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[11:20 AM EDT - The cat is no more.]

I got home last night and had some trouble finding my house key. I fumbled around in the dark for a couple of minutes before unlocking the door when I noticed a post-it-note on the door. (It blended quite well with the door in the dark.) I couldn't really make out what the message said, despite the full moon (probably because the overhang blocked out the moonlight). "Don't let.." something, something. Squinting, I took a closer look. "Don't let the.." something, "..house.". What the.. "Don't let the.." Ah ha!

"Don't let the cat in the house."

Don't let the cat in the house?


What the? The cat was outside! It must've snuck up on me while I was reading the note (and fumbling around for my keys). So I was in a bit of a quandary. I wasn't sure whether to let the cat in or not (it really did seem like it wanted to get in). But it wasn't my house, so I figured that the cat should stay out. I was able to distract the cat by blading back out onto the road, it must've thought that I was leaving so it went back to the place from whence it came. I took that opportunity to dive into the house and close the door behind me before the cat realized what had happened.

Looking inside, I noticed that the kitty litter thing was in the living room. It had been cleaned out, as were the water and food dishes. Hmm. I guess this is more permanent than I thought.

Werdna was awake so I asked him what was going on. Apparently HNT's bro came by to check on the cat and determined that the cat was around two years old. They also figured that the cat must've belonged to someone because it was very well kept. Chances were that the cat was just wandering around the neighborhood instead of actually being a stray.

Now this is fine and good, but I have a couple of questions. First of all, why did HNT think the cat was a kitten? Why didn't they check to see if the cat belonged to someone? One of our neighbors was supposed to have phoned the humane society but we never heard from them. The cat didn't have a collar but nobody checked to see if it had a microchip. Finally, I think it's kind of cruel to throw the cat out without making sure that it actually had an owner. What if the owner had just gotten rid of the cat?!? All these questions, and the one fact remains: The cat is out of the ba.. er.. house.

Oh well, it's out of my hands. I don't think it was ever in my hands in the first place. I'm just your lowly chronicler, recording the events that transpire in the world around us. Well, me at least.

So there's no more need to think of any cat names.

So what would you guys have done in my place?

[1 Comment]

[1:51 PM EDT - Back from lunch.]

I guess I never did get around to talking about the rest of what happened yesterday. Not much it seems. I finished off the last of my eggo waffles today, and I started defrosting the bar fridge. Hopefully I'll make enough space for some milk I plan on getting tonight. When I checked the other fridge, I noticed that it was empty! They had completely cleared it out. Fortunately I had already gotten all of my stuff out of there (except for the cream - which used to be ice cream) so I was alright.

Hmm.. that's about it. Nothing too exciting.


[2:55 PM EDT - A teaser.]

Here's a new teaser I came across:

A census taker approaches a house and asks the woman who answers the door,"How many children do you have, and what are their ages?"

Woman: "I have three children, the product of their ages are 36, the sum of their ages are equal to the address of the house next door."

The census taker walks next door, comes back and says, "I need more information."

The woman replies, "I have to go, my oldest child is sleeping upstairs."

Census taker: "Thank you, I have everything I need."

Question: What are the ages of each of the three children?

I think I've seen this one before. If this one is too easy, I'll put up another one.


[4:06 PM EDT - Too easy.]

Dang, that one was too easy. I'm also inclined to agree that it was a bit on the less interesting side. Here was the solution for this problem:

The reason the census taker could not figure out the childrens ages is because, even with knowing the number on the house next door there were still two possibilities. The only way that the product could be 36 and still leave two possibilities is if the sum equals 13. These possibilities being 9+2+2 and 6+6+1. When the home owner stated that her "Oldest" child is sleeping she was giving ths census taker the fact that there is an "oldest." The childrens ages are 9, 2, & 2.

So Laz wins again! This teaser I got from brain-teaser.com. Most of the teasers are bland, and some are just dumb. Some are okay though. Just because this was so quick, I'll post another easy question.

Err.. I can't remember where I got it from but I think it went something like this:

You are on an island called Heck, because it's about a hectare in size. Anyway, you went to visit this island because of a fabled hundred foot tower. It is known as the Tower of Heck and it stands somewhere in the middle of the island and is revered by all of the inhabitants. Being the first time to Heck, you have no idea where the tower is. Fortunately, all of the inhabitants are well aware of the location of the tower are are willing to help you. There is a catch unfortunately.

There are three different types of people who live on the island, and they all look the same. The first type of person always lies. The second type of person always tells the truth, unless the previous Hecker lied. Finally, the third type of Hecker always tells the truth unless the previous answer was the truth. You come across three Heckers but are in a rush so you only have time to ask two questions. How will you find out the location of the Tower of Heck?

Hope this is a little more interesting.


[5:56 PM EDT - I should clarify.]

Just came back from a ninety minute meeting which I really didn't have any need to go to except for the fact that I had to stay to the end to join a team. I went to one of the longest and most useless captain's meetings in a long time. And I'm not even a captain! At least the wait was sort-of worth it. Ended up joining an experienced team with seven games! *pumps fist* (It's for beach volleyball if you were wondering.)

Now to clarify the previous problem. I really shouldn't have said "middle". I really meant "somewhere in the middle". Also, everyone knows everyone else in Heck. It's a close-knit community.

[1 Comment]

[7:31 PM EDT - Removing tags.]

I might want to remove the ability for people to post tags with their comments. I'll have to think about that actually. I'm also going to modify the comment window so that people can resize it if they want.


[8:37 PM EDT - Other news.]

Other things to report. Hmm.. not too much. Weather out here has turned for the wet, and I don't think I'll be able to blade home. Hopefully the rain will let up enough to allow me to go and buy some milk. Been itching to drink some for a week now!

Not much to report on updates. KGL has a short one throwing out these disclaimers about this and that.. although her wording looked funny. Tiffi also has an update up with some interesting comments about a concert she attended, and some sad news about her scholarship. Aww. *hug*

I didn't just see lightning did I? Maybe I won't be getting any milk tonight.

I still have some tweaking to do with the script and stuff. Man, and I have to find a ride back to Toronto. So much to do, so little enthusiasm. I might just leave the scripts for a little while to let them settle. Don't want to introduce more bugs if there are any bugs that are already waiting in the wings.

I might cut out those teasers I've been spitting out for the past few days and throwing them into a separate page, but (after a quick search) there are so many sites devoted to brain teasers that I don't think I'd be doing much of a service. Eh, I wouldn't mind finding a few more though (as I am running out).. There are a couple of doozy questions I could ask, which are solvable but take quite a bit of logical thinking. Hmm.. I'll have to think about that too.

Alright, time for me to go. Broomball game tomorrow. I should get ready for it.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:47:22 EDT

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