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[12:08 PM EDT - Problems.]

It seems as if my shuffling has broken quite a number of links and made quite a number of people scratch their heads. *rubs chin* I could put those old scripts back up just to point to the new ones.. (It would be annoying, but convenient I guess.)

I'll have to look into it.


[1:25 PM EDT - Other news..]

So I went out to Dooley's yesterday with the Stallions. They had one the Spirit of Competition award and got a couple of free hours to play pool at Dooley's, a free T-shirt, a certificate, and a gift certificate at Angie's Kitchen. Since I was a part of the team (not officially this term - I played for Wet Cement), they invited me out to play pool with them and then out to our usual end-of-term broomball gathering afterward. So I went, and I found out how bad I was at using the cue, and overall had a good time. I didn't get a shirt, or certificate mind you, they were only given enough for the players who were registered on the team, but the free pool was fine by me. I was also asked about three or four times (from different people) throughout the night about my limp.

We went to Wall's place for dinner and movie. We had pizza for food and watched 'Slapshot'. It was.. interesting. Wall also gave me some advice about handling my foot injury. I should go out and start looking up some sports medicine books..

We also went over some design ideas for a possible team jersey (which was had been talking about for over a year now). I think we came to a general concensus about the main logo and format of the jersey. Now all we have to find out is the price..

I found out today (in an e-mail) that there was a bachelor party being held this weekend for DeeL. Argh! I wasn't planning on going back this weekend, but.. *paces back and forth*

Hey, how often does that happen? Besides, they're planning on going to Hooters and Sega City! (I've never been to Hooters before, I wonder what it's like?) I don't expect it to get all too rowdy, these guys are not exactly the lecherous type (from what I've seen). Oh well, it should be good. Hopefully, my foot would've healed enough that I won't get any more "What happened to you?" questions. (Been thinking of wearing a "I got run over by a vehicle." shirt..)

My other broomball team, Wet Cement, won the rusty whistle award. We get free pizza at, you guessed it, Dooley's tonight. That'll be twice in as many days, which triples the number of times that I've been there! Crazy. I still have those Dooley's coupons sitting on my shelf still. I wonder if they're still good..


[1:44 PM EDT - Shields up!]

Man, that would be great to say huh? Anyway, there was a link I found out at ArsTechnica that cold plasma can be used as shielding or possibly as a cloaking mechanism. Interesting idea. How effective will it be? No idea.


[2:02 PM EDT - No solutions?]

It's been two days, and I still haven't seen any solutions to the two problems that I posted on Monday. What? Is everyone stumped?

[1 Comment]

[5:02 PM EDT - Leaving.]

So it seems as if at least one person is working on the problems that I posed on Monday. That's a good sign. Anyway, I should get going. I'm being picked up around quarter after, and due to my injury, I expect it to take me fifteen minutes to make it over to the pick-up zone.. *looks at watch* Doh!

Anyway, I've been changing the Journal index file a bit, but I'm not finished. I hope to complete the changes by tomorrow. Yay. Must get going.. *hobbles off*


[9:43 PM EDT - Returning.]

Came back from dinner at East Side Mario's. We were given free pizza at Dooley's, but it wasn't enough to satiate us, so most of us (after our free hour or so of pool) headed out for some extra sustenance. We had a pretty good time. Some of us won't be here next term unfortunately. Hopefully they'll be enough people around next term for a team.

Pagewise, I've finished fixing up the index, and I should start working on that preview script. Gah, I think I know how I want to do it. I also know that it's going to be tedious. Ugh.

Anyway, I'll get back to work.


[11:45 PM EDT - Preview.]

Yay! It seems as if the comment preview script is up and running. Now the question is how many bugs it's hiding. In any case, I should head back home. I'm pooped!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:39:16 EDT

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