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[10:44 AM EDT - Err, wasn't it supposed to be sunny?]

I woke up this morning to a bleak sky and foreboding weather. By the time I had finished showering, it was already pouring outside and I knew I wasn't going to be walking out in the rain. I ended up reading another three chapters from Fellowship of the Ring before leaving the house. I actually was only planning on reading one chapter, but the storm kept going, the rain kept falling, and I had read two chapters before the rain let up. Just as I was about to leave, the downpour started again, and I was forced to stay indoors for a little while longer.

Eventually I forced myself out of the house, although I probably should've stayed home. Halfway to school, there was a rather large downpour, and I got drenched. No use finding shelter after that..

I also decided to bring my Zip drive to school so I could back up my stuff before heading to Columbus. After I had arrived at school and showed off the tiny device to weirDo, I realized that I forgot to bring any disks! Argh! Foiled again! *shakes fist at unrelenting sky*

Also, for fans of The Tick, you may be interested in a link to a review I got from HaremPresident on the pilot for the Tick (live action) TV series. Gotta see it!

[1 Comment]

[12:27 PM EDT - Xenu.]

Thanks to Jax, I've got my hands on a link spider and can finally check out all the links to my site a little less difficultly. (Although the program doesn't seem to like sifting through a list of pages.)

I'll be working on that for the next little while..


[3:52 PM EDT - Hottub cakes.]

Been working on my slides for my talk next week. I figure that I might as well start working on them now so that I'll have them printed out before we head down to Columbus. (Although history (twice!) suggests that I'll be doing quite a bit of last minute work..)

I'm still not really sure how many slides I'll have left, but I think I have a good idea..

When I went down to the chemistry office to do a bit of cutting (for some pasting and photocopier magic later), I noticed that there were quite a number of people in the office as well as a mostly eaten cake. As there wasn't much of the cake left, I had no idea what it was for, so when I wandered in, one of the secretaries asked

"[QYV]! Want some cake?"

I asked who's birthday it was, and someone mentioned a name, so I left it at that. I made my cuts, got my cake and left. On the way up to the office, I passed by RJL who mentioned

"So you're celebrating [someone]'s wedding too!"

Huh? Wedding? What?!? Oh yeah! I noticed all the secretaries staring at a photoalbum full of wedding pictures (which I thought odd for a birthday party), so it all makes sense now..

Seems like Laz (who has quite a number of updates including a bizarre dream) is going to be hosting his hottub-dreamcast party next Friday night. Err.. that's when my convocation is (which is the reason why I'm coming back from Columbus on Thursday). I might be able to go to Toronto that night, but I'll have to find a ride there, and a ride back probably the next day because there may be a paintball thing being orginized by Grover and Stripes. Ahh! Why is all this stuff happening all at once?!?


[4:59 PM EDT - Ginchy Spiralmullet.]

I had to cut the previous entry short due to the fact that I was late for a talk. (That and the fact that I really really had to go to the can.)

Anyway, I've been checking up for updates, and apart from Laz's loquacious additions, Ginchy Lushspike is the only other person who's put up any sort of entry. Ick. Liquid pantyhose? I'm glad I'm not a woman!


[5:11 PM EDT - I declare an internet war!]

I found an interesting article I found on the ShackNews today on a potentially massive hacker attack. MJO might be interested in it (although he may have heard about it already).

[1 Comment]

[9:43 PM EDT - Where, oh where did all that time go?]

Where, oh where could it be? Seems like it's later than I had anticipated. I was actually working a bit (after playing around with FFVIII for a few minutes.. okay an hour.. or two), and the next moment I looked at the clock, it was already eight. Now it's already quarter to ten. What the heck?

Anyway, I'm still not done with my slides, but at least I know (finally) what I'm going to be putting on them. I count nine (not including the title) which has to last me fifteen minutes. Hmm.. that's a minute and a half for each slide! Oi.. I think I'll just cut my talk short. What do you think?

It doesn't seem as if anyone has put up anything since last I checked, so I'm going to head home now.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:23:36 EDT

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David T. Wolf (From The Quotations Page.)