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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Last night I forgot to mention that I bumped into Eugene and Evan at the PAC.. (separately, they didn't know each other) Didn't expect to see either of them there.. but got to bug someone about that..

I also forgot to ask the convener about broomball (the volleyball convener this term is also the broomball convener). Gack. Finally, just after I got home and took a shower, it started to rain.. rain real hard. I felt good that I made it home before then, that would've sucked if I got hit by the storm.. I guess someone up there likes me!

I wasn't as sore as I thought I'd be this morning. I guess Cosmo's predictions were wrong. It should be smooth sailing from this morning on.. unless Renee kills me again working on the shoulder and abs..

I was thinking of making lunch this morning until I remembered that the CGSS was holding a BBQ this afternoon. I figured that I should help out this time seeing as how I skimped out last time..

Checking my e-mail once I got to school, I was a little surprised to find that JI had sent me a message! Oh man.. I didn't expect her to contact me.. anyway, she was telling me that she might actually come to town to watch the show and hang out with us. This is an indication that whatever is going down with her must be pretty bad, because I have no idea who the heck would want to hang around with the CTRL-A crowd.. uh.. not saying that we're that freakish or anything..

What could I do? I e-mailed her back and told her to come on down and enjoy the show. She could even stay at my place (seeing as HNT's not home this weekend.. heheheh)

Another e-mail that I got was from Stripes who, after being a little cynical at the beginning of the year, was all of a sudden gung ho about the idea of organizing a paintball game next month. Ah hell, if he's going to be gung ho about it..

Later, that girl I was telling you about, the student who was complaining about her assignment, finally found me. I had a little chat with her about my marking scheme (which was all in my head so I didn't have any written proof - although I should do what Cosmo and weirDo do and write it down). Eventually she accepted the mark and went away. I don't think I'll be seeing her face until exams..

I wandered down to the slick (also known as the SLC or the CC) to give in that ballot for the architecture thing. I didn't notice anything wandering around, so I headed to the turnkey to ask for information. At the desk, I saw a photocopy from the imprint showing off two coordinators (the ball hockey coordinator and the co-rec coordinator - which includes volleyball and broomball). It seems as if they were named leaders of the week for their effort and skill at making this term a good term for campus rec sports. How ironic.

Anyway, I asked the turnkey guy about the ballot thing, and he had no idea what was going on. Gosh darned it.. seems as if there might not be a voting station at the SLC (even though it says right on the ballot that there is one). Ack, after looking around for a little while longer I gave up and went back to the office. On the way, I bumped into Eugene (again), Peter, and Mr. Myles. Geez, it's as if today is the day I meet everyone I know on campus..

I got a phone call after I got back.. geez, can't seem to do any work today. Guess who it was? JI told me that she actually called the school and looked me up before figuring out my extension. Oh man.. she was also calling from Toronto. On her calling card. Holy crap Batman! You know, calling long distance during working hours isn't a very cheap investment.. but I talked to her for a little while. We talked about this and that, and any plans should she be able to make it down.. I gave her my home number just in case she couldn't catch me at school. Still, I was a little stunned that she called..

I got to talking with Cosmo and weirDo after. Cosmo asked me

"Is [Renee] your girlfriend?"

What? WHAT?? Uhh.. no.

"Is anyone your girlfriend?"

That would be a negatory. Hmm.. it seemed odd to him that I would suddenly start working out with her if she wasn't my girlfriend. Well, listen and learn buddy boy, you don't have to be going out with someone to do stuff that you don't normally do. She just has to be very persuasive (and persistent), that's all!

Speaking of which, I started to wonder why she hadn't called me up to drag me off to the weight room. Well, it didn't really matter too much, I figured that she'd tell me when she'd tell me, so I went downstairs to help out at the BBQ.

Felt like I was a fifth wheel down there. Everything seemed to be in order, except that all the ice had melted half an hour into the thing. That really surprised me, but I offered to steal some of Dr. Fisher's ice (he didn't have any labs this term so he really didn't need it) as long as someone supplied the buckets.

After sitting down there for a while, I was wondering what was taking RHS and weirDo so long to come down and eat (I told weirDo to come on down when RHS got hungry). So I went back upstairs to see what the heck was taking so long. I guess RHS still hadn't called. weirDo asked me how long the lineup was. I told him that there was no lineup. Whoa.. he immediately called up the dungeon and told RHS to get his butt up to the BBQ. I was going to follow them, until I got a phone call.

It was Renee. She told me that she had already gone to the gym and that she had left a message with some guy in our lab who had an accent. Oh crap. No offense, but HW isn't exactly the most reliable answering service. That would explain why I didn't get any word from her. *sigh*

We talked for a bit, until I had to go to the bank to pick up money for the show tonight. ALee had already come by and was waiting around.. so we went to the bank. I figured that I could by something from the BBQ after we got back from the bank. Well, it seems as if waiting in line for the money, waiting to get the account closed, and bumping into Growly at the SLC (He told me that Laz might be coming to town, so I should prepare for his arrival.. heheh). Slowed me down just enough to just miss the end of the BBQ.

Gosh darned it. I should have brought my lunch.

I didn't have much of a choice after that. I was hungry and there was no BBQ in sight, so I started to head off to the Math C&D. Just as I was getting out the door, weirDo stopped me and wanted to show me something. Once that was done, I started going out the door.. and the phone rang. It was for me. (Doh!)

It was JI again, she told me that she wouldn't be able to make it for tonight's show and if she were to come, it would be tomorrow. Aww.. that's too bad. I talked to her a bit more, and she gave me such a great line about a certain person.But I won't repeat it here. I wanted to talk to her a bit more and see how she was doing, but this was probably sending her off to the poor house so I got off the phone. Finally I was able to get food.

I made it to the show.. on time for once. (which is early) Apart from the already anticipated missing videos, the show went fairly smoothly. I was too tired and too sore to be that effective tho (my chest and arms started to ache as the show progressed.. not a good sign) so I was a little worried I wouldn't be able to do anything by the end of the show.

Some guy (forgot his name) was obviously looking for something near the end of the show. I guess he left but realized that he forgot something.. probably keys or such. Unfortunately the auditorium was dark and he couldn't find what he was looking for. After about half an hour of him wandering in back and forth through the doors, he came up to me and pointed to the front of the auditorium.

"See down there on the table? There's a small object on it which could be my keys, so could you go down there and get them for me?"

I was thinking. Oh good, you want me to walk to the front of the room, Go to the table in front of the screen and check out this thing that might be your keys? Couldn't you wait? The show will be over in 15 minutes.. Despite my better judgment, I went up, trying to be indiscreet. I did say "trying". Anyhoo, I got up to the front and checked out what the thing was. It was a piece of chalk. Guh. I picked it up and started back up the steps, meeting him halfway. He had his hands out, eagerly awaiting his prize, so I gave him the chalk.

Needless to say, he waited till the end of the show, by which time he found his keys.

After dinner, I got home and Jake, who was still awake, asked me

"Do you know a girl by the name of [JI]?"

Dang.. I figured she might call.. oh well. It seems as if she won't be able to make it this weekend after all. That's too bad, I wanted to see how she was doing, but at least she wasn't calling to tell me that she was in town. I would've felt bad for not being at home. Ah well, maybe next month.. oops, I won't be here next month (maybe)! I guess we'll have to see then huh? Guess this is incentive to find her number huh?

Oh well, off to bed.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:28:06 EDT

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