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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

A few hours after I read a message from MJO asking if I could check out the BO2K site, guess what? I was able to get through! This is a pretty freaky program, and it may be a good idea for security type people to go through and check it out. I'm getting my own copy today!

Hmm.. after taking a peek at their site and downloading stuff.. It's come to my attention that us Canadians don't seem to fit in either category they have to offer for downloading the programs. They tell people who are not in the US or Canada to download the international version, but when you try to download the American version, you have to fill out a form that says that you're a true, dedicated and patriotic American (which I am not). Probably a sarcastic form of sorts, but eh, too much stuff to go through.

Ahh.. I knew something had slipped my mind. I wrote it down on Tuesday, hoping that I would be talking about it on Wednesday(even though it happened on Monday). Anyhoo, all those funny calls I've been getting from Campus Marketing seems to be about a couple of credit cards that they wanted to give me. I was wondering what the heck they meant by an application form that I had sent in. I didn't remember signing up for anything in the past couple of months, but I do remember filling out that credit card form (when I was getting my Visa). The weird part was that I had filled out the form more than two years ago! weirDo mentioned that these guys usually jump on any opportunity to give someone some plastic, but I guess my form got lost in the paperwork or something (either that or they found out that I got my NSERC and wanted a piece of the action). Either way, I'm getting two new cards, even though I probably won't be using either of them..

Seems like Laz has been a bit busier with his homepage.. I missed out on two entries that he's put up. I guess I'm getting a little slow with the sweeps..

Been getting a barrage of mail about the possible trip next week. (Take a deep breath man) Well, things are still looking as iffy as ever, and I still haven't heard a peep from the big man himself. It's unfortunate that I didn't ask for a contact number before he left for TO. But as the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

It's quite a nice day out there. Too bad it's also hot and getting humid. It's not so bad from the inside, where I have air conditioning (which they turned off an hour ago - dolts), but we've got a ball hockey game today, and I've got two volleyball games right after. Yes, drinking plenty of water is on the agenda..

It seems as if we're getting a new grad student come the fall. This should be interesting since he'll basically be taking over Cosmo's little (well, it's big, but open) office when he leaves. For now, he'll be bunking with me and my (sometimes) air conditioned room. Let's see how green this boy really is.

I was going through my e-mail, and as I was absentmindedly tapping the D key (to delete my many messages from today) I noticed some movement. It was noticeable since the keyboard was cream and the moving object was dark, so I looked down. There was an earwig on my keyboard. What the.. why you little. I rolled over to my other desk to pick up some toilet paper and came back to crus.. uh.. put the little poor bug out of it's misery. But it had disappeared. Looking around the keyboard, under the keyboard, around the desk, I found no sign of the bugger, so I put my weapon down dejectedly and went back to e-mail. Until I saw movement again. Wait.. didn't see anything on top of.. ah! There it is! The earwig must have fallen in between the keys, since it was rummaging around under the keys inside the keyboard! Well.. I was stuck. I didn't know whether to type like a madman and have fun with the bugger, or try to lure it out. Showing this to weirDo, he noted that it might be laying eggs, and promptly struck a couple of keys that were right on top of the bug. Bug 0, weirDo 1. I wasn't going to fish the body out of the keyboard so I left it in there.

This reminds me of this little red spider (the ones that are the size of pinheads) that was exploring my filing cabinet. It was quite intriguing watching the little guy zoom from one side of the cabinet to the other, weaving over, around and under all obstacles that it faced. They're pretty quick considering their actual size. I got bored after 15 minutes, so I went back to work and didn't see it again.

Oh.. I think the earwig survived weirDo's onslaught, since I saw an earwig limping around on my desk. Feeling (sort of) sorry for it, I picked up the paper that it was on and flung it out the window. Well, that was the plan. I had forgotten that by this time of day, the air pressure inside of the building was so low that anyone opening windows in the building would be buffeted by hurricane force winds blowing anything near the window into the room. That included the earwig I tried in vain to throw out (from my 3rd story window). I lost sight of it, and on the off chance that it had fallen on me, I headed to the washroom. Bug 1, QYV 0

I'm not sure what the heck happened in there, but it reeked of some sort of volatile organic compound (I originally thought it was turpentine). I doubt anyone would be dumping this stuff in the sink, or releasing it as a natural body excretion, so the gas must have been coming up from the sewers through the sink (even though it had a trap). Ahh, I just tried to avoid the washroom.

Returning to the scene of the crime, I saw the earwig.. still alive, limping slowly away. Ah man.. this time, I covered it with some toilet paper and stomped on it. Twice. Checked to see if it was alive, and stomped on it one more time since it was. Bug 1, QYV 1.

Now it's time to go and battle for the ball hockey division title (alright, so it's the lowest division, but we've got to be able to cheer for something!).


[4:00 PM EDT - After ball hockey and volleyball.]

Well.. in the ball hockey game, we actually went up 2-0 at the beginning. Then they clawed their way back up to 2-2 and that's how it stood at half-time. They eventually got two more goals in the second half so the final score was 6-4.

Oh, did I mention that we won?

Yay! So we're the C Division champions! *dances* Well, considering that we only had one substitute for the game, we did fairly well. It was a tough game, and we had a couple of lucky goals, and a few great saves, but I was pretty happy with the outcome. Next up.. Broomball!

Volleyball was hot as usual. Just about everybody showed up for the CTRL-A team. Only a handful showed up for the Chem team. I was a little disappointed with the Chem team, but I guess that's to be expected. Next year I think I'll just submit one team for volleyball and sign myself up as an individual for competitive play.

I bumped into Growly on the way back from updating my bank books. He suggested that I put up that information on this site. Uhh.. no. Even after considering giving only scaled relative changes, it's too much of a pain in the butt, and I don't want people telling me to buy stuff, or save my money and stuff. Whatever.

Oh, bumped into this guy at the egg who I knew. He sort of stuck out of the crowd that he was with. Namely, he was sitting with 8 or so girls (and one guy). What got me was that all of the girls were blond! (Even the guy!) Well, didn't talk to him much, but it was an interesting observation.

Hey! How many of you know of George Carlin? I'm gonna be looking up his stuff later, but I didn't realize that he was in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure!

Last thing before I go home and take a shower.. and eat.. and update my files.. and.. anyway, I finally picked up my X-10 Firecracker remote system thing! Bladed down to Westmount mall and picked up the parcel (which was smaller than I anticipated) and eagerly brought it back to my office. Opened it up at school, and weirDo wanted to check it out, so we installed the software and stuff, but before I could check it out, I had to talk to my supervisor. Well, after I got back, weirDo was already playing around with the thing. I thought it didn't work from his reaction, but the thing worked like a charm! We hooked it up to his desk lamp and had fun turning it on and off with the computer. We also could dim the light and stuff. It was pretty nifty. Pretty much a electronics toy, but seeing as I only had to pay for shipping, I was quite happy.

No, I won't buy any of the extra plugs thank you. I can now hook this thing up to my TV and use the remote for it! Yay!

Time to go.. Me no smell pleasant. Go home. Eat. Sleep.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:32:20 EDT

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