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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Aww.. isn't this sweet? I got a card from MPS. I wonder what kind of present she has in store for me? *wiggles eyebrows*

Been cleaning up the site a bit, as you may have noticed. Now all of the main pages have the navigation bar you see at the top of the page. This should make it a little easier to navigate around the site (and more of a pain in the butt to maintain, but hey.)

Surfed around Laz's links.. came across MLB's page and checked it out (since Laz seemed to like it). Made me laugh too, despite the use of frames (I especially liked the "Go see Hwan" link). I was a little surprised with the B5 reference, but hey, it was a pretty good show at the time. (That third season.. Whoa!)

Boy, found on ZDNet that the cult of the dead cow (no relation to MJO - so he tells me) just released a new version of their back orifice program! Oh boy, you can try to get version 2.0 of BO, but there's a chance it will get you first!

Whoa! Just read on SharkyExtreme that ADSL is now a standard. The International Telecommunications Union seems to like this technology and it's now a world-wide standard (even Britain), which means for the layman that we don't have to subscribe to a telephone company (Like Bell) to access this type of technology. Instead, we could be buying ADSL modems in the near future, so you can tell Rogers and Sympatico to take a hike, since I know what I'm waiting for this Christmas!


[4:00 PM EDT - After a long night.]

HNT's been complaining about the shoe arrangement in the closet. Namely, that there isn't one. Something about that it looks like there's a shoe war going on between me and Jake. I personally don't have any problem with it, and I talked to Jake this morning and all he did was shrug and say:

"It's a shoe closet."

My sentiments exactly.

When I got to school this morning, it was uncannily quiet, as if the entire campus was trying to surprise me with something.. (which was not true of course). There was some work being done in the Davis Center, with all the stools and benches being removed in the main lobby. Hmm.. might be some talk or something.. I could never tell.

I went around asking people if they were showing up for the ball hockey game tonight, and it seemed as if everyone was rip raring to go. Cosmo asked

"Is the short shorts girl going?"

The what? Seems like the game I missed had a certain girl playing who was wearing shorts that were really really short. Oh. He knew her name of course, but just wanted to point it out. I thought that was kinda interesting, I wondered if it distracted the other team so much that they let us score all 22 goals.. Anyway, at this time, I had no idea if she was going to show up..

After throwing the disc around a bit during lunch, weirDo came in and mentioned how clean my shirt looked, since he felt kind of icky after all that running around. I told him:

"Looking and feeling are two different things."

To which he responded:

"That's what the police told me."

Uhh.. okay.

Went home for dinner, and the moment I got in, I got a phone call. Guess who it was? Guess who wanted to do chest today? Yup. Well, there went dinner, but she told me that she'd go to ball hockey if I went to the gym. What could I say?

I had checked with people about volleyball, and it looked as if we had enough people showing up. So I was a little surprised to wander into the main gym and see only one person there. On top of that, he's never played volleyball before (so he told me). Great. Oh well, we were quite lucky that the team on the other court joined our game, giving us two full teams (the other team only had four people), and it was quite a fun game actually. I had a number of good sets, and they were around my level (except the people on the other team were better). Again, I didn't play for the CTRL-A team, but hey, there's always next week..

Had my volleyball knocked up to the top level, which made me a little late getting to the CIF for the ball hockey game, but I think it was scheduled for 9:30 so I had plenty of time. Unfortunately, when we got there, there were four teams (two games) and only one ref. What? Who the hell rescheduled this game to only give us one ref?? Piece of..

No problem, the ref asked the counter girl (who's kinda cute) if she could sub in. She's coached junior B girls hockey so she has an idea how to play, but heck, she's still no ref. Oh well, it was either that or cancel the game. We weren't going to be canceling the game, so the other ref gave her a quick rundown of how the game works, and away we went!

The game was cut short due to the fact that the CIF closed early in the summer, which was probably good since the other team started to claw their way back in the second half. The final score was 9-4, although I thought that the other team had more goals than that.

It nearly got rough out there, especially near the end, but Joe was amazing in net. Turned into Hasek or something. He saved us many a time and probably kept the game from running away. So, I guess we're off to the finals!

Came home late after eating dinner at Mel's and walking in the rain. Mmm.. breakfast anytime..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:41:01 EDT

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Woody Allen (From The Quotations Page.)