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[9:41 AM EDT - Cloudy.]

I think it's supposed to rain today. *looks at blades* Hmm..


[10:35 AM EDT - Learned a new word!]

Sláinte! (It's Gaelic if you were wondering.)


[11:00 AM EDT - Dang.]

Found a bug in my script. Fixed now, but it's a kludge. I'm going to have to see what I can do to make it more efficient, but it works for now.


[1:17 PM EDT - Getting hungry.]

Hmm.. it's raining. I wonder how long it'll take for Graphic Services to make copies of my thesis? I would like to have it done by the end of the day (around four) but I was told that they'd call when they were finished. Mind you, I can't remember if I gave them the right number or not.. *eyes widen in horror*. Ah well, I think I'll head down there in an hour or so to see how things are going.

I've actually been getting around to doing some work today. Needed to modify my program to get a different type of potential to work. If I thought that my perl script fix was a kludge, then this is the mother of all kludges.. Ahh! *tugs at hair* I hope I don't have to make this permanent!!


[3:59 PM EDT - The kludge works!]

Yay! It seems as if my tinkering was effective! The program does what I expected it to do, and I'm getting the results I'm expecting to get (sort of). I may have to think of a more permanent and elegant way of implementing this procedure because it's quite possible that it will become a feature in my program, but for now, I'm going to stick with what I have and say that "it works".

I went down to Graphic Services to check out on the status of my print order and the girl told me that she hadn't gotten to my stuff yet (*thumbs up*) but I was next on the list (*two thumbs up*) and she asked if I had a deadline or something (*three thumbs up*). (Where did that third thumb come from?) Well, I guess I won't be getting those theses bound anytime soon..

Fortunately, I got confirmation that my thesis was accepted via the electronic submission (yay for new technology!) so I don't have to worry about handing it in today (at four). *knocks on wood*


[7:31 PM EDT - Wow, the sun's out!]

Seems like the rain is over for today. I might actually be able to blade back home! Ain't that grand? Anyway, I had a little problem with the washroom a little while ago. I needed to go and rushed to the bathroom in our hall. I found out that it was occupied (Doh!) so I waited until the person was done. After they had left, I entered the room only to find that all of the toilet paper was gone! (Neuman!)

Anyway, that was my little problem.

I think I forgot to mention a few things from this past weekend. First of all, I forgot to bring a book along with me to read on the bus ride home. Seeing as I have the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, I figured that would be a good time to start.. Oh well. I spent the time looking around and watching the cars pass by. Actually, it was more like us passing the cars, the bus driver was quite a speeder.

I watched a plane land, and another one take off while we passed by the airport. That was quite a coincidence because you rarely see a plane take off or land so close to the highway, much less two.

Also, HKL called wondering if I had finished my Masters yet. Hmm.. I should ask him if he still has his copy of Final Fantasy VIII.

I did get around to vacuuming my room and most of the house last night. Our vacuum cleaner is one of those industrial sized machines with this huge nozzle on the exaust end that you're supposed to put a filter over (although we don't have one). So even though I'm sucking all of the dust out of my room, I have that itchy feeling that all I'm doing is blowing dust from one part of the house to another. It might explain why dust collects so quickly in my room at least. Also, since the machine had all of these simple attachments, I had to manually scrape the carpet (and hardwood floor) on my hands and knees just so that the darned thing was able to extract the grunge off the floor. I scraped so long that I had trouble grasping anything thinner than a pop can for a while.

You may be wondering why I finally got around to vacuuming the house. Well, our household isn't exactly known for its cleanliness, but as I am the only one that walks around barefoot around the house, I tend to notice little pebbles or sticky spots on the floor long before the rest of the troupe smells it. Why not walk around in sandals or socks? What? And get them dirty instead? Doesn't solve the problem. (The problem being a dirty floor.) Guh.

While I was busy sucking dust from one part of the house, atomizing it, and blowing it into the ventilation system, I couldn't keep that Britney Spears song out of my head. Every time I knock something over "Oops, I did it again". When I realize that I said the phrase again, "Oops, I did it.. Oops.. Oo.. Ahh!!".

I can blame the kids at the party on Saturday for making me go through that. A couple of them were singing along to some songs on the patio, and I wandered out there every now and then. I guess if you sing it loud and often enough, you can get a song into anyone's head.

Anyway, I was glad when I finished with vacuuming the floor. I started putting back my stuff where they were from (or were supposed to go) when Jake came out of his room. I was putting my.. ninth? box of cereal onto one of my shelves when he wandered in and asked:

"Have enough cereal there?"

To which I replied:


At which point one of the supports for the shelf buckled and the entire shelf collapsed, sending all of my cereal down onto me, my desk, my stereo system, and the floor. Reassesing the situation, I changed my answer:


It took me quite a few minutes to clean up the mess (while Jake laughed for one of those minutes). Yeah, I guess it was kind of funny, except that one of the boxes landed right on the antenna of my system and bent it! Grr..

Hmm.. it's getting dark outside again. I probably should get going while it's still dry out there. *looks* Change that to "while it's not raining out there".

Growly has correctly figured out how sláinte is pronounced, so I assume he also knows what it means. Anyone else want to hazard a guess? (Although with the internet, finding the answer should be pretty darned easy.)

While I'm still here, Laz and KGL both have updates up (with KGL finally putting up a new picture as well). Hmm.. I think that's about it for today.


[10:11 PM EDT - Ahh!!]

Why am I still here? Good grief boy, I'm going home.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:33:08 EDT

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