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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Yay! I finally installed my new hard drive and windows 98 last night. Unfortunately, once I got the danged thing running, my floppy drive stopped working. I had no idea what could be the problem, but by then, it was late and I wanted to go to sleep.

This morning, on the way to school, I was nearly run over by some driver who was too interested in getting her car into the road and didn't watch the sidewalk. She actually stopped before the sidewalk for a sec, so I was about to go in front of her, but she wasn't looking and quickly pulled forward. Oi. I figured that I should walk behind the car, just to be safe.

I got there in once piece, but when I tried to log in, I found that Theochem was down. In fact, I couldn't even telnet to the machine, which meant that it wasn't just our local network, but that the machine itself was pooched. That sucked.. I was hoping to do some work this weekend since I had trouble getting computer time this week. Man. I couldn't even check my e-mail or work on my homepage.. what a gyp.

I was able to go skating at least. Ice skating felt very weird after blading for the past couple of weeks. I couldn't find my balance for half an hour. Took me a long time to get the feel for the ice again. I found that kind of irritating since I had been skating so long, and only after a couple weeks of blading, I had forgotten so much and lost so much confidence already.

After the skating period was over, there was this long haired girl sitting at the bench who looked kinda cute. Scared her off tho. Funny.. how long, healthy hair seems to be more attractive than short hair. Scientists believe that it has something to do with genetic attraction since long healthy hair is associated with good health and fertility I guess (for women that is). Funny how those chemicals in our brains are telling us that long and shiny is better than short and dull. Fascinating.

Found out that there was a new type of kewl mouse pads out there by EverGlide.. might want to try them out for myself. Found this out at ArsTechnica, which was getting a little paranoid today, but you'd have to read it yourself to appreciate the full impact of their paranoia.

Mel Torme died today. Just thought I'd share that news.

ShadowWhyspr called this afternoon checking up on how I was doing. Interesting conversation, found out what's been going on in her life. (Not much is seems).

Figuring out what to eat for dinner, I sifted through my pile of cans to find something old That I should probably get rid of. Picking up a can of cream of mushroom, I checked the top and is said "Feb 02". Great. Feb 02, of what year? Checking a can of chicken noodle soup to compare, I saw on the top that it said, June 98. Oh.. so 02 meant 2002, which meant that the cream of mushroom was okay. So June 98.. Uhh..

To tell you the truth, I was thinking that this year was still 1998. Once I clued in to the real year.. I figured that heck, it's only chicken noodle, and it's only been expired for a year.

It's still good, it's still good!

The chicken noodle wasn't enough, I ended up having mushroom Alfredo and ice cream to fill up that gap.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:26:53 EDT

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