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[9:26 AM EDT - I should've taken the blue pill.]

Well, seems like Theochem is still down (hard). I have no idea when it's going to be back up, but I figured I might as well write something anyway seeing as I don't actually get in this early that often (on a weekday at least). So some of you were wondering what was wrong with my page yesterday (and this morning probably) and I should explain what happened.

You see, Theochem went down the night before for some reason. weirDo thought that my program had crashed the computer. Well it didn't, since it wasn't running at the time that Theochem went down. Clueless, we went back to what we were doing until Theochem went down again yestermorning. This time my program was running.. whoops. After restarting the computer, I guess weirDo started looking around to see the cause of the crash. A couple of hours later (while I was running my program again) Theochem went down for a third time. By now, weirDo had a good idea what was wrong with the computer. One of the (RAM) memory chips was faulty, and everytime it tried to access any information on that chip, it would corrupt the system and take down the computer. To prevent us from crashing the computer again, weirDo moved the password file the next time he booted it up so that nobody could log in. That would explain why some of you who tried checking this page before Theochem went down for good got a "jyseto" doesn't exist page.

Let's see, so people started working on fixing Theochem and after yesterday, I think they got the memory board out of the computer. The problem now is to figure out which of the memory chips is faulty. Oh hurray. Nobody's working on it now, so I have no idea when Theochem will be back up.

Well, onto other news. My thoughts of trying out for swing dancing have gone down the tubes. There is no swing club this term and the swing dancing lessons that campus rec is offering this term requires everyone who signs up to have a partner. I don't have a partner. I won't be signing up.

This term is turning into a bust recreationally wise, and with Theochem down, I won't be getting much work done on my molecules or my page for that matter. Sucky.

Showed up late at the CTRL-A meeting. Guess what?!? I'm not treasurer anymore! Yay! *jumps for joy* I think I arrived to the meeting last term a little too early so that people were able to vote for me. Since I was later this term, I wasn't around to have people vote for me so I got off! I should've thought of this years ago! I have to show the guy the ropes, but it should be pretty easy. Hopefully everything should be alright, so I don't have to be around with everything hits the fan..

We went to Red Lobster for dinner after the meeting, and although I had this great idea of ordering a dish, stuffing myself with the free biscuits and water, and taking my entrée back home in a doggie bag (for dinner at some later date), I forgot to take my doggie bag back from the restaurant! Doh! That was an expensive twenty dollar biscuit dinner. Actually, this morning when I checked the fridge, it seemed as if HNT brought back my food from the restaurant (he had left later). Whew!

It rained last night. A huge honkin thunderstorm that I had the pleasure of noticing during my sleep. I had left my window all the way open so that I wouldn't suffocate during the night, but it also meant that any and all sounds going around outside was heard by me in all of it's glory. (Birds, rain, thunder, the garbage truck that sounded like it was going back and forth in front of our house, etc.) Still it was pretty interesting to notice the lightning during my brief moments of conciousness last night. Made for some interesting dreams I can tell you. Unfortunately I can't remember any of them.

Oh yeah, never got to mention any updates yesterday. Well, since the only people whos homepage addresses I can remember are KGL and Laz (both who have updates BTW), I'll go check on the others at some point in time.

Well, let's see what I can do now.. Scienide's still up at least..

[1 Comment]

[12:21 PM EDT - Theochem's back up (for now).]

Theochem's back up, but it's still going to be flaky. Hope it'll survive. Right now I'm going out for lunch!


[1:52 PM EDT - Back from lunch.]

Well, the fate of Theochem is still up in the air. I'm not sure how long the computer will stay up or if I should start moving my stuff off to other systems. I was thinking of moving this page over to Sciborg, but the amount of space on that machine is limited and I wouldn't be able to port over my pictures. Scienide is another possibility, but I don't like putting my stuff onto a computational computer.. I don't know what else that leaves me with. I'll have to think about it I guess.

Went to Jose's for lunch. I have no idea why, since the food there is probably gouging a hole in my digestive tract. RHS also expressed misgivings on eating there and opted out today. I might have to force myself to eat other cheap food in the near future. But because I didn't, I bumped into JI on the way to the restaurant! What coincidence! She looks cute as ever, but I didn't get a chance to talk because the person she was with was in a rush (and I assume she was too). Ah well, I should be able to see her later.

Don't know what to do now. I think I have to work on some formatting..


[3:09 PM EDT - *sweat drop*]

Well, that Red Lobster thing happens just about everytime I go down there. Once I realized how good the pasta was, how much they gave us, and how much I liked the biscuits, I started eating less and less of my entrée everytime I went there. Same sort of thing goes with East Side Mario's. I eat a lot of the complimentary bread, salad, and if possible, soup, because it's good. If I can't finish the entrée, that's a bonus for me! (You're talking to a student here!)

But honestly, I really do try to eat whatever food is given to me. I tried to finish the pasta last night, but I was just about ready to hurl..


[4:12 PM EDT - Keratin, not chitin.]

Lost an argument with weirDo. I had thought that fingernails and hair were made of chitin. Nope, it's actually keratin (which we found out after asking jeeves). I must've gotten them mixed up or something. (They do sound similar!)


[4:54 PM EDT - Unproductive.]

Since I haven't been doing much work, I wandered down to Sparky's and Tiffi's pages to see how they were doing (since I couldn't check them last night). Well, it seems as they've both started on their long trek through summer. Sparky's been having issues living at home again, while Tiffi had a short prom(enade) story. I wonder why we called them "formals" instead of "proms" up here. *shrugs*

Me? I dunno, I don't have any good stories about any of the formals that I attended. I was quite a boring boy. (Still am, and quite proud of it!) I haven't gone to a formal event in.. oh man.. it's been a while, and I'm not counting convocation/commencement (I'm only considering formal balls/dances). My aversion to formalwear probably has something to do with it. I'm probably the only person who's willing to show up to a wedding in jeans. Actually, I showed up to my defence, a number of banquets, and a semi-formal in jeans. However, I do wear suits when I have to (i.e. parents say "wear this"), even though I try not to. Hmm.. well, there is this.. nah.

With Sparky's comments about living home, I must reiterate the fact that I just love living on my own. I like the freedom and liberty that I have been given and I wouldn't want to be tied down by any sort of constraints (which at this point would include a significant other). Would I go back and live with my parents? Only if I had to. Once you've been on your own for a while, it's hard to go back.


[8:34 PM EDT - Changes.]

I've altered the HTML a bit as par FlyingS's suggested changes. Will have to figure a way to do the rest of this at another time. Played a bit of Counter-Strike, while waiting for weirDo to finish whatever he was doing so we could try out Homeworld. Once he called me up, we started a game. Well, we tried to. He couldn't log into WON. Apparently, his (mine actually) CD key was already in use. Hmm.. we didn't have that problem last time when we tried it out. That was kind of sucky. After some (failed) attempts to get him logged in, we gave up. Now I'm here wondering if I should go home or not. I probably should, it's starting to cool down outside and I don't want to go home in the rain (it's very overcast right now). Ah well, decisions, decisions.

[1 Comment]

[9:36 PM EDT - Time to go.]

I think I'll finish the changes sometime tomorrow. Right now my stomach is starting to complain and I want to go and sleep. *yawn* Oh yeah, while I wasn't looking, Laz put up another update.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:23:08 EDT

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Frank Leahy (From The Quotations Page.)