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[9:58 AM EDT - I'm melting!]

Uh oh. I came home last night and Werdna told me some bad news. (Bad news in my eyes.) The fridge was on the blitz. This is not a good thing. I had noticed that my milk was getting warm over the past few days, but I associated it with the hot and muggy weather we've been having for the past week or so. The fridge tended to be a little warm during heat waves and I assumed this was just another one of those times. Well, when Werdna opened up the freezer (part of the fridge), there was no ice. The cup of water he put in there was still tepid, and all of my food (and everyone else's) had defrosted. This included the bucket of ice cream which I was saving for a rainy day. (Wah!) Fortunately, I hadn't gone shopping all too recently so I didn't have too much food in the fridge. However, I still had quite a stash hidden in the freezer so I have to go through that cache as quickly as possibile. I think the ice cream is pretty much useless now, but I still have twenty Eggo waffles which will take me at least five days to go through. A dozen sausages which I should cook ASAP, some wontons, an unopened box of chicken nuggets, and.. I think that's about it. Since everything has already defrosted, I might have a day or two to cooke everything up and try to ingest as much as possible before they all start going bad (the freezer is already starting to smell funny). Oh dark day indeed!

On the way back home last night, I saw a bright flash of light in the sky, followed around fifteen seconds later by a long, drawn out booming thunder. It was a signal for the approaching storm, and I was only halfway home. I had always been afraid of being struck by lightning, and most times when lightning flashes near me, I'm usually stuck in the middle of a parking lot or field, which doesn't help my paranoia much either. Fortunately, being fifteen seconds away, I had quite a bit of time to find shelter. Making it midway through the parking lot, there was an even brighter flash, and the roaring thunder came a couple of seconds later. I started walking faster. You may have noticed that I wasn't struck by lightning last night, but it's still a freaky thought. Anyway, I was lucky that I headed home when I did, the rain started coming down a few moments before I made it to the house, and continued on throught the night.

The weather has been much cooler today. I guess the cold front that came in with the storm will be pushing all that mild air we've been getting out of the area. It also allowed me to close my window a bit so I didn't have to hear the thunder in all of it's glory overnight (which would've led to some interesting dreams I bet).

I've been meaning to type up some interesting science and math teasers for a while now, and I figured I might as well start here. I wanted to put up a separate section, but I guess I can do that at another time. Here's a teaser I found in a book (called Science Teasers by Rose Wyler and Eva-Lee Baird) when I was a kid. I didn't actually figure out the answer, nor did I understand the solution until years later. Anyway, here it goes:

The Old Rubber Tire:

A man is fishing in a lake. He hooks an old rubber tire that has been lying at the lake bottom and hauls it into the canoe. What happens to the level of the water in the lake?

You will probably be able to guess to answer to the question, but can you also explain why?

[1 Comment]

[3:30 PM EDT - It's raining again.]

I've been slowly changing my tags with some scripts I wrote up, but I'm still not done with getting rid of all the BLOCKQUOTEs. This is taking longer than it probably should. *shrug*

It's been raining off and on since I've gotten into school. Haven't stepped outside since I got in, but it doesn't seem like I'm missing much. I'm getting around to cleaning up the code in my scripts so that they are a bit more modular and a bit less.. yucky.

I've looked at a cookie script library and I've been wondering if I should start using cookies or not. I thought about it a few months ago and I never really found the need for using them. It would be interesting to see exactly how they work on the other hand, so I might test them out at some point in time, but not now.

My lunch is sitting in my stomach in that "I want to get out" sort of mood. Guh.. I hope the rest of the food in the freezer hasn't gone bad yet. Been looking at appliance rental places and the costs don't seem that bad. It's going to be a last resort if our fridge really has gone kaput.

Been working on MgH on Scienide seeing as Theochem tends to choke on my program nowadays. It's much faster I can tell you, and although the load is constantly high on Scienide, my jobs still finish a lot sooner. I haven't decided where to put my page if (when?) Theochem goes down for good, but I probably should start preparing soon.


[3:48 PM EDT - Travel ideas.]

My fingers are starting to hurt for some reason. Maybe I've been playing too much Counter-Strike? Naw.

Anyway, after reading that MJO was interested in doing some travelling, I was wondering if I was interested in doing some travelling as well. The answer is "Yes!". Now the question is "Where?" (and "When?" and "How?" and "Who?"). It's been a long time since I've gone down the east coast, (and I've never been to the west coast - if you exclude Vancouver) and the last time I tried going down the eastern seaboard, I only made it as far as South Carolina before turning back home. I wouldn't mind going down to Florida. Never been there. I'm just throwing ideas out ATM, but for dreams to come to fruition, ideas have to be put forth, and any other ideas will be considered!

I haven't been to New York for a while either, but I've never been to California.. Hmm.. Then again, I've never been to Europe either, or South America, or Africa.. (or Antarctica).


[4:24 PM EDT - We have a winner!]

Seems like MJO is the first to come up with the correct answer to the teaser I posed above. For a prize, he will get a free meal from me during my huge "finish off the food in the freezer" meal tonight! There's plenty of food so he shouldn't be displeased. If he can't make it for the dinner, I can put the food back in the freezer until the next time he's available to come into town.


[5:57 PM EDT - Ahh!]

Someone just changed the webnameserver to point Theochem to Scienide. That just screwed me over. I spent the last fifteen minutes changing all my Theochem BASE HREFs to Scienide. That wasn't the bad part. The problem I have is that it screwed around with some of my scripts. The counters FUBARed and FLY is doing funny things. I think things should work more or less the same, except most of the other things I implemented got shot. I'll have to look into that. Geez.. couldn't they at least have given some sort of warning?!?

Well, it shouldn't affect any of you folks, but it will annoy me for a while..


[6:16 PM EDT - One problem solved.]

Fixed the date problem. Seems like a typo on my part. I can't seem to get the logs working however, which means the counter will stay at 5076 until tomorrow sometime. What to do?

The phone lines in our lab got cut for a little while as well. I still haven't figured out why (it wasn't because someone armed the security system).

Okay, apart from that, most of my scripts are running normally. If there are any problems, you guys should say something. I'm going to be surfing for a little while.. *turns off brain*

[1 Comment]

[6:16 PM EDT - Angel's in the centerfold.]

What? Ahh! The pictures don't work?!? *looks* Okay, it seems as if.. ahh! Yes, yes. Those pictures. Well, those pictures won't be working for a little while. I still have to get the green light for them. Will be up (perhaps) in the near future..

[1 Comment]

[8:28 PM EDT - Gotta love that AWP.]

I think I've had enough Counter-Strike for the day. I think my stomach's cleared enough to let me eat dinner now. The sky has cleared up and how it looks like a great day out there. I think I'm going to go outside to enjoy what's left of the sunlight.

I should mention that Laz has an update up and, uh.. that's about it. Out I go!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:28:46 EDT

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