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[10:36 AM EDT - Sunny.. for now.]

It rained pretty hard last night. I heard the thunder and saw the flashes of lightning (which is freaky when your eyes are closed). There were still lots of puddles from last night's downpour which I had to be careful around (if I didn't want to get my blades wet). There are showers forecasted for tonight. Hope I can make it back before then (although I do have a broomball game..)

It seems as it's official. We've got a new fridge. It's a bit smaller than the other one, and it's still on the other side of the kitchen, and it also is leaking. What it's leaking, I'm not sure, but it looks dark. (Werdna thought it was blood, it's probably something else.) So I better tell Dusty to pick up his bar fridge. I don't know.. maybe I should keep it around just incase..

On the way back home, I saw this cop car burning down the street in the opposite direction I was travelling. The lights were flashing and the siren was.. silent. An odd sight, although it makes sense if you think about cops not wanting to disturb the neighborhood. What surprised me was that the cop had to stop at the red light because the cop didn't fire off his siren as he approached. I don't know what the point is of the flashing lights are then if he's going to have to slow down at every intersection.

That incident reminded me of a time when I was in a car (not driving) and we heard a police siren as we approached an intersection. My dad pulled over, as did everyone else, and we watched the cop car weave it's way through the middle of the intersection at a pretty good clip. This was bad for the motorcyclist who didn't hear (or didn't pay attention) to the siren because he passed right in front of the cop car. It was a direct hit. I was impressed (I mean, what are the chances?). We didn't stick around to see what had happened, but another cop car had just pulled up as we were leaving..


[3:32 PM EDT - Getting overcast.]

I was able to go out to throw the disc around today. The weather was dry enough and the sun was strong enough to dry out most of the field that we were running around on. Unfortunately "most" isn't "all" and the disc did end up being thrown into the swampy area of the field. Didn't matter to me since I never ended up there. (Heh heh.)

The weather was very good for what we were doing. It was a little on the breezy side, but nothing we couldn't handle. Got quite a number of looks from the students that were being let out of class around that time, which just happened to be the time when we were all throwing poorly. *shakes head*

Just read over CJF's letter and I just realized that I skimmed over a little thing that was mentioned. Apparently the Swing Club isn't a part of Campus Rec. Doh! They also have a page of their own which has all the meeting dates and such. On top of that, you don't have to bring a partner! (Sorry SDS.) Ahh! I missed out on the first two (free) meeting already.. I really should be kicking myself. Excuse me while I go and do that.


[5:58 PM EDT - Sunny again.]

After a brief thundershower, the sun has come back out and the rays of sunlight are just beating down into my room. Oi. I'm glad these blinds are pretty dense.

weirDo and I were thinking of an idea about using the sound of the thunderclap from a lightning strike to figure out where the lightning came from. It might come in handy for aircraft during heavy storms when the clouds hide the location of the lightning strikes. Whether this idea is feasible or not is another question, but I think it would be a pretty cool project.

I haven't heard from Laz recently about his Counter-Strike exploits, but just to get him back onto the bandwagon, does anyone have any good ideas for a Clan name?

[1 Comment]

[10:10 PM EDT - Slaughtered.]

Just came back from broomball. We played against Riston's team and we were annihilated. Our defence was pretty bad, and combined with their very good offence, we had six goals against us by the half. Hmm, I probably should've pressed this point more during our other games (where our defence was just as bad but the other teams couldn't capitalize on it). Anyway, we improved our defence a bit in the second half, and Riston's team eased off as well (as we always seemed to do when we were up by that many goals). We only allowed one goal.. and we even had a few of breaks! A couple led to scoring chances! One was a goal! Whee! So at least we weren't shut out. The final score was 7-1. Pretty pathetic huh?

Well, it's time for me to go. You may want to check up on Laz and KGL. (Both of who have updates up.) Tiffi has some travelling dreams if you want to check up on her, and that sparked off a my wanderlust again..

Eh, food first. Me go. Me eat.

[1 Comment]

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:50:50 EDT

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