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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Trolling around the two homepages I check the most (since they seem to be updated the most often - a subtle hint to those who might be reading this and don't update their pages.. although don't do it for my sake, do it because you want to, and if you do update often with interesting additions, then I might drop by.. of course if you don't want me to visit, then that entire argument is moot) and it seems like Laz has a recent addition to his site. Growly on the other hand had a little surprise in store for me (which I hadn't noticed until now). Well, it seems as if he has put up a little description of me of sorts (titled Hero of Mind and Manga oddly enough since Laz described me as the otaku genius. Both titles made me laugh out loud - LOL for you netfreaks). I was laughing the entire time I was reading it. Well.. I found it funny, but probably because it was about me. So I get amused by the simplest things.. geez. Anyhoo, to answer your question Growly, the CTRL-A site is:


Pretty simple huh?

Just wanted to mention, today is my dad's birthday, so wish him a good one!

I better get ready for tennis.. then broomball.. then softball.. then maybe a movie.. we'll have to see. I'll explain later..


[4:00 PM EDT - After all three sports.]

Well, it seems as if this day actually started off being as mucky and grungy as the previous few days (during this heat wave). The forecast was a high somewhere over 30, but a low of 12 tonight! That meant a cold air mass moving in on the area, which possibly meant rain. Doh. That might mean that tennis and softball were going to be canceled!! (Course, you guys know the outcome so this ain't as suspenseful.)

Ahh.. the day started off fine otherwise, with the air conditioning and all. I actually made it more or less on time for the lab today! I was so happy. This was the last lab of the term as well, so I guess leaving a good impression is always a good idea. People were having problems printing tho, I can't remember who it was, but she looked nice in that dress.. (Mmm mmm!)

Here's a question I'm pondering, how come some shirts and blouses are seethrough? Well, at least seethrough to the brazier. Do they know this? Is that why they wear them? This is not a complaint mind you, I personally don't mind staring, but it can be a little distracting.. And some people don't like to be stared at. Well, I guess it might be left as another of life's little mysteries..

Speaking of little mysteries, I talked to Caroline and she told me that the reason that milk is added to scrambled eggs is to make it more tender. I guess that's true, but I usually try to fry my eggs in a pool of oil so I can fluff it up a bit (my mom did it all the time, it is very good when cooked like that) I hate those restaurant pan fried eggs which are flat and crusty. For those of you who haven't tried the fluffy scrambled eggs, you should go and try making them yourselves. I don't think my mom would appreciate people appearing at her door asking for some eggs.

Oh yeah, on my way to acquire lunch, I think it was one of my previous power skating teachers (who's probably younger than me - but you know how good I am at age guessing) walked passed me. I didn't say anything since I usually don't, but her hair was longer and I think she looks better that way. Just wanted to mention that.

It rained a bit on the way to and back from the math C&D and it was very overcast. The day actually started off very sunny and clear, the fact that the clouds moved in so quickly surprised me a bit, but I guess the meteorologists can be sorta right every now and then..

BSB called. That surprised me. I was planning to call him but I guess he caught me first. Well, the car thing is still up in the air and we won't know if we'll be getting one until next week.. let's keep our fingers crossed..

In the early part of the afternoon, the clouds started to break up, although I didn't notice until I looked outside and saw a partially cloudy sky. Opening up my window, I felt the breeze blowing into my room. It was a cool breeze. The heat wave was over! Not only that, it didn't rain as much as I had feared!! This meant that tennis and softball were on, and it was going to be good!

The first time I looked at those clouds, they were moving at a brisk pace due to the high winds, but it was a great sight, seeing the clouds march across the sky from the north-west, heralding cooler weather and driving out the oppressing heat and humidity. What a great sight. Like watching reinforcements arrive to save the day..

Tennis was fine. Apparently only one person showed up at the last lesson. so I didn't feel so bad for skipping out on it. Another thing I want to point out is that that person reminds me a lot of Renee from the way she's built. Don't you agree? *scratches head* I guess I'll have to take a better look next time =)

I also bumped into SDS, who was a broomball player, at the courts. Kinda surprised me that he was a tennis player. Course, I shouldn't be talking, I'm no tennis master myself..

I had to skip out on squash due to the broomball game, but I realized too late that I had forgotten to bring my broomball shirt! Ahh! What a bad omen. Kinda annoyed about that, but we still won 3-1. Too bad it doubled our goals against for the term. Ah well, it was a good game, we'll see how the playoffs go.

I noticed during the game that some girl actually came into the rink to watch. (Apart from Mr. Broomball's girl.) That was kind of weird, since she went off to the bleachers as opposed to the bench (where the other girl was). Found out later that she was with one of our players.. ah. So it wasn't a coincidence.. too bad, I had hoped that we'd get some spectators someday =)

The softball game (which was moved from an earlier time slot which used to conflict) went really well! We actually had two full teams show up, and everyone contributed. I was very impressed. I'm very glad that everyone also had fun. This is what co-rec sports are for, just to go out and have fun. It's too bad that the rest of the term was so piss poor. We'll see if TG's willing to set up another team next term..

During the game, I talked to Will, who was telling me that he'll be meeting me on the ice tomorrow. Huh? He told me that there was a broomball game tomorrow. Huh?! He told me that his captain talked to the convener and got a game for tomorrow. Huh?!? Well, that's news to me. I just got e-mail from her telling all of us that there was NO broomball for the rest of the term. How confusing. The two of us went to the PAC to check the Icefield schedule and see if what he was saying was true. Seems like the time slots that were normally for broomball were empty..


Curiouser and curiouser..

I guess I'll just have to warn everyone.. just in case.

Time to eat.. I've starved myself way too long, and it seems like I won't be going to the movies tonight.. oops, just found out, broomball is a definite cancel. That's unfortunate. Ahh well, there's next term..

I'm gonna go now. I'll be back.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:26:07 EDT

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