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[9:25 AM EDT - Early today.]

Got up early for some reason. Didn't have as big a breakfast as yesterday (I had three hash browns, four slices of bread and three eggs yesterday) but for some reason I still didn't make it to school until after nine. How odd.

Found out what NASDAQ stood for. I tried writing it down but I forgot as the ink was leaving my pen so I had to look it up again. Man, I must be going senile. (BTW, it stands for National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations system.)

Anyway, I found this out while watching this documentary on the NYSE. I found it quite interesting actually. I didn't realize how quickly the stock markets have grown just in the past decade. (Considering that for most of it's lifetime the DJI was way below a thousand.)

Okay, enough about the stock markets. I don't really have much else to say though. I did finally get around to cooking dinner. I wasn't able to last night because I came home late, and found two people sleeping in the living room (one on each couch). I figured that they wouldn't be too happy if I started making noise in the kitchen so I went to bed semi-hungry.

There's a swing club meeting today. I'll see if I can make it. I also got a link from girl. You may want to check it out if you live in Ontario and are interested in Bill 74..


[10:21 AM EDT - Hmm..]

Seems like I can't opt out of giving my talk at Columbus this year despite having my convocation the day after my talk. This means that I still have to put together a presentation, and I also have to look into a way back to Waterloo.. (by bus was the suggestion). Yuck. What to do?

I also have to look into the Ride for Heart this weekend. Man, I always leave everything to the last minute huh?


[5:59 PM EDT - Getting into the swing of things.]

Just came back from Swing Club. It was pretty neat. The concepts were easy to grasp and everyone was very friendly (especially the girls, they accepted my poor footwork with very straight faces). I'll probably go again next week (I did pay the membership fee). It's too bad I don't have a partner, I think it's easier to learn if you're dancing with someone who'll get to understand you, or is at least light years ahead of you (and doesn't mind dancing with a neophyte).

Of course, I'll probably forget everything by next week. (But I'm going back anyway.)

There are two things I forgot to mention yesterday. I went by the Cove to see what new games have arrived. Nothing. But I did notice the guy I talked about a few months ago was playing DDR. He was actually playing with both game boards (it's a secret level) hopping from one side to the other. It was kind of scary watching him dance. Well, there was this other guy there who started playing with him after the first guy finished off that level. They immediately went to the hardest level in the game (eight feet!) and proceeded to play. The first guy was doing very well, but the second guy was playing at a more difficult level. The foot arrows disappeared before they reached the top of the screen! Madness! To top it off, he got perfect! (A score of SS!)

Oi.. my little routine would be a little less than spectacular after their outing.

Oh yeah, now I remember why I was down in the Cove. I had gone by the beach volleyball court and didn't see anyone there I recognized so I checked out the Cove to pass the time. Anyway, as we were playing our game, this squadron of Canada geese came honking past us, making such a huge ruckus that I thought they were going to bomb the field. Man, those birds are loud, and when you have a whole flock of them..

That and they really mess up the fields. Geez. But what can you do? (Mmm.. Geese.. *drool*)


[9:01 PM EDT - So you like the new font eh?]

Actually, it seems as if the people are basically indifferent. Eh. The arial's much more compact than comic sans ms, but Laz is right. It's not really like The PIT anymore (although I'm a little wary about his comment about the diaper).. Oh well.. let's see..


[11:57 PM EDT - Playing around with windows.]

Been working at getting these darned windows to work for this new idea I have for the calendar incorporation. You may want to try it out if you want, but if it crashes your system, don't blame me! You've been warned!

It's spitting out way too many windows, but I'll have to work on this later. Need sleep. *yawn*


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:56:05 EDT

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