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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Finally was "formally" introduced to my new roommate Jake. His room is still sparse, but I think he'll be carting in some more stuff in time. Apparently there was some bad blood going on between HNT and ChuckL & Hazel.. but it's better to not ask questions lest be required to choose sides (which in this case would not be good). Oh yeah, HNT also reminded me that there was some sort of code NOT to blade in the buildings.. crap. But I think I'll be able to blade to school, but I'll have to change outside, before I go in. A pain in the butt (since I'll have to carry my shoes instead of having a pair at each place) but I guess dem's the breaks!

This morning, while taking a shower, the water pressure dropped for a while. This was pretty common, and it really didn't bother me too much even though I was only getting half of the water, at least it stayed warm. The difference today was that a couple of minutes, the pressure dropped again, to zero. Nothing. No water at all. Oh man, I was also in the middle of my lather.. there was NO way I was going to get out now.. After a couple of minutes sitting under the dripping shower head, the water slowly came back. Freezing cold at first, but eventually warming up enough so that I could finish my shower and get out of there. Brr..

I talked to HNT about it during breakfast, and he told me that it was possibly because he first flushed the toilet, and then started taking a shower. He mentioned that he was getting very little pressure as well (more than me tho). Whatever, I'll have to keep that in mind.

Sent out a small forward to a bunch o' people (I send one every now and then, depending on how often Magnifica or Madelaine clear out their inboxes) and after I heard the xbiff beep in the other rooms, I heard Cosmo mention (in a "oh.. it's only" tone)

"It's from [QYV]."

Mmm.. I think he wanted me to hear that.

Lunch was good, Dusty, weirDo and I went outside to eat and we threw my Frisbee around for a while (until we got tired). weirDo wanted a hot dog from the hot dog stand but the guy wasn't around, (heh heh - he was teasing us about how he was gonna get one and that we weren't) so he settled for a sub from the Math C&D.

After that, I went to Gabby's proposal seminar which was okay, except for the fact that I had no idea what the hel..ck was going on. After the talk, I went back into my office and Cosmo wandered in telling me about some girl that came by

"She has long hair, about yea tall, started in 93, is going to play broomball.."

Ahh.. don't tell me I missed her again. Then I found a note (unsigned of course) but it HAD to be her . Man, of all the luck..

Cosmo told me that he told her a sure way to find me was not to look for me, but to not look for me. He gave himself as an example

"I don't want to see you, but I see you all the time!"

to which I replied

"Of course, cuz you work here!"

"Oh yeah." he said, and wandered off. *shrug*

KNZ came by. Did a good job of scaring me on the way in (I didn't hear him).. I let him take my last coffee crisp and he put up a poster for the next CTRL-A show on my door. Not like it's gonna get that much coverage there, but hey. I gave him back his Jo Jo's tapes and we started talking after a minute or so I turn around to see Renee in the doorway! Oh my god! She actually found me!! (Isn't that juth wonderful?) Well, there weren't any coffee crisps left so she took one of my Nutcho's.. (all these greedy people..)

Well, I promised her that I would take her down to the basement and visit Dusty, so I said "Bye" to KNZ and led her downstairs and get her past the high tech modern security system they have down there (I just made that up). Well, fortunately he was in and so we chatted for a while, they went on talking about some people that I've never met, eh, but we didn't stay long and left after about 15 minutes. After that, I walked her to the environmental studies building. I didn't think I ever was in that building, but after getting there, I remembered having my frosh leader training course in one of the rooms (I also remember getting lost that day). On the way there, we saw Growly coming by, probably going home so we talked to him for a sec, a minute later, Dave (one of the frosh leaders from last year) came by as well and hung around for a bit. At the same moment Renee told me that I should just stand here and let people come to me, I saw one of my former students (I think it was SM) walking by.. oi yoi. Just like the planets were being aligned or something, and none of these people actually KNEW each other. Bizarre.

Later that afternoon, Renee mentioned something about her uncle finding a website which apparently was one of her friends that talked about her and how she lost a key etc. and how it was all accessible on the net and anyone could read it..


No.. It couldn't be. Well.. could it? I came back here (after softball practice - gotta tell TG about the game tomorrow) and looked up Renee. After a bit of searching, I found a link to The PIT. It was dated March 21. Aww man. I guess they do update their links on some of those search engines, and even though I don't talk about Renee every day, he may have either been lucky enough to catch a day where I WAS talking about her, or actually knew that there was more to the page than this entry. Either way, he misread the entry, but it could've been perceived that way, so I guess I'll have to talk to Renee about this.. I wonder how she'll react.

Well, that should be enough for today.. need to go home and eat.. haven't really consumed much today and I need to make up for all that energy spent this afternoon..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:35:52 EDT

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