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[12:31 AM EDT - Markham.]

Well, here I am in Markham. I made it in one piece I guess. Never really liked these natural keyboards. I have to learn how to type properly!

Anyway, as I was saying. I'm here in Markham. After a bit of thinking, I decided to come to Toronto with Growly. I had thought of staying in Waterloo for the weekend to do some chores and such (I also have a broomball game later today) but I figured that these sorts of things don't come too often so I jumped on the opportunity.

After reading through some of the appendicies in The Return of the King, Growly showed up and picked Werdna and I up. We went to watch a martial arts tournament and eventually went out to the Queen Mother Café. Don't let the name fool you. It's a Thai restaurant. The food was okay, but not my cup of tea.

I ended up meeting quite a number of Growly's kin and friends, who were all very friendly and sociable (much like Growly in fact). Well, as we left the restaurant, we were waylaid by this African guy who came up to us saying how he didn't like us. Growly, ever the ambassador, tried to defuse the situation, and the guy said that Growly didn't let him finish, and said something about us guys being with all these girls (I really can't remember, Growly or Laz may remember more). Actually, this story is probably recalled better by Growly.. *looks at the comments*

I was going to spend today clearing out my notebook and writing down a proper recount of my trip back from Columbus. I also wanted to explain that I haven't been all to concious of late and my entries haven't been very coherent. But anyway, I guess I'll have to leave that till later.

Updatewise, Jax has a short thing on the math convocation and more pages from her trip, Tiffy has some thoughts about the events of last year, while KGL has a great quote from Laz.

I should relinquish control of the computer now and join the party. *listens to the gasps and cheering in the background* Let's see if I can make it back to Waterloo in time for broomball..


[6:42 AM EDT - Early.]

What am I doing up so early in the morning? Actually, I just never went to sleep! We karaoked and DoA2ed the night away, and now sunlight can be seen streaming from the upstairs windows (we're in the basement). Geez, I really put my internal clock out of whack these past couple of days. I hope it won't kill me in the long run.

Hmm.. Laz has an update while AgentP added some descriptions to his page.


[11:19 AM EDT - Later.]


Took a short nap (about three hours). We need to eat now before we go back to Waterloo. Geez, I think I need to go to bed once I get back!


[11:41 AM EDT - Refreshed.]

I've cleaned up a bit, but now I'm waiting for other people to finish waking up. While I'm doing that I can comment on some stuff. First of all, a lot more happened last night that I probably hinted at, but I'm getting worse and worse at chronicling all of the events as the time that I go to sleep creeps later and later into the morning. I said that I wasn't particularly fond of the food from last night, but it wasn't bad I guess. The dish I got was a little hotter than I like (drained a dozen or so tumblers of water). Everyone else seemed to enjoy the food.

Something more important that I didn't mention last night was something I found out about Growly. I think I was the last person in the group to find out. The first time I noticed something amiss was whem SJ started asking Laz if he noticed something about Growly. He obviously didn't know from his (rather off-the-wall) answers, so she took him aside to talk (and I couldn't listen in). Later, at the dinner, one of the girls blurted out something, and SJ told her

"Growly's friends don't know that!"

Huh? What? Know what?!? But their lips were sealed, even though everyone else but I heard the comment (stupid deaf ears). I did find out about it about an hour later when someone else congratulated Growly. Curious, I asked her why, and she answered (finally an answer!). Whoa.. that was a shock.

*thinks back to that moment*

Whoa. (Keannu style.)

Well, I can hear someone playing on the Dreamcast it seems (more Dead or Alive 2?) so I think I'm going to go and see what's going on!


[5:19 PM EDT - Forfeit.]

Howdy! I'm back in Waterloo. After a nice lunch at the Fox & Fiddle, we headed back around three. Seeing as my game was at four, I didn't have very high hopes on making it on time. It didn't help that we hit two rather large congestions on the highway on the way there. Figuring that I probably wouldn't make it, I took a nap in the car. The next concious moment had me opening my eyes, and seeing the Waterloo population sign through the window. Looking at my watch, I saw that it was only quarter after four. I could make it for the second half of the game! Yeah!

After being dropped off at the school, I walked over to the CIF where I noticed that the rink was rather.. empty. Actually, there was a team on the ice, but only one. I recognized my team on the ice and I wondered what the heck was going on. Stripes told me that the other team forfeited. No way! So I didn't have to rush huh? (We apparently lost the game that I missed on Wednesday, 1-0.) Ah well, at least I got to talk to the team. They were in high spirits, and with this (well deserved IMNSHO) win, we have a good chance at being in fifth, which puts us away from the big two teams in the playoffs (for the time being at least). We'll see.


[5:37 PM EDT - Alarming.]

While I was in the middle of cleaning up my accounting, this security guy (with a big grin on his face) walks up to the door to the office and says

"Hi, howya doin?"

It didn't take long for me to realize something.

"I didn't turn off the alarm did I?"

To which the (nearly) obvious answer was

"Nope, you didn't."

Doh. So I went and turned off the alarm. Geez, I can't believe that I forgot!


[10:40 PM EDT - Hometime.]

Time for me to get going. I'm surprised I was able to pull myself away from my computer today. Maybe it's because I'm so darned tired.. Anyway, Laz has an update with quite a number of pictures. I think I'll only keep a couple of them. Sparky and Tiffi also have updates, although Sparky's update was written by someone else (Tony I believe). I haven't read them, I'll get around to them, but my stomach is starting to complain. Must obey stomach..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:24:10 EDT

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