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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Uhh.. got out of bed at ten this morning.. I'll tell you why later. Right now I've got to get some work done..

It seems as if FlyingS has finally put up the CTRL-A Around the World photo album. He also had this to add:

"Thanks to [QYV] for the unintentioned contributions."

Oh.. er.. you're welcome. You can go check out which ones he scammed.. I mean, scanned (I probably should've worn my shirt during the more sight intensive parts of the trip.. *sigh*).

KGL's gone back to putting up lyrics that I don't recognize:

You make me come
You make me complete
You make me completely miserable

Hmm.. there's also a rather unhappy update on her page..

Speaking of unhappy, I bet those squirrels who built those nests up in the trees in front of my window are none too happy. It took them a month or so to create their little winter haven, and after a few heavy snowfalls, the nests have all but disspeared. Mind you, the weather hasn't been that bad lately, but I wonder where they all went (lots of them running around ATM).

Oh, just got word from KGL:

the lyrics on my plan are from Lit's song "miserable"

So now we know..

Well, I was supposed to go out for lunch today (It's my treat actually). So, I was told that they were running behind so I could go meet them in B1-371. I misread that as being B1-361, so I wandered down the hall and looked for room 361. I came across the woman's washroom. What the.. is this a joke? I had to come back to my office to check my e-mail to confirm that I was wrong. Okay, no problem, room 371. So I wandered back down there to look for room 371. I looked around and found the room numbered 371. It was the earth sciences museum, and it was empty. Err.. So I wandered back to my office, where I reread my e-mail. Room 371, correct building, WTF? I think I'll just wait here.


[4:00 PM EST - Mmm.. Shepard's Pie..]

The lunch person finally came by, all apologetic and stuff for being late. I asked about the room number and she insited that it was room 371, so we went back to see where room "371" was. I showed off my first guess of 361, and then showed off room 371. Hmm. Soon, I was lead to the famous room 371 only to find that it was..

Err.. I can't remember the number, but it wasn't 371. I don't know where 371 came from, but it wasn't it. Anyhoo, after a bit more apologizing (that kid apologizes a lot), we headed off for lunch.

Had a good meal at the Fox and Pheasant, and proceeded to head to the Cove to finally try out Dance Dance Revolution. Just as we left the restaurant, we bumped into Growly who was with Kim and.. er.. someone else I should've recognized (but I didn't). It's gonna bother me now. Anyway, I saw Growly's spiffy new car. Quite nice, although I don't have any pictures..

After that, we made it to the Cove without a hitch. The place was pretty busy, even though I was told that it was dead a couple of weeks back. It was all right though, since we didn't recognize anybody (so wouldn't be overly embarrassed). At least I didn't initially recognize anybody. Just as we were getting ready to play, these other two kids came up and checked out the game. One of them was a former student of mine! Doh! I've been seeing her around pretty often actually, it's quite uncanny. Anyway, they were interested in trying it out (after a bit of goading on my part) and so we let them have a crack at the game.

I'd be lying if I said that they were good at the game, but at least it gave us more incentive to play since we couldn't have done worse than them.. Well, that was what was running through my head. I'm very good at proving myself wrong. Oh, for those of you who haven't heard of Dance Dance Revolution, I mentioned it a few months back. It's a fun game, but quite embarrassing for neophytes. I am a neophyte. I sucked. The only reason we got past the second frame was because of my partner, but I really sucked the royal one in that game. I have no beat at all.

Oh well, it was kinda fun. Next time we try it will be when the place is empty. I'll see if I can find a good time for that..

You know, there was something I wanted to write down which I had completely forgotten. Crap.

After our little encounter with Dance Dance Revolution, Jax added this to that .plan.

Have you ever been happy just to hear your song?
Have you ever let someone else be strong?

There was a day when I just had to tell my point of view
I was like you
Now I don't mean to make you frown
No, I just want you to slow down

Have you ever been mellow?
Have you ever tried to find a comfort from inside you?
Have you ever been happy just to hear your song?
Have you ever let someone else be strong?

Have you ever been mellow?

["Have You Ever Been Mellow", Dance Dance Revolution]

I just found this coincidentally funny for some odd reason. I won't even ask where Jax got it from..

I went to play snow football this afternoon even though only a fraction of the people who went to the first game last week showed up this time. It was fun, even though we completely dominated (three versus four for a while there as well!). I need to play football more often.

Laz and Tiffi both have updates up. Check them out!

I should probably talk about last night now. After dinner, we had to stop of at JCC's place so that FlyingS could pick up a computer. No problem. They took a little longer than I had anticipated (since I waited in the car) but at least they didn't leave the car running. I would've been very annoyed if I had died from carbon monoxide poisoning.

Because of the number of items to move, and the fact that JCC was wearing sandals, I was volunteered to help FlyingS carry his new toys. Three flights of stairs later, we made it to his room. My jaw dropped. He lives in the Student Co-op residences, and I had visited one of the buildings before. The rooms were cramped and the place was claustrophobic. The price and location are good, but I didn't think it was worth living there. Not until I saw FlyingS's room, or should I say suite? And how sweet it is! For a one person suite right next to the school, the cost is amazing! Crap! Had I known about this, I might not have moved out. Mind you, I like the place I'm staying at so I'm not thinking of trying to move in, but I know a number of people who'd kill to get a place like this.

Anyway, I stood there with my jaw agape for a good.. oh.. five minutes before I forced myself out the door. Gah. Some guys get all the luck..

Some of you may be disturbed by the following, but last night I got woken up by my bladder. That wasn't a problem. The problem came after I went to the washroom. I still had to go, but there was nothing that had to go. Nothing! I couldn't go back to sleep because I was constantly feeling the pressure to go back into the washroom (even though I didn't have to go). The only reason I could think of this happening is because of a urinal infection. That would suck.

It was like that itch that you couldn't scratch, and I couldn't figure a way to stop it. I waddled around for a good hour wondering what the heck I could do to get myself back to sleep. Every time I went back to bed, the urge would rise again and I'd have to get up. Eventually, I guess it depended on the position that I was in, and after rolling around, I was telling myself "you don't have to go" over and over. After a few minutes, the urge subsided and I fell asleep.

I haven't had that problem since, but it was a freaky experience. I'll go have it checked if it ever happens again.

I think it's time for me to go, I've been madly downloading some MP3s now that I know I can safely bring them back to my computer. I should curb that habit though, it's not like I'll have this sort of access forever..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:24:52 EDT

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Edward Chilton (From The Quotations Page.)