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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Hmm.. seems like I never actually mentioned who the "sensitive gal" is..

"WHO IS "..a sensitive gal.."???? Inquiring minds want to know!!"

Was a complaint I got. *shrug* Eh.


[4:00 PM EDT - Dream Sequence.]

Had a strange dream last night.. although most dreams are pretty strange anyway. Anyhoo, I remember standing and looking at the sky. In the sky, there was a B-52, and it was falling sideways to the ground. It looked so large that it might've been falling near our house, but it was heading towards some sort of residential complex. Three apartment buildings in a triangle arrangement. Just before it hit the ground, a bolt of lightning struck the ill fated plane and tore off one of the wings, at which point it hit the ground and got stuck there (broken wing in first). A bunch of us decided to go check it out and there was something that went on before we got there, some sort of initiation, but we headed towards the plane to look for survivors. For some reason we into the building closest to where the plane had crashed and started looking around.. heading down a hallway to the area where I thought some people would be and I called out to see if anyone was there. No response. The people behind me didn't do much, I think there were five of us or so.. but then I realized that the building was eerily quiet, and began to wonder if the fate that had befallen the bomber pilots had also affected the people in the building? I got scared and started to back out, at which point a group of three kids biked on past us. One of them went around the corner to look around, and then another kid looked around the corner but the first one had disappeared! That's when I told everyone to go back and we ran to the exit. One of the guys in our group walked into one of the open rooms in the hallway and was looking at this shadow on the ground which had a human form.. (no body of course). Well, at that point I just ran to the exit, but by the time we got there, the glass doors had closed and locked for some reason. Some of us got out, but I was still stuck inside with a couple of people. We tried to break it down with some big metal thing but the glass didn't give. I had a weird feeling that someone or something was closing in on us, to take me away, and then I woke up.

I was left lying in bed, listening to the wind howl outside..


[2:22 PM EDT - and feeling fine]

I got a message from a certain KGL:

update your page man...I'm on break at DP and I need something to read!!!!!!!!!

Gee, but what if I have nothing to say? (At least nothing that I'm allowed to say.)

I might start sticking up times and such for my updates. It would make it easier to figure out why I type the way I do for different parts of the entry. It'll also be interesting to see what time I go to sleep on some days (if I sleep at all). I'll have to figure a good way to impement this, but for now, I'm going to go with the hokey setup I've got going right now.

Hmm.. what else to talk about? I dunno, my defence is in a couple of days and I still haven't printed off any of my slides yet. I'm not quite sure what the heck I'll be talking about much less getting the slides for my (non-existant) talk completed.

I did get a warning from one of the memebers of my committee one a possible question I might be asked. I assume that he thought that the question was going to be hard, and didn't want me to answer while under pressure. Fortunately, I was able to answer it on the spot, but I'll have to remember that I'm going to say since I know that point will be raised during the defence.

I was also thinking up of some sort of introduction this morning. I think I know what I'm going to say, but I haven't put down the full text yet. Well, I actually had the full text in my head in bed, but I knew that it would've all been washed out during my shower so I took down some notes. We'll see if I can piece it back together again..

So I'm going to have one less page to be reading up on for a while now. What will I do to supplment my daily routine? Who else can I bug and make fun of?!? Ooh.. I gotta see if I can find a ride back to Toronto this weekend.. I'll have to jot this down. Anyone willing to give me a (car) ride?


[6:00 PM EDT - Quiting time.. (yeah, whatever.)]

Been busy fixing some things here and there. I reorganized (cleaned up) some of my logs and I plan to make up summaries for some of them so it doesn't take so bloody long (or waste system resources) to parse the thing. I really shouldn't be doing this now, I still have some slides to make, but it's been bothering me for a long time. Anyway, I'm halfway done so at least I feel like I've done some progress. I've also put up a couple of new pictures (okay, one new, one old) that I decided should go up. Been holding on to them way too long and if I'm going to hold on to them I might as well show them.

I've been getting quite a bit of e-mail lately, it's as if everyone realized that my defence was coming up and wanted to give me more reasons to procrastinate. Well guess what? It's working! Ahh!! *waves arms in the air for no apparent reason*

Alright, let's see what else I have to do around here..


[8:02 PM EDT - I don't want to work on this.]

I have no motivation to work on my talk. None whatsoever. I try to find any excuse to work on something else, to run some sort of chore, or check something out, or this, or that, but not to work on my talk. I will have to eventually, which is pretty sucky since I don't know how I'm going to kick myself into gear. *kick*

Well that didn't work.

While I was wallowing in my self-pity, I noticed that Sparky's got a rather introspective update up, while Laz has a recap of what's been going on in his life for the past couple of days.

Gah! I just want the defence over and done with! The tension is getting to me!! *tears out tufts of hair*


[8:37 PM EDT - *sigh*]

Okay, I'm not getting any work done, so I'm gonna go home. *sigh*


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:48:42 EDT

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