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[9:38 AM EDT - Second again!]

Well lookie here. It seems as if I'm getting in at a semi-respectable time these days. Funny how I get in on time when I don't actually need to get in.


[12:44 PM EDT - Nearly done, just a bit more..]

Nearly done with my revisions. Still have to give it the once over before sending it in, but it should be alright. Anyone know the reference to Webster's Online Dictionary? Darned man page only tells me which edition it was.

Checked around and saw that KGL and Laz both have updates up. I don't know about you, but I hope Laz was doing a little tongue in cheek with the immigration company idea. First of all, I don't think the Canadian government wants the Chinese government breathing down their backs, secondly, apart from politiking, there's also the question of legality, morality, and.. I can't think of any other ity's. Anyway, this is the type of thinking behind legalizing prostitution and drugs. I dunno, what do you think? (Much more can be argued on both sides, but that would just take up space here.)


[1:53 PM EDT - A visitor.]

Yay! KGL came by to visit. Well, a whole five minute visit, but a visit nonetheless. Well, that wasn't even the exciting part. The exciting part is that I finally got to see Mr. Productivity Killer!


Actually, that wasn't particularly exciting either. In any case, she now wants to see this Laz person she keeps reading about. Soon.. soon..


[3:55 PM EDT - All done! Sort of.]

I've finished with the revisions. It's getting the onceover by the powers that be, and I've already been given a few corrections to make. *sigh* It never seems to end..

For all you pizza lovers out there, HaremPresident has sent along two links with pizza as a theme. We've been having some problems getting good pizza for our CTRL-A shows, so this seemed apropos. Anyway, here's the first link, and here's the second link. As FlyingS mentioned:

"Ideal Taste of Sea Goodness and Mayonnaise!"?

Oh, man. That's just wrong.

Oh yeah, that first link reminded me of the early days of FTP when I used to go to oak.oakland.edu to download whatever I could find on that system. Ahh.. *reminisces*


[4:04 PM EDT - I just got it.]

girl sent me a message about the dove I mentioned yesterday:

"Can I name her Bert?"

Now I get it.. eheheheheheheh.


[4:11 PM EDT - You know,]

Ever since I got my computer into school, my productivity level has dropped substantially. After I got my hands on D:FS2, I even stopped working on my homepage! What's up with that?!? Now you can see where my priorities lie. You have to consider though, that D:FS2 will take much less time to finish than the comment script that I've been planning on doing (or the search script that I plan on finishing). Mind you, with the time I've been spending on that game, I probably would've been able to write the script three times over by now..

Ah well, back to my humdrum life.


[7:21 PM EDT - Hmm..]

Seems like I won't be getting a ride back to Toronto tomorrow. The only rides that are remotely possible are all for Saturday. Unfortunately, since I need to be at the CN Tower early Saturday, those rides are not options. Seems like it'll be the bus for me. Time to break out my bus schedule.. *blows off dust*


[9:36 PM EDT - So it's time to go home.]

I should get going now. Need to finish the corrections tomorrow. Halfway done with the second round, so this shouldn't take too long. I'll be glad when this thing is all over! *yay*


[10:03 PM EDT - Okay, maybe reply to some mail first..]

I'm still here.. but I'm doing something productive! I'm replying to some e-mail that's been festering in my inbox for a while now. Aren't you proud of me? Don't answer that. KNZ has responded to HaremPresident's pizza links by suggesting that we order pizza from Aoki's Pizza. Uhh.. no.

Sparky's got a new update up as well. A little short, but no complaints here.

Okay, now it's time for me to really go now. *yawn* Tired an hungry. I wonder what I'll make for dinner?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:37:26 EDT

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Sir Winston Churchill (From The Quotations Page.)