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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Man.. I really should finish these games soon. Thought I'd clean up my files before I went to bed. A couple of hours later, I was still trying to get into the teleporter to Zen in Half-Life. Ahh! Even before that, I just found the Tomb of Dexterity in Baldur's Gate and gave it to my main character. Geez.. maybe I should just find a good hex editor and start hacking.. but that would be cheating!!

It was rather warm last night. Actually, it was hot. Having the window open didn't help much despite the fact that it was very cool outside. The lack of a breeze made it difficult for the hot air in the house (no hot air jokes people!) to get out. By the time morning came around, it was unbearably hot since I get the sun in the morning. Ack.

Wore my new pair of shorts today. They're Miami Heat shorts. I'm not a big watcher of basketball, but they're really nice, and they're the only dark pair of shorts that I have. One drawback, they don't have any pockets! Ahh.. makes it difficult to carry my keys around. That and my wallet. No matter, it's not that big a deal. To go with my dark shorts, I figured that I shouldn't wear any of my white shirts, which left my frosh leader shirt. Eh. I haven't worn this thing in months, I figured that it was the coolest (well, as opposed to the other dark shirts that would turn me into a pile of bubbly goo today) shirt I could wear. Gah.

Oh, I might not have mentioned this before, but a few weeks ago, I noticed that at the gas station, the new building that they were putting up had a drive through window. This meant that the new place (that doesn't seem to be changing much recently) will have some sort of food offering. It's much too small to be a fast food restaurant, but I've been wrong before. My guess is that it's a Tim Horton's, which would mean that I could get donuts as I walk to school as opposed to getting them while I'm on campus! Wouldn't that be great??!? (So what if I sound a little sarcastic?)

Finally gave the money box to the new treasurer. It was the first time she saw my office.. dang, I can't remember her comment, but I guess it must have been fairly bland or I would've remembered.

It was a bit hectic today with a capital HECK. Was doing a bit of work getting my slides done, and I was a little worried that my help was needed for the CGSS BBQ this afternoon. Fortunately, by the time I got down there, it seemed as if the whole thing was going pretty smoothly. I figured that I should just be a paying customer and run.

Threw the disc around for a bit, but quit early. It was just too hot, and RHS wanted to do some work. Eh.

Saw Jax while I was looking out the window so I opened up my window and hollered her name.


Didn't take long for her to figure out where it was coming from. Apparently she didn't know that I had an office (air conditioned I might add) but I had a brief conversation (long distance - ha!) before closing the window and keeping the hot air out. I hope I didn't bother too many people in my lab while I was shouting back and forth with her.. I didn't get any complaints. Yet.

She was with some guy who looked awfully familiar. I bumped into them near the chem offices soon after and I knew that I knew that person, but.. ahh! I can't remember his name. No, it's not her bf. I can't even put a finger on where I could've met this guy. Ah well, I'll figure it out eventually..

Got mail from Honeywhite. I can't figure out why she's e-mailing to my Hotmail account. I never check that thing. Ah well, my fault for using it in the first place. Ah.. we'll see what she has to say about my reply.. heh heh..

Found out from ZDNet about some 16 year old kid who was able to by Viagra on the net. The state of Kansas is suing those people involved for selling this prescription drug via this medium. The actual title was

"Teen buys Viagra online; Kansas sues."

Speak of a catchy title. First comment: Why the hell is this 16 year old boy buying this stuff? What sort of problems could he have at this age? Besides, isn't 16 a minor? Secondly.. well, there's no secondly, but anyhoo, the full story is here.

Oh, also found there a list of keyboard shortcuts for Windows. Boy they will come in handy, especially the F2 key in explorer.. it's the "rename" quick command. It wasn't actually specified in explorer and I didn't know anyone who knew what the keyboard command was. Boy. This will make my file sorting a heck of a lot easier.

Growly has been busy fixing up his site. You can check it out yourself, but I have to say that his May title is much more fitting than mine (although I don't think his title would've applied so well in my case).

Ahh.. that's enough blabbering for now. I need to get dish soap, and I don't want to forget (I've got a lot of dirty dishes). Tomorrow.. hopefully I'll get my slides done. We'll see.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:24:38 EDT

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