Hrumph. Found out another bug with the comment script. Man, I really should start using both browsers more often.
girl gave me a set of Wallace and Grommet tapes for my birthday. Aww. I've already seen one of them, but I hadn't seen 'A Close Shave' or 'The Wrong Trousers' before.
Nothing much else to say but I was taken to see girl's seefu to take a look at my foot. Apparently I have to stay here another day so that they can do stuff to it. Yippee. Now what the heck am I going to do for the rest of the day?
I found out that the scanner here is FUBARed, so I can't do much of they way in scanning those pictures that were developed a couple of weeks ago. (You guys will just have to wait.)
I guess I should go and reply to that e-mail that's been piling up lately..
With nothing better to do (apart from respond to e-mail) I've finally added a little descriptive paragraph to the two pictures I put up last month. I also should update my list of cgi scripts, but I'm still in the process of changing them so I may hold off on them until I get back.
Also, I'm wondering what a good colour would be for the comments section. I'm using grey ATM, but.. I dunno..
I've added the Canada Day entry to the Journal and hopefully I'll be putting up the final (foot injury) entry up soon.
Monday, July 10, 2000 at 12:49:15 (UTC)
Hahaha! Finally, I know when your birthday is!
Of course, this means that anything I send you will be late.
(The grey doesn't look bad, BTW.)