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[10:10 AM EDT - Back in time.]

'Back to the Future' was on again last night. What a classic. I really should get a copy of the movie at some point in time. Probably a DVD version.

So, in twenty-four hours, I should be on my way to Ottawa. Ain't this exciting? Well actually, I'm wondering how the heck I'm going to get up tomorrow. Eh.


[11:51 AM EDT - Minibosses.]

I've finally gone and checked to see what the Minibosses was all about. Wow, I can't believe that they actually converted some of those old game classics into "real" songs. My favorite is Contra if only because it brings back fond memories (of staying up till the wee hours in the morning blowing away aliens with your spread fire).


[2:56 PM EDT - Speed racer.]

Does anyone want to buy a fully functioning Mach 5? Soem people seem to. I got that link from HaremPresident.


[4:32 PM EDT - Nothin but updates.]

Hmm.. I've been surfin, but I haven't been updatin. Let's see, KGL's been having fun with her dragonboat racing, while Laz fell off his bike, and is going to be upgrading his computer! *temptation setting in* No.. No.. Must resist urge to buy computer parts.. Will not.. buy 550E and overclock.. Will not.. buy Dixon.. must.. Erk.

*jostling ensues*

Ahh.. *straightens collar* Feeling much better now. Now where was I?

Oh yes, I have been repeatedly tempted to upgrade my system over the past couple of months, seeing how RAM prices have gone back up and how new processors are coming out left right and centre. But.. why bother? I don't need the extra speed/power/performance ATM. All the games that I'm playing now don't need any extra oomph, and the only game which I can't play decently (Ultima: Ascension) I can leave on the back burner for the next little while.

What I might want to get actually is a.. no.. NO! Must stop thinking of this. Cannot.. resist.. urge.. forever.

Yeah. Ahem. I don't need anything ATM (but maybe a CR-RW.. Ah! Will.. stop..).

Anyway, back to the updates, Sparky has a story about how a rotten day became a very happy day just from a little thing that Tony did, while Tiffi talks about her relatives (and has some pictures up to boot!).

Oh yeah, Jax also had a good time shopping, prancing around in boxers, and ready to watch Iron Chef. Speaking of which, Iron Chef New York Battle should be premiering tomorrow night! I just also found out that IronChef.com got shut down by a cease and desist letter from FujiTV. I think that's kind of sad that someone who put time and effort to promote the show and keep people informed on what's going on was shut down. Of course, I think this happens all the time, which is sad actually. Anyway, here's another site that hopefully won't be shut down.


[5:15 PM EDT - Iron chef.]

What the.. I did some digging and found out that the Iron Chef New York Battle already premiered on the Food Network last weekend! Sucky. I wonder why weirDo told me that it was tomorrow night? Perhaps it's being shown on another station? *shrug* Someone might want to help me out here.


[7:23 PM EDT - Why am I still here?]

I should be going home to eat, finish packing and get some sleep so I can actually get up before six tomorrow morning. But what am I doing? Surfing. Oh good. This is a hard habit to break. Actually, I found out that MJO has updated his page with some sort of story about Half-Life and a flat duck. He's also changed the description for the link to The PIT (I like that cold war comment) and.. uh.. that's about it I think.


[7:55 PM EDT - I'm goin, I'm goin..]

It's time for me to get going. I don't know if I'll be able to update my page for the next week, but we'll see. We should have internet access while we're there. How busy it will be is another question but.. eh, it's not my worry. Ciao!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:37:09 EDT

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Frank Leahy (From The Quotations Page.)