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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

The ride home was fairly uneventful, no deaths, sightings, or revelations, which was fine by me, I was hoping for some rest and relaxation this weekend. What did surprise me tho was this little event on the subway on the way back. I was a little tired yesterday, and so I napped a bit on the subway. Getting near the end of the line (I had to go all the way on the Bloor-Danforth line) I opened my eyes, and I thought I saw Madelaine in a seat facing me. That made me blink. Twice. She was still there, so I had to readjust my glasses and squint to make sure.. and deduced that it wasn't her. She was a bit older, and didn't look as nice. (Sorry lady) The resemblance tho.. was uncanny. It really looked like her and that scared me, a bit, to believe that she was in the same car. I was totally unprepared for an encounter like that. I wonder if she noticed seeing that she was staring in my direction the whole time I was craning to see her. She got off soon after with her kid, but it still took me a few minutes to shake off the.. feeling of seeing a ghost. It was a little haunting.

Later that day, my mom gave me this good luck charm. A little (jade?) amulet with two fish inscribed on it. Told me it was for good luck. Apparently this year is a bad year for rabbits, and I needed a good luck charm to ward off the evil spirits. Funny, how a couple months ago, Vicki (Phat's gf) told the same sort of story, which is the reason why she kept a little amulet in the shape of a rabbit with her. I dunno, this superstitious mumbo jumbo is usually off base, but I figured that I should keep it on me to give my mom some piece of mind. (Especially if things work out) I also got a little jade rabbit, so I guess I can put em together or something..

Oh.. oh yeah. An interesting conversation I had with Renee the other day (well, most of my conversations with her are interesting.. she's so open). She was telling me of this guy who kept.. uh.. semi-stalking her. He was nice and all, but was too.. attached I guess is a good word, even though they weren't going out. He would do anything she'd ask, but she told me

"I don't want a pet, I want a man."

I doubt too many girls (that I would be interested in) would want to have "pets" as well.. I'll keep that in mind.

Sunday I went shopping for footwear. Bought myself a pair of baseball cleats (my first!), a pair of volleyball shoes (my first!), and a pair of roller blades (my first!). I figured that I should start picking up on inline skating since I won't be taking any ice skating lessons this term. (Besides, TG and TP offered to do some rollerblading with me, so how could I refuse?) I hope the volleyball shoes will work well on ice, those are the only indoor shoes (without holes) that I have ATM.

Nothing else too interesting happened this weekend. Couldn't get in touch with MPS.. well, she did call back, but I was listening to music and couldn't hear the phone ring (hangs head in shame). I'll try to catch her next week. (I'll see if we can go out for lunch or something).

I did go to my cousin's birthday party (which was the reason I went home in the first place). I was able to play a bit of roller hockey before dinner. Found out how HARD it was to stop and maneuver with those things.. my feet were fairly sore afterward (ow). Inside, during dinner, one of the relatives (a second cousin) kept bugging me. She's been doing that for a couple of years now, kinda annoying, but what could I do? Anyway, I had my legs up on another chair and after a bit of chair hopping, she landed on my legs. She wasn't too heavy, so that was alright, except for the fact that she started bouncing, especially when she got annoyed. First she started bouncing on my lower legs, then on my knees, and eventually reached my thighs despite repeated attempts to ask her off (and asking for other people to help me get her off). She had one of her knees in between my legs and it kinda stung, so I asked her if she knew how much it hurt. "Of course I know! Why do you think I put my knee there?"

"Do you think I'm stupid or something?"

Oh.. (well now that you mention it) Curious, I asked how old she was (I had forgotten). Seven. (Seven?) Cripes. I was getting molested by a seven year old. (Now if she were a decade older, it wouldn't have been AS bad..) Anyhoo, after a few more attempts to get her off verbally, I just picked her up, put her on the ground, and ran back into the house. Oi. So I doubt anyone else out there would've ended up in my situation, but hey, I'm a weakling.

Made it back here in one piece, the Leafs advance to the second round, my parents got a new car, and they found a giant stuffed bear. Nothing too exciting, so I'm going to bed.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:25:21 EDT

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