Yup, back to work. Another plain ol Monday came and is going pretty quick. Not to much to talk about. Getting a little depressed..
Fortunately I'm getting a bit of work done (or so I keep telling myself). I forgot to mark the labs on Sunday so I started doing them today. Won't finish until tomorrow, but hey, they're not due till Thursday. Didn't go out to buy pop for the group either. weirDo was marking all after noon and couldn't be bothered to go shopping after he had finished. *snarf*
The CTRL-A meeting was pretty bland, and the dinner quite mute. I was able to convince KNZ to lend me his Jojo tape for a showing this weekend. We'll see how that pans out.
This made me laugh. Over at ZDNet, there's apparently an article about how some people are using the Microsoft ID utility (that everyone was screaming about) to figure out who wrote the Melissa virus.
Oh yeah, and the Dow Jones broke 10000 today.
Geez, even after getting replies from Squishy and Magnifica, I still feel like a beat up pillow. Wah. I'm gonna go home now.