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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Well, it seems like Friday was a bit more jam packed than I expected!

The trip back was uneventful. Might have something to do with the fact that I slept on the car ride back. After getting dropped off at the subway station, I hopped onto the subway and found myself a seat. The car was fortunately only half full so I didn't feel bad for procuring a double seat for me and my stuff (I brought my blades back). After a few stops, we reached Dundas West and there was a huge flood of people who entered the car. I looked up and watched the people pour in, confident that my seat was not going to be molested. Then I saw her. She looked like.. no! Yes! It was Squishy! (Well, it sure looked like her even with glasses and all) What the heck was she doing here?? I quickly pointed at her and jabbered incoherently trying to get her attention. I must have looked pretty goofy, since she didn't notice and walked in the other direction. Taking the situation into my own hands (read that however you want), I stood up, left my stuff on the seat, and followed her. There have been many times where I thought I recognized someone and didn't act, so this was quite uncharacteristic of me, but geez, this is Squishy, it's worth it. I followed her until she found herself a seat (a double) and sat down on the inside seat. I sat down next to her and waited. I didn't have to wait long, because she immediately turned around to take a look at me..

The look of surprise was priceless. It was her. She told me later that (from her own point of view) she walked onto the car and found a seat to sit down in, minding her own business (she was doing some stuff at this end of town) and was wondering why someone would sit down next to her when the subway car was so empty. I think that's the story she'll be telling all of her friends. Anyhoo, after a quick greeting and "how are you?" I went back to my old seat to pick up my stuff which was still on the seat (whew!). We had a good talk until she had to go.

"The next one is mine."

What? (It made no contextual sense at that time)

"I mean the next stop is mine."

Oh.. that's too bad. I really like talking with her, and I this was the first time I saw her since convocation. She reminded me about her CDs that I.. uh.. borrowed from her. Heh. But she forgot my birthday =( so she kissed me on the head =) I promised her that I would give her a call later that night, and see if we could get together this weekend.

That encounter was so amazingly serendipitous, it really made the rest of my day (although I probably should have been looking for that horseshoe..). It's funny, how usually these sudden encounters that I have with people don't always work out, but I never remember those. I only remember the ones that do work out nicely.

I made it to the Scarborough town centre terminal, and made it in time to the bus stop to figure out that I must have just missed the bus. Gosh darned it. I stuck around at the stop for a minute, until I turned around and noticed someone walking who looked amazingly like MPS! Aw man, is this twice in one day?? Should I push my luck??!? That moment of indecision cost me, since she rounded around a construction barrier and disappeared, I assumed into the bus on the McCowan stop. I stood there for a minute or two before thinking. Heck, why not go check it out? So I jumped onto the bus. Looking around, I didn't see that person on the bus. After checking for a minute or two, I realized that she didn't actually get onto this bus, and taking a peek outside I didn't see her anywhere! Ack! Dejected, I stayed on the bus as it pulled away from the terminal.

That's all right, it just meant that I had to blade a little bit further to get home.

I got home in one piece, paged MPS, and checked out the present my sister got me. It was half of the Return of the Condor Heroes series. The first time I looked at it, I didn't recognize the series, but it was drawn by some Singaporean guy in anime style, so I started sifting through. The more I read, the more I remembered the story, since I remembered watching a live action Chinese series which was based on the same story. I forgot the Chinese name, but my sister warned me that once I started reading, I couldn't stop (so I shouldn't start reading yet). I didn't listen, and kept reading.. and reading..

Fortunately my sister was able to drag me off to Bill's place where her friends were having a little BBQ. They actually got me to eat something after pestering me for a couple of hours. We went blading after, but since we had to pick up our blades from home, I was able to give Squishy a call. She was busy, unfortunately and told me that she'd call back later. Then I called up Laz, who didn't seem as excited as I was at bumping into Squishy. Gee.

We ended up blading until one in the morning. Played a bit of ball hockey as well, quite a fun sport even though I was very poor at it. I really think I should learn how to play hockey..

Went home and picked up the books again. Read through all of them. Looked at clock. Five in the morning. Ack. Went to bed.

The next morning, I got up around noon, which was when Squishy gave me a call telling me that she called the night before and no one picked up the phone. She was a little worried of waking someone up so she didn't leave a message. That's too bad. Still, we arranged a time to meet and go blading that afternoon. I wanted to bring a camera and the one that I had was broken. My sister told me of a digital camera that she had for the moment, so I figured that I could use that, once I find the batteries and download the pictures off onto the computer.

After half an hour of fiddling around, and cursing and kicking the computer, I gave up and headed out without the camera. (Couldn't seem to get the photos downloaded.) Wah. I didn't have much trouble finding her place and saying Hi to Cody, we went blading. Had a good talk with her, and she was a little annoyed at be for being a better bladder even though I had only gotten my blades a bit more than two months ago.

We then went back to her place and listened to some music, she showed off some wedding pictures and songs by the Arrogant Worms, which I claimed not to know, but after she played one song.. gosh.. I think it's the.. uhh.. something to do with animals at some park. [Sunday, July 11, 1999: The song name was Mounted Animal Nature Trail.]

"..and the bear went."
"..and the pig went."
"..and the crow went."
"Well, I guess he was alive.."

Dang. Anyway, I recognized that song, but that's about it. They're pretty funny, and Squishy highly recommends them.

DWC came out in the end so I said "Hi" before I left. I really should visit her more often, I don't think I see her enough, but her life is so busy, she doesn't actually have any time to spend with me. Ah well.

I made it back in time to get my hair cut, talk to MPS, and eat dinner at my aunt's place. Then I had to wait three hours before heading down to MPS's new condo and check out her new digs. She wasn't in when I first checked in so I waited outside for half an hour. Gosh darned it.. colder than I thought. To think, that she was actually in but in the washroom and if I checked five minutes later I wouldn't have to have waited outside at all..

Ah well, she had a nice place, even though she's got some cleaning up to do. We ended up talking for a few hours. Actually, she did most of the talking, I was doing the listening. I was rather surprised tho, our conversations are usually fairly superficial, but she kept asking me for different topics and subjects that we started to get more serious. I didn't think she had that much depth, nor did I think that she had similar thoughts as I did. I guess we're not that different after all. Of course I never told her this, since I was mostly quiet for the night. I guess people start saying interesting things at four in the morning.

I got home after five. The dawn was already breaking, and I was really tired. I hoped to get some sleep for today..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:41:47 EDT

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