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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Ahh, another month is at an end, another blue moon is in the sky, and I actually came in on time. Yes, you read that correctly, I came in today at 9am, EST. Before everyone else! (Well, except for Fred) It was quite a bizarre experience considering that the sun was pretty high in the sky at that time of day (In the winter, I was coming in 2 hours late with the sun in the same position). I guess I'm a sun follower or something. As long as the sun is out, I'll get up.

Finished marking the labs, whew, sorta felt bad since one of my students (the one who always visits) came by to see if I had marked them yesterday. Oh well, she can pick em up with the rest of the crowd. When I went down to hand in the labs, LMC was downstairs talking with KAT and Dr. Fisher (explaining the finer points of 4th year chem). I figure I should put in my two cents. So I checked it out. Apparently Dr. Fisher had finished burning me a copy of the mp3's I gave him, and they also found the envelope with my spec assignment!

Didn't I tell you? Well, RHS came in yesterday asking if he left my spec assignment upstairs. (I gave my completed assignment to him to play around with and eventually hand it in). Oh good, thanks for nothing. Well, this is one of the reasons why I type my Assignments these days. It only took me a minute to find another envelope, print another copy, and hand it over. Still, now I know where the "lost" copy went, and since I didn't need it, I threw it into the recycling bin.

Anyway, I don't usually see LMC much, so I figure that I could get a picture (my last one!) before she took off. Well, after procrastinating for a couple of hours, I went down to see if she was still studying, and.. no dice. Crap. Ah well, maybe next time..

Oh yeah, another thing I forgot to mention about yesterday, Laz updated his .plan file, so you can check it out for yourself. Oh yeah, I was gonna comment on today's weather, but Growly has a much better (and a little more eloquent) way of describing it. But why is Liv on the page?

Heh.. And to think that I forgot to mention the fish..

Yes, the fish. One day, when I was returning the marked assignments (I can't remember when, that's why I date everything now) back to Dr. Fisher, I ran into Dan Scott and asked him if he was a permanent addition to the lab or something (he's there ALL the time -same with KAT and JAZ). He told me that he wasn't (like anyone would admit it) but told me that the fish were.


Dan pointed, and I gawked. Indeed, there was fish in the lab. Happily floating around in the 20C water bath. (Fortunately, they weren't put into the 40C water bath - dinner anyone?) Dan told me to count the fish. He wasn't testing my ability to count BTW, I'm not THAT bad at math, so anyway, I counted nine. Then he told me that one was missing. Missing you say? (I didn't know that goldfish were cannibals!) Oh yeah, I asked him who's fish these were. Apparently they were KAT's, and when Dr. Fisher found out about it, he wasn't very pleased..

Well, on with the story. It seems as if KAT didn't know that there was one missing either and he hadn't been in yet. Since I couldn't figure out where the heck the fish went, Dan pointed at the bottom of the tank.

"There's an eye."

What the.. I had just noticed the nice layer of scales that littered the bottom of the tank. What the heck happened to the fish??? Well, you see, the water bath has to be maintained at a constant temperature for experimental purposes. To this end, there is a water pump attached to the top which sucks in water, heats it up, and spits it out again, creating enough circulation to maintain a constant temperature for the whole tank. Now this pump is kinda strong, and these fish are kinda small..

So KAT came on in, and we told him to count the fish. Nine (still).

"What happened?" he asked. We told him, and he said "The fish are coming out. Now!"

Crazy kids, that's what happens when you're in school too long.

Oh, sheesh, I feel really sheepish for not coming across this before. But there's a great COPS parody based on Star Wars. In fact, it's based off of the Stormtroopers activities on Tatooine in A New Hope. It's called Troops, and boy was it funny (and well done to boot). I think Rob mentioned this to me ages ago (came out in 1997), but I never bothered to check it out. (Just like The Spirit of Christmas) Oh well, now I know, and knowing is half the battle.. guh.


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 07:22:07 EDT

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