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[12:00 PM EDT - No subject.]

Holy crap, what a bizarre day it was today.. (weatherwise). Well, lets start with yesterday's news..

Actually, on Friday, on my way home, I noticed that the newspaper box at the Lester St Bus stop was stocked with Saturday Records. Alright, so maybe they're really good reporters or something, but come on.. Saturday newspaper on a Friday afternoon? It's like those crazy magazines sending out mags one month early, or the 1999 cars that actually came out in 1998. News is news, and old news is no news.

Laz actually made it to Waterloo on Saturday.

Geez, Win95 crashed on me again.. what a pain in the butt.. lost my changes..

Anyway, I figured that Laz would make it in to town by 2-4 PM so I decided that I could install Heretic II and check it out before he got here. Well, the hours rolled by, and by the time he finally made it here (around 8 PM), I had already beaten the first boss.. (there are only three). Good grief, I could've finished my report in that time.. oh well.

We went to East Side Mario's for dinner. While we were waiting for our table, we watched the NHL highlights on the TV. The sound was off, so we couldn't hear the announcers, but we were watching highlights of the Leafs scoring on the Panthers time and time again. For a moment, I thought.. well, this could be from tonight's game. But as they showed more and more Laz suggested that they were showing all of the Leaf goals against the Panthers. Of course, the highlights that they showed WERE from the same game, which we realized when they showed the score.. 9-1 in favor of the Leafs! Holy crap! Could you lose any worse than that?? Wow, I felt sorry for Florida. Not!

Our waitress looked very familiar, although I couldn't place it for a long time during dinner. Eventually, I thought that it looked like one of my figure skating teachers.. but she was a little too old.. (The waitress that greeted us at the door was a lot cuter). Anyway, I figure that there's no chance she's the same person so I didn't bother to ask, but she looked awfully familiar..

While we were eating, Laz kept offering me one of his tomatoes..

"Would you like this tomato?"

I wasn't that hungry so I kept turning him down. Eventually he started telling me of this story about KP.. and while they were eating once, Laz took out the tomato and KP asked if she could have it. Laz let her have it and she bit into it. It wasn't a tomato, it was a hot pepper (that looked like a tomato). It was so hot she even had tears in her eyes. So, before you take a bite out of a red fruit, make sure it's what you think it is, and don't pull a KP. BTW, neither of us ate the hot pepper.

After dinner, went to.. Uhh.. I think it was SC's place (I don't know who SC is.. it's one of Growly's and Laz's friends - Growly has a picture). Well a bunch of us went to a little tea house.. I think the name was the Moody Blues.. but anyway, it was actually quite nice. It's basically a house, which someone turned into a little tea lounge. There were so many different teas available, so you'd probably be able to find one that you liked down there. There were seven of us, and we ended up playing Chinese Checkers until two in the morning. It was actually quite fun. I was rather surprised.

After being dropped off at home, I realized that I had left my "food to go" in the car. Whoops. Growly called me up (at 2 in the morning) to tell me that he had my food. Well, I have no idea when I'll go and pick it up. Ah well.

This morning I woke up a little later than usual. I wasn't sure if Laz was gonna go back home with SC or not (she was leaving just after noon). After telling him the time (9:30am) I went back to my room and played Heretic II, by the time he had gotten up and ready, it was already late for him to catch SC. Well, I figured that he'd stick around for a couple more hours, so we went out to Mel's for brunch.

It actually started off bright and sunny this morning, but it progressively got worse as the day wore on. it started hailing soon after noon, and by the time we walked out the door, there was a nice layer of hail on the ground already. I was glad that I took my winter jacket instead of my jean jacket, since it had gotten a tad cold (and windy). Not far from the house, there was this big flash of light. I had no idea what it was, so I turned to see Laz looking just as confused. Until we were hit by the thunder (boy was it loud) very soon after. The next moment, and many more after that, we were running down the street to find cover, and get Mel's sooner. Holy crap, it freaked me out to get a flash like that, especially since there wasn't any lightning until then. I should've figured it out tho: Hail - Bad weather - Lightning. Ah well, the ignorance of youth (and stupidity):

"Benson, you are so free of the ravages of intelligence."

It's from Time Bandits if you were wondering.

Fortunately we made it to Mel's in one piece. While we were eating, we watched as the hail turned to huge flurries, to small flurries mixed with bits of ice. The ground turned from a thin layer of hail, to a couple of inches of snow in less than an hour. Holy crap, I haven't seen weather this bad in April since the time I went biking with AG on April Fools (6 years ago).

"You guys are weird."

Well, we walked back to my place, and the ground was covered with snow. After all that good weather that we had in the past month, only to see nature pull a fast one on us.. that was funny.

There was a girl with a bike walking in the opposite direction. I could've sworn that she looked familiar, was part of the Bridge club or something. I should've waved perhaps. She did give good shoulder massages..

Laz stuck around a little longer at my place. Long enough to watch the first two episodes of Jo Jo's. I don't think he was too impressed, but I was too busy getting killed in Heretic II (Dang that Gauntlet). I continued playing even after he left, and I finished the game just before the Simpson's started.. Whew! Speak of finishing something in a day.. too bad my reports don't go as quickly..

On the way to school, boy it was still snowing like there's no tomorrow. I laughed. I'm still laughing. Perhaps I'll take a picture or two. At least it'll be something to talk about tomorrow.. Until then, I think I'll just have to go to sleep early! Night!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:29:42 EDT

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