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[12:00 PM EDT - Comments on the Littleton Massacre.]

HKL gave me this link which has some interesting Final Fantasy movies..

I might as well put this up before I forget. There's been a bit of bantering between Laz and Growly on both of their sites about the Littleton Massacre. I don't want to get involved in any verbal wars.. but I just wanted to say that I think that they both have valid points. Although Laz went a little far by saying

"As massacres go, it's really not that interesting in itself."

Tell that to the parents and friends of the kids who died.

I think the the point he was trying to make was.. why are we so hyped up about something like this when hundreds.. no, thousands of people are dying in wars, struggles, and everyday life all over the world? Sort of along the lines of

A boy who drowns in a creek is a tragedy, an entire village killed in a typhoon is news.

He has a point.. a point of hypocrisy.

Anyway, my take on the whole thing is that this is an event that should not have happened. Why do we have kids killing people? Why do we have kids WANTING to kill people? There were two other high school shootings last year in the States. In fact, I even remember the massacre.. I think it was 1991 in Montreal. Why did this happen? Why are we helpless? Why do people kill?

Through detective work and forensic science we can determine the events leading up to the shooting, we can determine accurately the method, but we will not understand. Without understanding there can be no resolution. Without resolution the killings will continue. It is tragic that events like this could happen. It is pathetic when ignorant people begin to point fingers.

Over the past few days, there has been a general uproar about any person, place, or thing that was linked to the two killers, Harris and Klebold. Black trenchcoats, guns, KMFDM (who's not too bad mind you), Doom (What a classic).. the list goes on and on and the fingers.. the fingers keep pointing. People are always finding something new to blame. Why is it that people will always want a reason for every event happening? Why do we always have to create heroes, find scapegoats, and if nothing can be found, call it an act of God?

All I have to say is:


I'm getting sick and tired of placing blame on this and that.. especially if it may not be a cause, but a symptom. People, people, stop overreacting! Do you really think that stopping kids from wearing black trenchcoats would stop them from killing? What if they were wearing pink leotards with frills? Would those be banned as well?!? (Hmm.. that's a good idea actually) In the rush to find a cause, and placing the blame on anything that is blamable, it has created a backlash from those people who wear black trenchcoats, tote guns, listen to KMFDM, play Doom, or wear pink leotards with frills.. (okay, I added in that last one). This is not what we want. This is just making the problem worse, causing division, creating mistrust, and seeding the hatred that will erupt into another massacre, continuing the cycle.

A cycle of anger, hate, and despair.. and the scary thing is, it is in all of us.. we are all capable of these acts. One day, it might just be you (or me).

I did write what I thought people should do.. but then I removed it. This is not a page of answers.

Growly mentioned

"I notice that the tone of his journal entries have taken a turn for the philosophical -- no, that's the wrong word. They've become more like "musings" instead of just straight journaling. I like it."

I must say that I have had some of these thoughts for a long time now, some of my opinions are more recent, but I only express them when I allow myself to think about these matters. Without distractions, one will become depressed by the full weight of reality. Perhaps that is why we all seek comfort in the arms of another. To forget, for a while, the true nature of our existence, of our insignificance.

Mull over that while I go and feed myself, perhaps when I return, I will bring happier news.


[4:00 PM EDT - After dinner.]

Well, this day turned out to be a little productive. I was able to print out all of the slides for my talk from last month, and past them onto some bristol board that I got today. I'll be cutting it tomorrow for the poster presentation at Guelph. Hopefully I'll still be getting a ride from Dusty seeing as weirDo won't be going (He chickened out at the last minute).

Remembered to go skating this morning. Forgot to bring gloves. Bad move, after half an hour, my hands were pretty cold. Falling onto the ice didn't help matters much, and I had to keep my hands in my pockets most of the time. This made it difficult to maintain balance, so I didn't do anything too outrageous on the ice today.

After I got back from skating, LMC came by to talk to Fred (just to check up or something). Well, I bumped into her as she was leaving and we talked for a while, an hour or so. It was really nice talking to her seeing as I don't see her often (more like once a blue moon) and boy does she have a lot to say. I didn't mind, this is the last time she'll be on campus until convocation, and after that, it's quite unlikely she'll be back. Anyhoo, I was able to convince her to let me take a couple of pictures (I actually got pictures!!) so I can add them to my album when I get the film developed - probably in a year or so. Oh, while talking with LMC, Fred came out and said something about hoping that I wasn't too obstreperous for her.. whatever.

Got a message from Shawn, about a letter I got ad my old address, so I went down and picked it up. Lo and behold, it was a letter from Lionsmane! (dated March 17) You can tell that it's been bouncing around for a little while.. Well, it seems like I should give her a call sometime, she seems to be a little lonesome.

Speaking of which, I finally went down to the arcade to visit Renee. The arcade was closed. That kinda confused me, so I went back to the office and gave her a call. She was home and told me that she didn't go to work today because the arcade was closing. What the.. Her life apparently was also not in the best of shape.. It's too bad she lives so far away, I think she needed a hug. Well, I'll try to cheer her up a bit tomorrow.

Okay, enough about that.. I'm tired. Must sleep.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:40:07 EDT

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