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[11:08 AM EDT - A little later than usual.]

Hmm.. got in a little later today but not as late as the time stamp indicates as I did spend time responding to e-mail and doing work. Found out that I've been misspelling "meant" for the past couple of years. That's rather embarassing. I think I'll go change them now..


[11:32 AM EDT - All fixed now!]

Ahh, aren't regular expressions great? (Found a few misspelled "meant"s which grep didn't find.)

Anyway, it seems like we should get this paper off the ground soon. We're redoing a couple of the figures before submitting it, but it's basically good to go! Yay!


[12:15 PM EDT - Some things out of the way.]

Well, I got around to buying my Campus Rec membership. Seventy-five bucks! Holy ripoff Batman! Hopefully I'll only have to do this for one term. I also picked up the CTRL-A cheques and other sundries.


[12:31 PM EDT - Legal tender.]

As my cousin says (to paraphrase):

"It's the gift certificate that all stores accept!"

That's a nice way of looking at receiving money for one's birthday. To weirDo, it just means that the sender has no imagination.


[1:32 PM EDT - Update.]

I forgot to mention that Jax has a .plan update.

Gasping for air in the concrete jungles of Hong Kong.

Ah yes, I remember trying to breathe in Hong Kong.. (Ironic that "Hong Kong" actually means "Fragrant Harbour".)

Also, MJO (who needs a beer) has an update on his page with his thoughts on the whole Napster thing (plus his agonizing wait for his Palm). That would mean that.. I'm the only one without a Palm?!? What will I do?!? *looks at notepad* At least I don't need any batteries.


[5:39 PM EDT - Spring cleaning.]

I've been clearing up my desks for the past little while now. Although it doesn't actually seem to be any cleaner, it is. My stuff is still strewn all over not because I am overly messy (which I can be), but so that it looks like I'm doing stuff. That and the fact that I'm not sure where to put some of this stuff (no, not in the circular filing cabinet).

I've got to get around to cleaning out my accounts as well. I've got so many megabytes of "stuff" floating around that I really don't need anymore. I need to clear this out so I don't have to worry about keeping track of all this tripe. What a pain. Samba doesn't seem to work for Scienide so I may have to do this the old fashioned way.. (no drag and drop for me it seems..)

Oh yeah, HaremPresident has a new interesting sig:

May 3nd, 1666 - The Great Fire of London breaks out in a baker's shop and isn't brought under control until five days later. Although there are very few (if any) deaths, much of the city is destroyed.

Yes, I remembered reading about the fire. Quite tradgic, although quite impressive too.

Speaking of HaremPresident, he walked by us while we were tossing around the disc during lunch. Yes, we did actually go outside today, it was gorgeous! *looks outside* It still is! What amazing weather we've been getting over the past few days. Hope to enjoy more of the same tomorrow.


[10:25 PM EDT - Still cleaning..]

Hmm.. seems like I've got a lot more stuff buried here than I had anticipated! Doh! This is going to take quite a bit more time than expected. At least I was able to pare down my inbox. I've been an e-mailing fiend in the past hour or so while I was waiting for a song to download. Played a bit of Counter-Strike as well. What a fun game.

Updates! KGL and Laz both have updates up while Tiffi has put up an interesting story of another Romeo (this time at a gas station) and her first boyfriend.

Man, getting hungry. Going home. Remind me to work on MgH tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:44:38 EDT

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