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[12:04 PM EDT - I'm done!]

I gave my talk a few hours ago, but wasn't able to get onto a computer until now. We won't be leaving until after the last session today (around five) and since we're taking the Niagara Falls route, I don't expect to be back in Waterloo until.. oh.. way past midnight. Ugh.

I finally finished off the last of the pop-tarts. I didn't think I had it in me. Well, now I guess it's all in me. But not for long.. *scratches head* I guess that made sense.

The banquet last night was pretty good. Free food is always a good thing. I even got to throw the disc around after eating (and after the quick and heavy downpour we got as well). TCM taught me how to properly throw the hammer, but I wasn't able to learn.. some other type of throw. I'll have to ask him about it again. Some of the people who went throwing with us were very good. Very good. Made me feel very inadequate.

In answer to Growly's comment, no, the DWC lookalike wasn't wearing a straw hat. Also, in answer to Laz's comment about not noticing the car full of girl's during BSB's alarm stunt, I barely had time to turn around to look before our car went crazy.

Updates, there are indeed. Tiffi, Laz, and MJO are the busybodies. (FlyingS also made some minor changes to his page. Oh my god! It's Breakup Girl! She's everywhere!)

Nearly finished The Return of the King. Just a couple more chapters. Quite a good read. Now I have to work my way through the appendicies and the Simarillion.

Ack! I'm getting hungry and there's more to talk about! Too bad, I think my stomach is winning over my.. my.. must.. eat..

*slouches off*

[1 Comment]

[2:03 PM EDT - Still here?]

Well, it seems like we'll be here for a little while longer. My hunch was correct, we won't be leaving until around dinnertime. That means that we won't be making back to Waterloo until the wee morning hours of Friday. Ah well, what can I do?

Anyway, gotta go throw the disc around. Seeya!


[2:29 PM EDT - Sweaty.]

Just got back from throwing the disc around a bit. I'll have to keep practicing the hammer, and a couple of other bizarre throws. I never got to talk about some stuff before, but I think I have some time before we I have to meet the group. After dinner on Monday, we were fortunate enough to leave just after the rain had stopped falling. While we were inside, a couple of fire trucks went by, but we didn't realize how close we were to the crimescene until we stepped out of the restaurant. The moment we got outside, we could smell some smoke in the air. It wasn't strong, but it was present, and where there's smoke..

There was this girl who was standing in the middle of the street, and as we went up to talk to her, I looked down the street and noticed that there were quite a number of emergency vehicles grouped together just a couple of blocks down. I couldn't see any sign of a fire, but I figured that it wasn't far off. I probably should've checked to make sure, but I guess we were in a rush to take pictures, and I wanted to find shelter before the next downpour arrived.

Another story had to do with a talk on Tuesday. There was some guy from.. somewhere ending with a -tan (like Afganisthan) who was supposed to give a talk about quantum gravity and gravitons rushing away from the earth and such. I'll post the abstract later, but a number of us didn't actually think the guy would show up. First of all, this guy seemed to be coming from the other side of nowhere, and secondly, quantum gravity isn't exactly a spectroscopic topic, although on it's own, I find it rather interesting. Anyway, I went to the talk and the guy actually did show up. Unfortunately, his english was poor. To be precise, he knew something like a dozen words. For the entire talk, he spoke in a foreign language, and we were all lost. There was another guy there who was (sort of) translating, but he said at the beginning of the talk that he wasn't too sure about what the other guy was saying. Oh hurrah. Let's just say that there weren't too many questions for that talk.

I think that's the only time that's ever happened. All the other speakers were talking in english, no matter how good (or bad) they were.

Hmm.. what else? The tennis camp we primarly attended by girls. Lots of them. Too bad they were all a little young. Actually, there was this amazingly cute redhead..

I should get going. I'll be back.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:36:35 EDT

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David T. Wolf (From The Quotations Page.)