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[9:27 AM EDT - Wakey! Wakey!]

Hrumph. It seems as if I'm the first one in today. Unquestionably. None of the lights were on, no doors had been opened, and it felt as if I was walking in at nine on a Sunday morning. In fact, the blade down to school felt a little on the quiet side. Not as many people milling around as I expected. Mind you, it is a Thursday, so chances are that most of the students don't actually have classes until later in the day (or not at all), but still..

I got a link from JCC about.. well.. stuff. (Gah! I just deleted what I wrote!! Geez! Is there an undo-undo command?)

Ahem, as I was saying.. This column talks about the impending arrival of Crayon Shin-chan and Japanese television programming. Neither of which I'm an expert at. (In fact, I've seen neither.) But for those of you interested, you can go and check out the Daily Yomiuri On-Line.

Other randoms (as KGL always says).. Hmm.. there have been a few updates since I last checked. KGL has been as cryptic as ever. Every new entry becomes more and more entangled with acronyms and random thought fragments. All she has to do now is talk in l33t speak and she'll lose everyone. Jax is the other one with a late night update. Something about working and agreeing with me.. me! (Wow, how often does that happen?)

Okay, back to work.


[12:19 PM EDT - What's news?]

There's a couple of interesting news tidbits that I found on the ShackNews and ArsTechnica you may be interested in.

Geez! I just forgot about skating! I'll be back.


[1:26 PM EDT - Ten minutes of icetime.]

Well that sucked. I got to the rink with ten minutes to spare, so I barely even had time to warm up before we got kicked off the ice. Remind me to remind myself to write down a reminder to go to the rink every Thursday. That and to remember about swing dancing as well. I think I might forget about that next next week.

I found out that I've been doing something wrong with my fits for the past couple of months. Argh! Two months of work down the drain. How crappy is that? (Another KGLism.)

I should also mention that the comment script still accepts tags, so any people using < and > brackets should use &lt; and &gt; instead.


[3:21 PM EDT - Round pennies.]

What the..? I was checking out my change when I noticed that I had a 2000 penny (as well as the 1967 centennial penny). I was showing it off to weirDo who noticed that it had round edges (not the cornered edges since the mid 1980s). I found that kind of odd, until I looked at a 1998 penny, and it also had round edges! What the hey? When did we go from the twelve-sided pennies back to round pennies?

Onto the topic of the lowly >. I don't mind having >'s floating around, but the more nefarious charatcer is the < as it is the symbol you need to desgnate tags. I like using &gt; myself because if I'm going to be using &lt;, I might as well be consistent no? Besides, the highlighting in vim tends to freak out when it sees a lone >.


[5:32 PM EDT - Half-Life update.]

The new updates for Half-Life and Counter-Strike have been up for the past couple of hours now. I've got my copies sitting on my drive and I'm just itching to try it out. Must resist urge to play while people are around.. must resist urge.. must.. eat..

*munch* *munch* *munch*

Get your update (you can find it mirrored virtually anywhere) today!


[9:03 PM EDT - More, yet less.]

Spent the past couple of hours hacking around with the new Counter-Strike beta as well as FFVIII. I can see the visual differences with the new Counter-Strike, but I'm finding netplay much slower. FFVIII has still been pretty good, in it's special Final Fantasyish ways.

Also, it seems as if FlyingS may be thinking of updating his page more frequently.. Ooh! Does that mean that another journalesque site to add to the list? Only time will tell. Tune in next time to find out! *flourish*

I widthdrew some money from my American account for the trip down south next week. What I found interesting was that in the previous two years, I had taken my money out on the ninth of June. Had I waited one more day (which was what I was going to do) it would've made it three times in a row. That would've been a weird coincidence..

As I should actually get home before midnight sometime this week and make myself some real (or at least pseudoreal) dinner. That means that I'm going to be going now. Yes, I'll be home the same day I went to school. Ain't that impressive?

You don't have to comment about that. In any case, I'm going home.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:36:05 EDT

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David T. Wolf (From The Quotations Page.)