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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Here's an interesting commentary on sunscreen that Laz sent over.


[4:00 PM EDT - Later that day..]

Last night I went out with TCM and Cameron to Zigs for dinner. I nearly forgot to take off my name tag before going in.. would've looked pretty bad if I had wandered in with that thing on.. (great big sign saying "not from Columbus"). It was some sort of bar and we ate on the patio. The TV they had inside wasn't that great so we went TV hunting in all of the local bars. TCM was the more adventurous of the three of us, and searched even the more seedy places. Eventually we went to a bar that we missed on the way down High Street, and it was empty - which is good since we wanted to watch the game in peace.

Funny enough tho, it didn't stay empty for long. In fact, it filled up very quickly and by the third period, the whole bar was packed! Ack! We couldn't hear a thing from the TV and some guy was getting ready with some live entertainment and they were actually charging cover at the door (we weren't charged since we were there early). I was hoping to leave, but those two were still finishing their drinks and Cameron wanted to stay (he noticed all of the nice young girls wander in..). Well, after one of them (TCM or Cameron) finished a drink, they would get another one and this sort of staggered drinking marathon kept going on and on.. In other words, we weren't leaving any time soon.

I guess I was stuck so I hung around. Cameron actually went up to the front of the (tiny) stage to check out the scenery so TCM and I followed him. The guy singing knew a bit of stuff, but most of his songs were from the 70's and 80's. This made Cameron happy for a while since he knew some.. uhh.. Paul.. something or other person but I knew more songs in the end (which scared me a bit - who didn't know Pianoman?).

I wasn't too interested in the scenery, probably because the only girl who looked really really really cute walked out with some guy before the game ended. That was kinda disappointing. Still, we sang and danced a bit but it would've been nicer if we actually knew people there. (I felt like an outcast). Well.. let's just say that I got home around 2, and TCM got pretty hammered. He told me, on the way back (jokingly of course)

"Tomorrow, I'll take you to the lowest class strip club in Columbus."

Too bad we didn't have a tape recorder..


[6:00 PM EDT - After a bit of disc throwing..]

Well, this morning I got up around the same time as RHS. he had his talk today and he got up late (for him). I skipped out on the talks this morning and went shopping for a disc (which I found for 9 bucks - American), stamps (which I got from the post office), and post cards (which I got from the book store). After coming back to the room, I was rather surprised to see RHS in. I guess he skipped out on the last couple of talks to practice his talk. But that gave us enough time to have lunch before the masses (and gave me time later to write my post cards).

Went to RHS's talk, which was okay (I think he talked a little fast), and then went to throw the disc around with TP.. we'll get a better workout during the picnic tho. Hopefully we'll get more people and more discs out.

That should be it for now. Time to go to the picnic and eat myself silly. (Eat food you sickos). Ah well, I'll be back later.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:41:04 EDT

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