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[Sunday, June 4, 2000: A not-so-chance meeting.]

As I was walking out to the bus stop, I relized that I had the most part of an hour before my five o'clock bus would be leaving the station. Since I was bringing my blades back to Toronto, I wondered.. why don't I just blade down to the bus station? I've bladed to downtown Kitchener before and it didn't take too long, although the sidewalks and roads are atrocious! I decided to go to take an alternate (and hopefully less travelled) route down Caroline and Park streets. The road was definitely more recently paved, but as both roads were mostly two-laned, there wasn't really any space for me to blade on the road. This was unfortunate since the sidewalks were barely useable! Guh.

I did eventually make it down to the heart of Kitchener, although I started wondering why it was taking me so long to make it to the station. After going up this particularly large hill, I looked to my left and noticed this clock tower..

Wait.. I recognize that tower.. didn't I just pass..? Doh! The bus station was actually one street over, so I had to move down one street, and backtrack a couple of blocks (all downhill fortunately) before finding the bus station. I knew that the street I was on didn't have the station on it, but I figured that I'd recognize a number of landmarks to direct me to switch streets. Unfortunately, my geographical (and most other) knowledge of Kitchener (and Waterloo as well) is pretty poor.

Anyway, despite the detour, I still was able to catch my bus. I spent most of the ride home reading the first book of the Lord of the Rings. It's quite interesting actually. I'm glad Dusty suggested (and lent me) these books.

Making it home, I contacted Laz to confirm the rendezvous on Saturday. It was then when I asked him what the heck that vaginal-muscle exercise Growly was talking about. He told me that the word was kagel, so I had to look it up to see for myself. (After a bit of searching, I think the word most likely is kegel.)

Anyway, Saturday rolled around and I got dropped off at Laz's place where I finally showed him Freespace 2. We left for the restaurant a little late, but we were close so it didn't really matter. KGL told me that the restaurant was on the North-West corner of the intersection, and upon arriving there, we saw that it was all residential. What the heck? Maybe she meant North-East? Unfortunately, the building there seemed very unoccupied. We drove in and looked around, and the only thing selling food in that complex was a Coffee Time (donut shop for those of you who don't know what it is). Hmm..

This is a warning for those of you folks who take directions from females, always confirm with a guy!! If that's not possible, then double all of your time estimates, because you may be wandering for a while.

Anyway, we decided to try out this other shopping centre that was a bit further north. We felt a little more sure once we saw that one of the restaurants inside was called Ichiban (and had Japan written next to it). Guess what? It was the right one! We bumped into KGL inside and she lead us into the (rather tiny) restaurant. Oh gee, I guess you guys know who that person is now huh? Oh well. We ordered a sushi boat, and it was good! I want more! I think I might go back there again the next time I pass by that area.

We had coffee (well, only KGL did) at Starbucks afterward. Laz dozed off while KGL and I were talking (which explained why he was so quiet). I didn't think that we were THAT boring! I never did ask either of them what they thought of each other.. Hmm..

Oh yeah, I should mention that on the ride to (or from) the restaurant, I finally heard one of the songs that KGL mentioned on her page (You make me completely miserable).

Checked out Daikatana at Laz's place afterward. Not too impressed.

Had lobster for dinner when I went back home.. Mmm!

Made quite a number of phone calls that night to organize the rides to go downtown. I was even able to convince Laz to come down with us! I didn't know what was going on, so KGL told me to give TY a call and (sorta) gave me her number. She wasn't very sure, so I checked the phone book to make sure. I'm glad there weren't pages and pages of people with the same last name, but there were still quite a bit. (Fortunately, KGL was pretty sure about the first three digits so that narrowed my field). I tried the first number.. and was right! Whee! I figured that registration started at eight, so I told Laz that I'd pick him up at seven, and TY at seven-thirty. After a bit of phoning around (and checking the internet via Laz), I found out that registration ENDED at eight! Yikes! That meant I had to pick Laz up at six, and TY at six-thirty.. oh boy.

I decided to go to bed early, after a bit more from The Fellowship of the Ring of course.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:36:51 EDT

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Eric Hoffer (From The Quotations Page.)