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[1:29 AM EDT - Rub-a-dub-dub, my foot in a tub.]

So here I am soaking my foot in this herbal extract with nothing much else to do. (Except play Diablo 2.) Nightmare is pretty tough, I wonder how bad Hell will be..

So I walked home tonight. This was the first time I walked home from school with my bad foot (I lucked out with rides the other two times I went to school). It was long and.. long. Yeesh, I can't wait until my foot heals. It was pretty cold tonight, it was actually quite chilly on the way to school, so I was a little worried that it might be cold on the way back. I usually don't have too much of a problem with cold weather because I tend to walk quickly, generating enough excess heat that I stay warm on the way back to the house. Hobbling with a crutch doesn't seem to require much energy, but I was surprised at how tiring it is. Instead of spreading out the work between the two legs, most of the work is done by only one leg while the arm splits some of the work with the other leg. *rubs sore shoulder*

In the end, you use up as much energy (if not more) hobbling around as you do walking, and I had no problem with the cold. It was just so slow.. It's not that bad right now knowing that I'll heal overtime and this will be behind me, but when old age begins to set in, I'll slow down and know that there's no speeding up again.. how agonizing.

You know, with this injury, little treks like walking across the building have turned into grand journeys, taking more time to do now than it did for me to walk home (okay, I exaggerate but still!). Man is it ever annoying.

One more thing before I go back to dunking my foot, I was reading up on Jax's EuroAsia trip memoirs and thought the Filipina maid thing was interesting. I knew someone's mom who was mistaken as a maid while she was visiting Hong Kong. Hmm.. I wonder if that stereotype is localized to the Hong Kong area?


[1:02 PM EDT - Plus jacket.]

After last night's cold trek, I decided to bring along a jacket. Oi, it was any hotter I would've collapsed from heat stroke.

During lunch, Dusty and RHS asked about throwing the disc around, and considering my condition, I had to turn down their offer. I don't know why they suggested it if they weren't going to go out themselves, but I guess I was one of the bigger driving forces for getting outside and running around, and without my incentive, they probably don't have any will to go out and have fun. (Work, work, work.. that's all they ever do.)


[3:25 PM EDT - Cat scan.]

I've finally scanned in that picture of the cat-for-the-day. I don't have a descriptive paragraph for it yet, but you can check it out in the pictures section.

Also, Apple has made an announcement of "something cool" on their page. You may want to check it out for yourself. (Yeah, it's pretty cool, but too rich for my blood.)


[6:17 PM EDT - Where there's smoke..]

Around half-past five, I heard a muffled sound of a very loud buzzer in my office. It sounded the same as the fire alarm that went off a couple of months ago. I figured that it was another false alarm, or another test, so I didn't pay too much attention to it (besides, I was trying to watch 405). A few minutes later, I was told by one of the profs that there was a fire going on in C2 and since we were adjacent to the building, we had to evacuate as well. Oh goody. So I spent the better part of the next five minutes making my way down the stairs and out the doors. I listened around to find out what was going on, and apparently the fire broke out in one of the third floor labs in the chemistry building. I stayed outside (along with all the people that were left in the chemistry building) while the fire crews came by to assess the damage. A number of them entered the building while the backup crew hovered near our position. We later heard some chatter about one of the chemical bottles had blown up, and that it was an unknown substance. Don't you just love having fires in chemistry buildings?

We waited out there for another half-an-hour before the firefighters came out. Apparently, it was mostly fumes and smoke and that there wasn't a real fire. That was good news since they didn't have to hose down the area (which would've meant that everything in that area - and all of the floors below - would've been flooded). Anyway, we had to wait a bit longer for the fumes to dissipate before being allowed back into the building, and here I am.

Oh yeah, C|Net bought out Ziff Davis. (As heard from ArsTechnica.)

[1 Comment]

[9:17 PM EDT - What a nice sunset.]

I'm just looking out the window right now enjoying the view. I should be heading..

Holy crap! A blast from the past just walked into my office just now. One of our old graduate students just came by to visit. Actually, he came by to visit because he'll be here for a couple of months to do research. Wow.. that's freaky.

I wonder what it'll be like with him around. *thinks* Probably not much different. The guy's pretty quiet.

Anyway, as I was saying, I should get going now. I ate lunch a little early today, and my stomach is going to have a riot soon. I found out that RHS has programs that could help me get rid of the white noise on some of the MP3's I made, one of which I'm planning to put up for those of you who are interested in that Eine Kleine Nauchtmusik thing I was talking about before.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:39:16 EDT

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David T. Wolf (From The Quotations Page.)