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[10:26 AM EDT - Noises.]

I went to bed a little later than I planned last night. I also ate a little later than I had planned last night. Both of these factors may have contributed to the noises that I heard last night. I can barely remember what those sounds were, but I do remember that it sounded as if something moderately large was shuffling around the house, moving objects and making a racket in general. I knew it couldn't have been Werdna because he was asleep already, and nobody else was home. It could've been noises from outside of the house, since I had left my window open. But I'm pretty sure that the noises came from up in the attic. I thought maybe we had a rat infestation? Maybe a cat infestation? I dunno, this is the first time I heard these noises, so it just might be the sounds of my dinner being digested, bounced off the ceiling, and back to me. Odd.

Speaking of rats, or their cousins at least, as I was crossing the tracks to school this morning, I noticed out of the corner of my eye a rock that rolled up to the curb. *blink* Err.. but there wasn't any wind! I took another look, and I saw the vegetation that was growing out of the crack between the road and the curb rustle, as if some creature was plowing through the weeds. My question was answered when I saw this tiny little mouse (or mouse sized equivalent rodent that looked like a mouse) climb up the curb and dash across the sidewalk (into the rock supports under the bridge). Man, those critters move fast! I took a closer look and I saw the mouse peeking out one of the holes in the rocks. Aww, ain't that cute? Then it scurried away deeper into the rock formation. Aww.

Hmm.. I think I just made it to school on time, it's starting to rain now. Actually, it's also lightninging and thundering as well! Ooh! Ahh! *watches light show* Hmm.. maybe I should save this soon..


[5:25 PM EDT - Goin' to the chapel..]

Well, it sure seems like the time of life for people to get married! I got word that another twenty-something person (name withheld for now) was going to get married next year! Good lord! People are getting hitched left, right, and centre! *cowers in fear*

The weather outside is still wet. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it home dry. Hmm. In any case, I actually spent time today doing work. Yes, I was working. You know, being productive? Kind of scary isn't it? I'm playing around with my old program trying to make it a bit more resource friendly and eventually make it a bit more easily modifiable. It'll take some time, but I think I'll get there before I leave.

Apart from that, there are two interesting stories that I found today. One I found on ArsTechnica was about how some researchers are thinking of embedding bacteria into microchips to make biochips. The other story is from the ShackNews and it's about the one hundred million dollars that Square is going to sink into the upcoming Final Fantasy movie. Ouch. This is going to be cool..


[6:29 PM EDT - Not all news is good.]

I got word that I may have to search for a place to put this page sooner than I thought. Apparently, since the money used to buy the machine that is currently hosting my page is from a research council, no non-research related accounts should be allowed to be on this machine. This would of course include hosting non-research related homepages. Sucky. I guess it's high time that I finally got around to learning Linux huh?


[8:59 PM EDT - Progress.]

Hmm.. it seems as if the changes I've made to my program haven't broken it yet. That's a good sign. I plan to make more drastic modifications tomorrow so the bug demon can still hit me then.

I checked out Growly's new site at the curiouscharacter.com and I think (if I can remember correctly) that he's put up the quotes fairly recently (recently being in the last month or so). Can anyone else hazard a guess?

While I'm talking about homepages, KGL's the only one to have gotten around to playing around with that homepage. I've already given up trying to understand what the heck she's talking about, but it's always interesting to see some names popping up now and again..

Speaking of KGL, when I first saw her name, I thought it was pronounced like a word that looked similar to it. It wasn't until I talked to TY during the Ride for Heart thing when I realized that it makes more sense to pronounce it by a different word. *blink* Okay, to some of you, it makes perfect sense. The rest of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, well.. uhh.. yeah.


[9:15 PM EDT - Nectarines.]

I've got some nectarines which I got when I went home last weekend. I've been going through them pretty slowly and I've given most of them away. When my dad asked me if I wanted some, I thought he said "tangerine", so when I looked into the bag once I got back, I was asking myself,

"What the heck am I doing with all these peaches?"

*blink* Doh!

So I need to get my hearing checked again. Won't be the first time. *munch* Eh, they're not that bad. *munch*

[1 Comment]

[9:32 PM EDT - Time to go.]

I think it's time for me to head out now. That nectarine wasn't all too filling and my stomach's complaining again. I forgot to brink my disks to school to back up my system, and I forgot to type up some stuff. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:45:54 EDT

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Aaron McGruder (From The Quotations Page.)