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[9:51 AM EDT - Forgot.]

Hmm.. I never got around to mentioning that I bumped into ALee in the hallway yesterday. It was lab cleanout day yesterday and we threw out quite a bit of junk. After a while, we went out to see if they had come to pick up our stuff, and we saw that they were in the middle of actually doing that. Looking around, I recognized ALee! Apparently he's working for Chem Stores. Interesting.. as I was talking to him, RB wandered by! What the heck? What was RB doing here? But the kid wasn't hanging around, looked like in a real rush or something.

I didn't blade to school yesterday because the weather looked wet, and my fears were justified when it started raining on me on the way to school. It wasn't real rain mind you, it was more of a drizzle which ended pretty quickly. The rest of the day was actually very nice and warm, so I was kicking myself for not bringing my blades.

On the other hand, I bladed to school this morning. As I left the house, I felt a dull pain on my left inner ankle. It seems as if I have a bruise there. I must've gotten it from broomball, but I never noticed it until now. The bruise is just above my shoe, so it shouldn't bother me much. Unfortunately, this means that I probably won't be able to go skating today. My blades are fairly well padded, but my skates are not. I've skated with a bruise on my ankle before, and the pain was excruciating! I might try.. but I doubt it. This means that I won't be skating until.. next next week! Doh.

At the little gettogether last night, Riston and PG turned the conversation way over to the raunchy side (Riston especially). Some of his jokes were.. well, I wonder how many people wre listening into our conversation?

At one point in the conversation, attention was turned towards my eventual departure. SDS piped up,

"I guess we won't be seeing any more crazy East Asian girls."

Eh, eh, eh..

[1 Comment]

[10:35 AM EDT - Niagara detour.]

Last Thursday, I was in a rush to get back to Waterloo for my convocation on Friday. I had already warned people that I was going to be leaving early and would drive anyone else who was interested in going back. Yoshi told me that Atsuko wanted to go to Niagara Falls, and figuring that the detour was fairly small, I thought it was alright. A number of other people game with us, to round out our numbers in the (big) van. There was some sort of meeting during one of the breaks to figure out what to do and when to leave, but I was in the middle of a discussion with one of the speakers so I wasn't able to go. I assumed everything would be ironed out in my absence.

So, the time to leave approached. RJL wanted to stay until the last talk, so I expected to leave around six. This would mean that we'd arrive in Waterloo at around one in the morning. Six o'clock rolled around, and he hadn't shown up. After a few minutes, we sent a couple of people to search for him. Thirty minutes later, we had all finally gathered at the van. That's when we realized that we didn't have a map. It was in the other van. Doh. Yoshi was supposed to pick it up when he got his stuff (as the apparently discussed in the meeting) but he apparently forgot. No problem, a few of us were dispatched to comb the campus to look for JH who had the keys. I think it was around this time that KAT suggested to Yoshi that he go and make a hotel reservation in Niagara Falls before we left. We waited a little longer. Another thirty minutes passed before JH wandered down to the front doors wondering why we hadn't left yet. I was just happy that they had found him, except that our search parties didn't find him. Apparently, he was sleeping in his room and just happened to wander down, which meant that the people who we sent out to look for him won't be finding him! Ahh!

At least we got the map. We waited around for another thirty minutes or so before everyone arrived back at the van. Then we finally left. Okay, this meant that our ETA in Waterloo has been pushed back to.. two-thirty. That's not too bad. It won't give me much time to sleep, but I wasn't expecting to make it to work that day.

I took the wheel first and we made very good time (I was going around 150 kph) before we stopped to eat at a Perkin's Family Restaurant near Mansfield. We switched drivers and continued driving towards Cleveland. Watching the sun as it set to our left was a very nice sight. The wisps of clouds made the sun's descent more noticeable, and accentuated the various hues of twilight as the sky slowly darkened.

Before we passed Erie (Pennsylvania) we hit a massive traffic jam. Cars were at a standstill and we had no idea what the heck was going on, nor how long this was going to last. Being a passenger at that time, I had the luxury of taking a nap, and when I was concious, I could look around to examine the faces of some of the other kindred souls who were trapped in this growing crucible. One car in particular had a female driver and was full of kids in their teens/early twenties. The driver looked at me so I waved, and she (and the rest of the people in her car for that matter) started laughing. *shrug*

It took us over an hour before we reached the bottleneck. The highway was reduced from three lanes to a single late, detoured off through one of the exits, and then routed back to the highway. As we were going up the ramp of the exit, we saw that there were machines taking apart the bridge that spanned over the highway. That would explain why they closed down the highway and diverted traffic though this tiny detour. We eventually got back on the highway and continued our journey.

The ETA was pushed back to sometime after three-thirty now, and I was getting awfully annoyed. I took over the wheel after we passed Erie, and we had no problems as we passed through Buffalo, Niagara Falls (NY), and passed over the Peace Bridge.

We had entered Niagara Falls (Ontario) and it was not time to look for the hotel that Yoshi reserved a room from. It was called the Holiday Inn by the Falls, and he was told that you can find it by heading towards the tower (Skytower? I can't remember.). As we drove down the parkway, we passed by quite a number of motels and inns which seemed to have vacancies. Actually, just about all of the lodging establishments seemed to have some sort of space available, and there were a lot of them.

I headed towards the Skytower as I was told to do, but we couldn't find the hotel. Speak of finding a needle in a haystack. We cut through downtown Niagara Falls, and the place looked rather lively. Lights and people left, right and centre, and it was already quarter to two in the morning! We decided to backtrack and came across some sort of dispute where there were police all around but no sign of a car accident (it was clear just a moment before). In the end, we stopped and asked for directions (at another hotel no less). Even with the directions given, we passed by the hotel without seeing it, and had to retrace our steps.

In the end, it took us forty-five minutes to find the darned Holiday Inn by the Falls, and it was already two-thirty. The rest of the trip after that was fairly uneventful. I was also concentrating on driving (and trying not to fall asleep) so I didn't notice (nor remember) too much. I do remember looking up in the sky and marvelling how cool the full moon looked against the black backdrop of the night sky. Around the moon was a ring of clouds that formed a bizarre glowing halo that pulled my eyes off the road for minutes at a time. Had I not been driving, I would've tried to take a number of pictures of this sight.

The final kick in the behind was arriving in Kitchener. The ramp onto highway 86 from highway 8 was blocked. Detouring around the highway, we found (to our dismay) that the ramp onto the highway was also blocked from Ottawa street. In the end, we took some of the side streets back to the university. I eventually arrived back at my house around half-past-four. The birds were singing, and the faint blue hue in the sky heralded the approaching dawn. I went to sleep.


[11:59 AM EDT - New tie.]

Oh yeah, did I mention that I got a new tie from girl? It's a bright metallic blue, and goes fairly well with my black suit.

I also have a mention of my bills being messed up on that Friday.. but I have no idea what that means. Ah well.

Oh wait! Future Trek is next week! Holy crap! I really should start (re)packing!


[1:13 PM EDT - Belated.]

I forgot to mention that it was girl's birthday on Tuesday! Oops! Everyone should wish her a happy.. er.. year!


[1:53 PM EDT - 8 ball.]

Got a link from HaremPresident to a page where someone dissected an 8 ball..

[1 Comment]

[7:54 PM EDT - Whoa..]

Been making changes here and there, and tried out some new tricks. What I want to try out is the new way of compressing the calendar a bit. You can click on the link on the second nav bar, or if you're lazy, you can check it out here.

I've played around with some popup windows with one of the calendar links. See if you can find it!


[9:53 PM EDT - Getting dark..]

I should be heading off now, food's a callin, and I've played too much FFVIII already. *looks over at the computer* But.. maybe one more hour.. *looks over at the computer again*

No! *tears eyes away* Must.. resist.. *looks back* but.. it's so.. tempting.. *looks away* No!! Must.. get.. out..

*drags himself out of room*


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:40:33 EDT

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