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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

A much nicer day today. Sunny, warm, and a little breezy. Great for throwing the disk around if you're into chasing it a lot.

Speaking of which, Renee found me throwing the disk around with Dusty and weirDo (I couldn't throw the disk for beans today). That girl can track me down pretty good huh? I'll be taking her to the ball hockey game tomorrow since she's really interested in playing. Hopefully we'll get a good showing this time. Five was okay, but it's nice to get one or two more people out. Hopefully we won't get too many people, I want everyone to get some time on the floor.

Was a couple of minutes late for the lab this morning. I woke up at around 8, and after staring at the clock for a minute, I remembered that I had to TA a lab at 8:30! Whoops. There goes breakfast. I didn't feel so bad when weirDo showed up a few minutes after me (I had actually gone to my office to check my jobs before going down to the lab). Besides, most of the kids came and went in the first half hour. This was a short lab.

Interesting note for those CTRL-A people, seems like one of our club's founders, Mark Tilden was featured in an article at some news site which I thought was kinda kewl.

I found out this afternoon that Edward definitely won't be giving his talk in Columbus next week. Man. Paranoid American politicians. We knew he was having problems, but I guess it's been confirmed now. Seems like I'll be giving his talk (which means I've got a talk on Tuesday AND Friday). Gah. Well, the experience should be good for me right?

Tennis and Squash (or Squish for you Squishy person) were both fun as usual. Got a good workout, even though I got a stress thing on my toe nail (doesn't hurt anymore, but I should cut it). Fortunately (well, maybe unfortunately) broomball was canceled for tonight. I heard about it a couple of days ago when Riston e-mailed us (who just heard it from the convener, who was told about the cancellation an hour before from someone working at the rink). Oi. First ball hockey, then volleyball, now broomball??!? What the heck is this? This is the first time I've ever had any games canceled on me "last minute" style, and to have three in three different sports??!? This is nearly as annoying as the half-baked half-ice idea they had for broomball last fall.

George, the green man in our area was interested in selling some items, like a TV, coffee table, chairs, deep freezer, etc. Anyone interested? He also wondered how the heck GBC ever works in his room since it's so frigid in there! Ah yes, GBC generally does crank up the A/C a bit in his room, but I thought that comment was kinda funny.

Feeling kind of lethargic today, I've got a number of large files (about 125 megs in total) which I have to get off of my account on Theochem. To top it off, there are about 1.5 gigs of MP3s I wanted to check out.. You know what? I don't care! I've got the space to hold it now. I'm so happy..

I want to respond to my e-mail (It's really been piling up recently) but I can't seem to get into the responding mood. Well, maybe tomorrow morning. For now, I want to go home and get some chow before getting those files. Till then, here's a thought:

Those who play god are being played by god themselves.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:28:22 EDT

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