So I'm okay on the ice and I suck when it comes to reading English. It all balances in the end right?

I think it's time for me to get going now. I need food.. Mmm.. food..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:29:52 EDT

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Frank Leahy (From The Quotations Page.)