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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Well, I guess this is Independence day is it not?

Last night, I tried out the new version of the Matrox Powerdesk (with the new Open GL ICD) and it seemed to work properly! However, there was no uninstall feature, and I couldn't seem to find where it had installed the files, and my computer started to crash every now and then (which may be due to the heat). Still, a test of Half-Life at 1024x768 with the default Open GL drivers showed that

  1. It worked.
  2. It ran smoothly.
  3. No resolution problems.

Woo woo! The game normally had problems running at 1024x768 with D3D, and don't even ask about software rendering.. so I was quite happy. Still, I shouldn't make a final verdict until the weather cools down and I get a better test of the game under a less extreme environment.

I also went out with ShadowWhyspr, Lizard (who gave me a ride - car ride.. yeesh), Ange, Puma, and her bf Dean to the Plantation down in "downtown" Waterloo. It's a little coffee shop not unlike just Williams, except that it's even more expensive. Oi. My plate was good (although I already had dinner). It was called the chocolate divine.. had a choice of crepe or waffles with chocolate ice cream, chocolate brownies, and sliced bananas and covered with chocolate sauce and whipped cream. Could it get any more unhealthy? I was amazed that I could actually finish the thing without hurling.

Basically spent the night listening to the girls yap about guys. Well, actually just Ange and ShadowWhyspr. The rest of us were pretty quiet. Not too much out of the ordinary. I did notice though that Lizard let her hair down and took off her glasses before going into the Plantation. Once we got back in the car, she put on her glasses (helps when you're driving) and tied her hair back up. This makes me wonder, did she do this consciously or was this just habit? *scratches head* Does everyone do this? Like.. make themselves look "better" even if it's casual? (Because it was casual).

Ah, perhaps I'll never understand.

Oh.. we ended up leaving a small (10%) tip. I felt sorry for the waitress, but I gave a 20% tip on my order. Too bad it was on a single bill. Don't you just hate that? When you go out and eat, or drink, and you leave a good sized tip, except that when you pool the money, some cheapskate skimps out and makes the whole group look like a bunch of tightwads. Dolts. Next time.. separate bills.

RHS was telling me about how people in the states don't tip as much.. around 5% or so, while that seems like nothing up here, he told me that the waiters/waitresses could pick out the tourists by the size of the tip that they leave. Good.

Another thing he mentioned was that some restaurants actually pay their waiters/waitresses less than minimum wage since they knew that they would make it up with tips. Oi. That's probably why people who have worked in restaurants tip heavily.

Funny how while you're eating, the waiter/waitress would come up and ask how things are going, if we need any extra drinks etc. Except while we're eating and/or talking we usually don't notice these things. We only notice them when we want a drink or the bill and they don't seem to be around. This happened last night when we were waiting for the bill. The waitress was basically doting on us during the night, until we wanted the bill. Add to that the small tip and I feel kinda sorry for her.

Anyway, enough about that. When I got dropped off at home, the lights were on in the living room (those lights are never turned on) and some guy was parked in front of the house. Visitors? Well, I couldn't really tell, the guy was leaving and I thought I heard a female voice in Jake's room, but his door was closed, and it stayed that way for the rest of the night. Unfortunately they left all of the lights on in the house and moved the furniture around in the living room (to use the pullout couch?). This also meant that they got one of the chairs hooked on my network cable which I was trying to untangle.. ugh.

Well, whoever came by to visit seemed to be staying for the night, from the carnage I saw in the bathroom, I hoped that she wouldn't be staying too long. I stayed up for a while installing some programs which I left for the last minute.. before going to sleep. Man it was really hot and humid last night..

To think that it got even hotter and more humid this morning. Oi. I don't know about you, but this morning, I could wave my arm around in the air and could've felt the water in the air hinder my movement. I was semi-conscious when whoever was staying over left.. early this morning, so I never really got a chance to see her. I guess it'll remain a mystery for now.

Taking a shower and turning on the fan didn't alleviate the horrible humidity for very long, so I headed off to school where there was at least some semblance of air conditioning.

It didn't last long. The air conditioner worked for all of one hour until it started spewing out warm humid air. Guh. I called into plant ops to ask them to turn on the air conditioning. Same thing as last time. They turned on the vent, and didn't send me any cold water (for the air conditioner). Dolts. I wasn't sure if this was what happened last time, but now I know (and knowing's half of the battle).

Time to go play broomball..


[4:00 PM EDT - After a couple of hard fought games.]

Just came back from eating. Which was just after the two games against the two best teams in the league (apart from us). Our first game was against the pH@ PrV=RTs who went in with a record of 4-1. We soundly beat them 8-0 (even I got a goal and an assist!). The second game was against the pink fluffy bunny slippers who had a record of 3-0-1 (we were the ones who gave them the tie). Won that one 3-0 (even I got a goal!). Of course, now I just noticed all of the scratches and bruises that I acquired during the game. That and the fact that I'm incredibly sore, and we've got one more game on Tuesday.. Gah..

Ahh.. at least the air conditioner is on again in my office. I might just hibernate here for a while until I feel like sleeping. If I had a chance, I would've stayed here at school, since the weather forecast gives a hot and humid 33 degrees for tomorrow and a hot 29 degrees for Tuesday. Yay. (That's 91, and 84 degrees for you Fahrenheit people.) There was no mention of what the humidex was going to be, but I think I'm gonna be staying in my office for most of the day..

It should be good tho, since I do have a paper to write. I have to go and pick up some articles to read over for my introduction. My analysis is still incomplete, and I don't think it'll be complete for a while yet. It's too bad that it takes so long to do these runs.. well. It's just for this one molecule. Which is one of the reasons we're studying it in the first place!

I've really got to give Lionsmane and BSB a call. Too bad you can't dial long distance from here.. you know. My shoulder's starting to hurt, and I can't really stretch it properly. This is one of the few times I wouldn't mind having a girlfriend (who wouldn't mind doing things like this of course). Ack.. it seems like I'll be in pain tomorrow.

I know that there is a lot of stuff that I wanted to do for my page. Unfortunately, nothing comes to mind. This just means that I have to write them down somewhere.. I gotta make that into a habit..

Well, it's getting late (well, it isn't but I'm tired) so I'm gonna head home and sleep, and if not, then I'll take a shower first before I sleep.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:25:15 EDT

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