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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Oi oi.. what the heck was I talking about yesterday? Ah, I don't care.

It was quite a nice day today, despite the clouds (or maybe because of them). Didn't get me up any earlier tho, got into school late as usual (well, as usual as I used to be late). I didn't go to to gym today. Without a driving force, I guess I don't have a will to go and pump any iron. That's alright, I would've been working on shoulders and abs, two groups I haven't done yet (oh boy). I'm actually not feeling that bad right now, I'm a little sore, but not in great pain like the first week. This may mean that I'm slowly getting used to all this extra work, but then that would be incentive to go to higher weights.. (ha ha! whatever).

Bombarded by e-mail again. Every fifteen minutes I would get something new. Oi, it's not like I got popular all of a sudden, most of these were group e-mails, and some were work related. Too bad, I was hoping for some interesting stuff.

Some interesting computer news, nothing to really point out, except for china.com which went into trading today. Just like Netscape, the price shot up from $20 to over $66 in one day! It was originally going to be sold at $14, but the price kept getting revised until it hit the floor at $20. What really interested me was that the company had a total revenue of less than 4 million last year, and losses of over 10 million. Of course, I was using Lynx to read the ZDNet article so it could've been some artifact, but heck, can we say.. speculation?

For those of you who are into the speculation in IPO's.. Be is going on sale next week and Linux may be going on sale on August 3rd. Time to call my stockbroker..

Tennis was not too bad today, I was actually hitting the ball with some accuracy and some force some of the time. Too bad it's the second last course of the day. I still have to debate whether or not I'm going to the last class next week since our broomball game is right after. I mean immediately after, and without some sort of rest, I'd be in pretty bad shape during the game. Ack. This is assuming of course that we'll beat the last placed team in the standings during the semi-finals who only have 1 GF.. (If we lose to them tomorrow, I'm going to cry.)

Squash was next on the list. So I headed down to the PAC to get my last lesson. Made it there late unfortunately, but hey, I was busy looking up possible stock ventures.. (Mmm.. Linux.) Peeking into the court, I noticed people already working out in there.. but.. waitaminute. These aren't the right people.. Alright, check out the next court.. nope. The next court? Nope. The next one? Nada. Last one?? Ah well, I didn't think so. So I stuck around for a couple of minutes wondering if the last class got canceled for some reason or another (I didn't go last week because of broomball). And I was all ready to go too, I even brought my sho.. uh..

*twiddles fingers*

Oh.. I guess I forgot my shoes. How.. serendipitous. (I guess)

Ah well, as long as the broomball game tomorrow isn't canceled, I'll be fine.

I'm really happy with my fits and stuff now, I'm actually getting near finishing all my calculations. (Now, if I had fixed this earlier..) Ah well, to late to cry over spilled milk. (besides, the cat will lick it up).

I usually start going on my melodramatic soliloquies whenever I get depressed.. but I'm not. I'm kinda annoyed, and I can't think properly in this state. (Alright alright, I can't think properly in any state, but that's beside the point.. gee.) I guess I won't be explaining my thoughts from yesterday today. Maybe tomorrow.. maybe not.

Interesting observation, once you start programing, or pseudo-programming (like LaTeX or editing HTML) you get so used to the commands and the structure and syntax of the language that it becomes like a second (or third or fourth) language that you can speak or write. You can communicate with other people using these languages, and HTML was designed as a communication tool. So when a certain person pointed to my screen and asked

"What's this crap?"

what could I say but

"It's HTML."

Ahh.. some people don't understand.

I might as well finish off one topic. I think this intimate friendship idea is dangerous. Two different people will view it differently, and it doesn't matter if you try to convince yourself otherwise, whatever your gut feeling is, is probably what you're going to feel once you take this path. It might work, between two really trusting (single) friends, but the possible consequences are huge, and considering the meager benefits.. my personal gut feeling is that it won't work. Personally. Of course, when someone's got me all excited (like yesterday darned it) it's easy to ignore these thoughts, but the aftermath is hard to avoid. You can't win against time, but temptation is such a difficult opponent. Players won't have problems with this, but they wouldn't necessarily limit themselves to friends right? No. Once you become intimate, unless you cheapen the idea of intimacy, I don't think you're just friends anymore. You would have shared something.. special. Eck. If you do start viewing intimacy as something that is not special, then you will become a player of sorts. I'm not saying that players are bad. I know at least one and that person is great (makes me remember where I stand too). I am not a player tho, and that's why I have chosen this stance. The aforementioned person once asked me "I guess you play for keeps?". Yup. I guess I do.

There's more I can talk about, but this is enough for now. I've got a bit of coding to do tomorrow and on top of that, I stink.

One more thought before I leave

"All we are saying.. is give peas a chance.."

- Carrot Juice is Murder, Arrogant Worms.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:40:09 EDT

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