Gee.. I got in late today. Funny enough, I did actually get up around half-past-eight but the next time I looked at the clock.. Anyway, today it's overcast, but still hot and muggy. It's the third day in a row I didn't wear a jacket (although I'm getting more and more worried about falling on my blades. Hmm..
Now the question from last day was why I used GMT (or UTC) for my time stamps. This is so that if I do move my page to another machine, the time zone won't change. So I don't end up having some times at EST (or EDT) and some at CST, or PST. But with my luck, I'll never be able to leave Waterloo..
I'll consider changing the way the comments are displayed. *considers* With the nested BLOCKQUOTEs and FONT tags, I've been meaning to change those actually, I just have to figure a way to do it since some of my highlighted text is actually imbedded into other parts of the text (and don't belong as a BLOCKQUOTE-FONT pair. Will think about it.
Fixed the things mentioned by FlyingS. I also fixed it so that line breaks are now converted to BR tags.
One of the problems with getting to school late is that your whole sense of time is shifted. Today is a good example of this. Although it's way past noon, to me, I feel like it's still sometime in the morning. This unfortunately turned against me when I went into the PAC to sign up for volleyball (competitive individuals). Walking into the office, I asked where I could sign up for the individuals team and the girl behind the desk told me that signups stopped at noon. It was already one-thirty. Doh!
That's okay though, I still have a chance to play beach volleyball. (There's always broomball as well.) This kind of sucks though. I really don't have any scheduled sports events this summer. I'm going to go out of shape!! *pictures turning from a stick to a blob*
Hopefully I won't sleep in next time.
I was just reading over Sparky's most recent entry and I'm glad I'm not the only one. The only one what you're asking? Well, when I was young and stupid (as opposed to old and stupid now) I always thought that this idea of being mushy and romantic and all that stuff was pretty.. useless. Really. I mean, what's the point? I could never understand it. After being through it once, I realize that.. I dunno, I guess I still don't understand it, but I know that I can fall into it. Looking back, I wondered how the heck I let that happen to me. I can't see myself becoming like that again, but I know I will. I will inevitably fall in love.
That scares me. I like being single.
I'll think about this a bit more, but for now, I'll try to ignore the nightmare that will arrive and eat lunch.
I just got a link from Phat for a Japanese commercial which I just saw for myself. What the..?!? Maybe you shouldn't check it out.