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[12:08 AM EDT - Yeah, it's not really a new day but..]

Time for me to go. Hope I don't freeze my butt on the way home (didn't bring my jacket today.) *yawn*


[10:59 AM EDT - The REAL first entry.]

I got home without incident last night. It wasn't that cold out there so I didn't freeze off any limbs. Once I got home, I was a little surprised to see that the door to my room was closed (I never close the door unless I'm sleeping). Odd. Peeking into Werdna's room (who was up at that ungodly hour) I saw something that didn't belong in there.

*cue ominous music*

It was a cat. We have a cat in the house. Oh no, no.. I don't have any problems with having a cat in the house, but let me continue. A couple of days back, HNT asked me if I ever saw a kitten roaming around the neighborhood. I told him that I saw a cat a couple of times (one time where it dissed me), but no kitten. He told this story of how this kitten basically walked into our house and roamed around, doing this and that. It was quite bizarre actually, I never thought cats were that curious. But anyway, I walked into Werdna's room and asked if that was the cat HNT was talking about. Apparently it was. Taking a closer look, I realized it was the same cat that dissed me last month!! What the hey?

Seems like nobody in our neighborhood's claiming the cat, and it doesn't have any sort of identification (except maybe a microchip which we still have to check out). Werdna was thinking of keeping it, although I think the cat seems awfully tame not to have belonged to someone already. Mind you, it looks a little thin, so I don't think it's been eating much for the past few days, but still..

I'm going to take a picture of it sometime today, if I remember to bring along my camera that is. So if any of you living near me see any "lost cat" posters, give me a shout and I'll see if we can find the true owners of this stray. (Either that or we have another mouth to feed in the house.) If we do keep the cat, I guess I'm going to have to start keeping my door closed. The darned cat went through my entire room looking at things, smelling things, etc. I'm just glad I'm not allergic to cats. Hmm.. I guess this means that a certain person may not want to visit us in the near future..


Over the spring months in 2000, there was this cat that seemed to be wandering around in our neighborhood. I had come across the little feline a couple of times and it wasn't all too friendly. One day, it had wandered into our house and HNT (who affectionally named it Ai-chan) decided to adopt it. So, we had the cat in the house for about a day before HNT's brother thought it was too well groomed to be a stray and believed that the cat actually belonged to someone already. Eventually the cat was kicked out of the house. I wasn't home much during that time but I still had my camera handy, so on the rare moment when I was home with the cat around I took a picture.

That's our cat-for-the-day at the top of the stairs.

Hmm.. I never did get to mention that KGL's got a new update up last night. Well.. she does, so check it out! Laz also has an update and a new keyboard! Hmm.. should I get new stuff for my computer? Nah. I actually wouldn't mind trying out a RAID (Redundant Array of Independant Disks - methinks) system.. but when I have the time and money.

I got word from Jax that there's a new DDR out!

.. there's a new DDR out! At least in Japan! It's called DDR Solo, and there's 2 additional buttons (forward diagonal).

Ooh, so Jax may be getting some practice after all.. I think I should get back on the dance floor.. (or dance pad as the case may be.)

[1 Comment]

[11:54 AM EDT - The eggs weren't bad.]

Had eggs for breakfast. Found out that they were still good despite being warm for a week. I think I should be finishing them off tomorrow sometime. Tried out the last morsel of chocolate brownie (or should I say chocolate rock) which I got during the thing after my defence. It tasted horrible! Must've sucked in all of the horrible smells that were relased when the termperature rose in the fridge because it tasted like fridge, with a touch of chocolate. I quickly disposed of the chocolate rock.

So it seems like most of my food is still okay. Actually, I shouldn't jump to conclusions seeing as I may be spewing out my liver in twelve hours. I'll wait until tomorrow before making any conclusions.

Broomball game today. Hope I don't forget. I"ll be playing for Wet Cement this term. I don't think we'll be winning the championship, but we should have a good season.


[2:32 PM EDT - Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!]

Been playing around with perl libraries.. slowly modularizing my code. We'll see how effective it is, but some of it works already! The fact that you can read this is a testament to that fact.

Anyway, MJO has an interesting question which I was thinking of posing to the world (at least the people who come here). What should we name our cat? That's of course assuming that we'll be keeping the critter. We're still not sure if there's a real owner for the feline. Any ideas?

Now the RAID idea came after finding out that a sixty dollar UDMA/66 controller can be hacked to run as a two hundred dollar RAID controller. I mentioned it a couple of months ago. Anyway, anyone interested in trying it out?


[4:38 PM EDT - Feeling giddy.]

Might as well go to broomball early. It'll take me a while to test out these new library subroutines, and the game starts in around twenty minutes. Besides, I'm getting too giddy to be productive! I'll be back.


[7:50 PM EDT - Not so giddy anymore.]

Getting awfully hungry. The game was pretty good. Not everybody showed up, but enought people were there to give a good fight. The teams were fairly evenly matched and the game ended up being scoreless. It's a good sign right? At least we didn't lose. I expect the games to get harder than this though..

Spent more time building up my libraries. Broke a couple of my scripts and screwed up the counter (had one hit for a while there), but I think things should be back to normal. (Well, as normal it normally was.) I've got quite a bit to work on though, so this will be an ongoing project. (That and the search script which I've left unattended.)

Updates? I think KGL's the only one I see, although don't believe a word she's saying! She's not fat!! Lies! All lies!!

I should go get some milk today. Haven't had any milk all week. Me bones are feelin' a wee bit brittle. Besides, I don't have anything to drink with my meals (except for water that is).


[8:16 PM EDT - I'm going! I'm going!]

Yes, yes, I'm heading out now. How easilly I get distracted by the smallest of things. Anyhoo, till tomorrow then.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:41:20 EDT

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