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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

I might have forgotten to mention this before, but I had forgotten to bring my watch and keys to Ohio (That and my nightwear). They weren't that critical, but I sure hope that someone will be home to let me in the house when I get back. I'd hate to be locked out Friday night..

When I got in to my room last night, I heard a number of instruments being played upstairs. Didn't bother me that much, until I realized that they weren't stopping any time soon. It was some sort of band practice they were having (Could've been a danged oompah band but it still kept me up). Still, they didn't stop until after I went to sleep. I was a little worried that they'd be playing to the wee hours in the morning since I really needed to get up this morning to check on my fits and get my slides done. Fortunately, they finished fairly quickly, but then a bunch of guys started having this very loud conversation.. uh.. and that went on and on until I finally drifted off..

Today, it was a really nice and cool day today. Cooler than it's ever been down here the times I've come to this Symposium. What an odd omen. I have to get going, I'll continue this later.


[4:00 PM EDT - Later.]

This morning, I logged on to my account and checked on the progress of my fit. Guess what? It had finished!! Man oh man, and it had converged as well! That made be a little happy. Of course, I then had to transfer the data over to slide format and print it out. Notice however, that I didn't really have any access to a real printer. That and the fact that I still had a colour slide to print out. So I quickly printed my slides out to a file and headed out.

Before I left, I checked my Hotmail account to see if I had gotten any mail. It seems as if Honeywhite actually took less than 24 hours to respond! Boy, had I known.. well, I guess I did goad her into responding more quickly, so next time I won't be so lax at checking my mail there. Of course she STILL hasn't told me what she's been doing..

I went down to a Kinko's that I saw while we were walking down High Street looking for a restaurant last night. Fortunately, the place had the same facilities as the other one in Waterloo, but the layout was rather bizarre. Didn't take me long to get a computer and get my slides printed out (after a few.. uh.. incidents with the printer of course - they must think I'm a real dope or something now). By the time I had finished printed out my slides, it was an hour an a half before my presentation. TCM had his presentation about an hour before mine so I quickly headed back to the campus.

I realized, while I was making my slides, that I had forgotten to get my name tag and my overhead markers from my room, so I had to head back there first. On the way, I walked through some construction area that they had on the campus and some guy working there came up to me and asked:

"Where ya goin?"

I told him that I was going to Blackburn to which he replied:

"Alright, be careful."

I wonder how he would've reacted if I actually had my name tag on at that time..

Okay, there's another talk I should go to. I'll be back.


[6:00 PM EDT - Much Later.]

When I got back to my room (this is the continuation of the previous story), I found out that the door was unlocked! Walking in, I saw that the washroom light was on and that there were noises inside (banging, clanging noises). I thought it was RHS who had come back, but after I said:

"Oh, you're back."

I get a response:

"How's it going man?"

Uhh.. that wasn't RHS's voice..

In fact, it wasn't RHS at all, but some plumber of some sort.

"What'cha doin?"

I asked.

"Working on the toilet."


"You don't know?"

Uhh.. not really..

"It leaks a little."

Oh yeah! I remember.. this morning, I saw a little puddle next to the toilet. I had dismissed that as RHS missing in the morning or something..

My talk.. well, let's just say that my talk went well. I was so relieved after it was over. Too bad TCM's talk was before mine, or I would've listened more (I tuned out from all the talks before mine). The two guys that were before me tho were part of the military and they had their full military garb on when they were presenting. Made me feel underdressed in my tee and jeans and I mentioned that during the talk.

Ah well, we went to some deli for lunch (down in some basement which we missed completely yesterday). Only thing I wanted to mention was the waitress. While she was reaching for something, I noticed that her back was tattooed. On closer inspection, the tattoo actually showed up on her neck as well, which indicates that it was one hell of a tattoo. Then, while she was serving us, I noticed that she had no bra on. It was pretty hard not to miss. Just wanted to mention that.

I went by the used CD store to check out their wares.. walked away with 6 CDs.. at 3 bucks each, it was a pretty good price (especially considering that tax is only 6 percent). In the store, I saw a girl who was shopping there who looked very much like Squishy (just thinner and younger).

Speaking of Squishy, she e-mailed me back and told me how she was doing.. poor kid, I hope she has a good trip tho!

Got word that I'm a frosh leader this year! I just have to send in confirmation by the 19th.. doh!

All right, they closed up the lab, and I have to go have a drink with TCM and his buddy, so I'm gonna sign off tonight.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:23:34 EDT

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