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[1:48 PM EDT - Simcoe Day.]

Today is a civic holiday, or for Torontonians (and those in the area, it's known as Simcoe Day.

It's funny that I made it to school nearly as early as I would normally have come in on a normal weekday.. well.. maybe not "normal". But basically arriving this late wouldn't be that surprising for the other people working here. Maybe that's not a good thing actually.

The weekend was quite packed with events. Well, with one event, while all other things were sort of associated with it. I've got things written down, but right now I should go and see what's going on in the world.

Oh, I did actually hear some things. First of all, Alec Guinness (the man with "Genuine Class") died on Saturday. I only knew him for his role as Obi Wan, but he has had quite a prolific acting career.

Also, my mom asked me if DH went to the wedding. Well, she didn't. But, why ask about DH? I found that.. eerily odd.

[1 Comment]

[2:42 PM EDT - I can't dance.]

This morning, I went to see girl's sifu to take another look at the foot. I shouldn't have gone onto the dance floor last night. I think I added another week to the healing time, but come on, we had to go and represent our group out there right? Besides, if DeeL got up to dance..

I've got one more day to write up about. (The wedding itself.) But I think I'll take a little break for now.


[4:23 PM EDT - New problem.]

Without any solutions to the two problems I posted a couple of weeks ago, I'm going to put up another math teaser. It's pretty stupid actually, but it should be short. Simplify:

(x - a) (x - b) (x - c) ... (x - z)

Do you guys remember Pascal's triangle?

[1 Comment]

[4:41 PM EDT - Marriage thoughts.]

With DeeL being married and all.. *shakes head* Man, he's married! You know, I don't think I'll get over that. Actually, I was surprised that he got had a girlfriend for so long (without me hearing about it). What surprised me more was how early he was getting married. Well, maybe not. Well, I guess I'm a little biased, since I (basically) just came out of school, and DeeL's been out of school for at least..


Waitaminute! He's still IN school! *bangs fist on table* What is this world coming to?!? It's madness, MADNESS I say! (To quote your friendly neighborhood Laz.)

But all kidding aside, I think they'll be a fine couple. I can't foresee any problems, and they should have fun and be happy together. (Wait until the kids come along.. heh.)

On another note, Jax and Tiffi both have updates up. Tiffi's discovered The Sims (which Jax was addicted to for 48 hours - and I mean the WHOLE 48 hours - Okay, okay, I jest, but it sure seemed like it from those entries..), and, to my surprise, something interesting happened.. Details pending.


[5:43 PM EDT - The crush.]

Hmm, I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised when Stonaday didn't know that I had a crush on Madelaine for so long. I wonder though, since I know some other people didn't know about my other crushes (although I know that Laz and Growly know about one crush), whether or not these things are obvious or not. I mean, for the person who the crush was directed at, and now I'm talking in general, would they notice? I know that some are more obvious than others, and I'm starting to make absolutely no sense. Hmm, let me recollect my thoughts. *grabs a dust buster*

*after much busting of dust - and thoughts*

Okay, let's consider this guy. Let's say this guy has a crush on this girl. Let's say that his friends notice that he has this crush on this girl, but the girl herself is completely oblivious to this fact. It sounds like some really cheesy teenage soapy television story, but I think it happens quite a lot.

Now most of you out there have have a steady relationship.. *checks out readership list* What the.. am I the only single person out there or something? Yeesh!

<- dying breed.

Okay, I'm going off topic, but I've always wondered if the girl(s) I had a crush on knew about it or not. I'm thinking.. no. But that's only from my point of view. I think everyone else must've had a crush at some point in time, but did you ever think that the person you had a crush on knew about it? (Probably not huh?) Did your friends know about it? Did the person you had a crush on find out about it after the fact? Did you know of anyone who had a crush on you? Were you told about a crush after the fact? Are crushes things you only get when you're young (and stupid), or do you still get them throughout you life? And where the heck did the term "crush" come from anyway?


[7:27 PM EDT - Okay.]

Gotta go. Will be back tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:25:13 EDT

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"Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity."

Frank Leahy (From The Quotations Page.)