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[8:47 AM EDT - Another quick entry.]

Funny how I've been too busy to update this thing for the past little while (and for the next few days also). Mind you, I did have time last night, but the building was locked and I couldn't get any access to any terminals. Ah well.

So I'm here in one piece, and more things have happened that will take more time to talk about than I have available at the moment. That's too bad, but hopefully I'll be free tonight. Until then.. uh.. then.

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[10:06 AM EDT - Dang, no war.]

Kudos to MJO for finding that article at The Register. There were other sources (which I saw on ArsTechnica a couple days back) which downplayed the whole event. I just love the last line in the article:

The Register is shocked....shocked....to learn that media manipulation is going on.

What the heck? It's been going on for a long time now. Hoaxs, false alarms, and these publicity stunts will always be around, it's our jobs to keep our heads and sift through it all making sure that the truth (if there is any) doesn't get blown out of proportion (although I have a tendency of doing that).


[10:12 AM EDT - Dream Sequence: Dream on.]

I figure I might as well talk about my dream from two nights ago. I don't remember much now, but I do remember something about being on this ferry. There were three of us, one who looked like SDS I think, and we got off the ferry at one of the docks (which looked like a large stone building actually - I don't remember any water). We came up with this hairbrained idea to cover the entire pathway from the dock point with snow and try to extort some money from the passangers by shovelling it away for a fee. One of the guys told me to do the talking, but I decided to be the one to put the snow on the road. The one who looked like SDS said

"I'll get the salt!"

and ran off. I started doing this with one of those laundry detergent cups and got bored after the second cup. At that point, another ferry had arrived and people started to disembark. Looking over my handiwork, I saw that the little snow that I had placed on there had already melted, despite the cold weather. At that point, I wondered why we got salt at all and had an argument with the other two on the effects of salt on ice.

After the argument, I walked away from them, pushing myself past the crowd of people leaving the ferry. There was this girl walking in the middle of the crowd that SDS seemed to know for he was pushing his way towards her. But before he could reach her, she took the arm of this guy and walked off into the mists. At that point, SDS started going crazy and I tried to restrain him without effect. He went into the streets and this policelike woman (who looked like DH) tackled him at the legs. I went in to help, but that's when the squirrels woke me up.

I don't remember much that was said, but I do remember that "I'll get the salt." quote. What were we thinking?


[10:26 AM EDT - The voyage down.]

I've got some time, and the computer lab's not very busy so I'll take some time right now to go through some of the stuff that happened yesterday. The trip down wasn't particularly eventful. I spent most of my time reading the Two Towers (which I'm nearly halfway done BTW) and driving. I didn't even drive very long either, maybe an hour and a half at most. I would've driven more, had I not started falling asleep at the wheel. I had woken up early yesterday to make it to the meeting time on time, the weather was hot and humid, the air conditioner was only half effectively at keeping the heat out of the vehicle, and I didn't take any naps before taking my shift at the wheel (I was reading the entire time). We also had a moderately large lunch at Arby's just before I started driving, so all of those events, combined with the uneventful driving conditions, conspired to make me drowsy. We had actually approached a rest area, but I thought I was able to make it all the way to Columbus so decided not to stop. It was not long after there before I started to feel sleepy. My eyelids got heavier and heavier. I started not to notice anything around me, and the world started to feel warm and cozy. Then I jarred myself back to conciousness. This went on for a gruelling hour. I actually nodded off a couple of times before coming back, not remembering what happened in the previous couple of seconds. I'm surprised that nobody else noticed my blackouts (although they may have attributed it with my poor driving). Fortunately, I was able to make it to the next rest stop, where we switched drivers and I took a much needed nap.

We did make it to Columbus in one piece. There seem to be quite a number of conferences being held at this time of year, including a Tennis thing (*ogles*) and this Chemistry and Physics REU. What REU stands for, nobody knows, but you could probably make a number of wild guesses. While waiting in the lobby, there was this amazingly cute girl who came in to register (probably for tennis) wearing a halter top. I saw her twice actually, once with (I guess it was) her mom. What surprised me was that looking at her face, I thought she looked.. well.. old. Bizarre.

We had dinner at some indian restaurant and then went shopping for some breakfast food and some playing cards. I was getting ready to purchase some cereal when KAT looked at a box of pop-tarts and said that they were a better deal. I've never had pop-tarts before, but when I compared the price of one box of cereal (more than four bucks) with a heavier box of pop-tarts (just over two bucks) the choice seemed obvious. Of course, I didn't know if I'd like eating pop-tarts, especially for every morning for the next four days. Somehow he convinced me and I got myself a box of the chocolate stuff. While at the convenience store, this girl walked in who, without a doubt, looked like Squishy. I know, I know, I say this about every blond chick I see (so it seems) but I swear to you, they have the same face! Also, this observation was made in a well lit convenience store and she was only a couple feet away from me for long enough to stare (which is impolite yes, but I couldn't help it).

Anyway, the resemblence was quite uncanny. The only difference was that her hair was cropped short (note to Squishy: You'd look fine with short hair). I might've asked, but she was with her boyfriend and I didn't want to look like I was some goofy tourist that was trying to hit on her. Oh well, I'll just chalk that up as another bizarre coincidence.

Uhh, the room is starting to get filled up so I best be off. I tried out those pop-tarts this morning, and I thought that there were a little disgusting. Here's to me for suffering the next week *raises glass*. I also got myself some post cards to send off, so I best get them written up so that there's a chance they'd actually arrive before I make it back. I think it's time for me to go now.


[10:58 AM EDT - Not gone yet.]

Hmm.. this is interesting. girl sent me a link on one of our teachers from Churchill Heights. It's quite an achievement! (Although Radishes and Gooseberries was first done in my year - too bad I didn't take part.)

Been wondering why some people end up sending the same comment twice. *scratches head* Is it because they press the send button twice? Anyway, I'm planning on changing the comment form a bit by throwing in a redirect to show what the comment will look like before confirming the entry.

Until then, I've got some postcards to send.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:30:18 EDT

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