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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Woo wee! I've finally scanned in a couple of pictures I've been meaning to put up and I've got them listed right here. You can go peruse them at your own leisure, while I try to tell the people who are actually in the pictures about them.

What the heck have I done today? Hmm.. not too much it seems. Did a bit of work on the program, adding a couple of features and stuff, and testing it out..

The CGSS meeting was pretty sedated as usual (four people showed up). I have to remember to ask for money and an account tho.

Well, I did go down to Dr. Fisher's lab to check to see if TW was in. Found her in the balance room, busy as usual, so I got around to asking to take her picture. After a bit of cajoling, I finally got her to pose with JAZ and some other girl.

Speaking of JAZ, she found a free horoscope page which required you to put in your name, date of birth, birth location, etc. etc. Anyway, she did this to Dr. Fisher to find out how close their predictions were, and then they wanted to do one for me. I relented, and put in the information. Since this thing was pretty smart and knew international locations, (It found Hagersville, Ontario) I figure it would be able find large cities. Well, it couldn't find Montreal, Quebec. Oh, there was a Hull, Quebec, but no Montreal.. What was up with that? I figure, if the page didn't recognize Montreal, it didn't deserved to be called an international horoscope thing. Yeesh.

I actually hung around a bit longer in the lab, seeing that it was the last CHEM 358L lab of the term. In celebration, we started playing around with some of the liquid nitrogen that was lying around. Made some frozen marshmallows (quite crunchy!) and started freezing Dan's lunch. (Like his orange, his half eaten apple..). After running out of food to freeze, Dr. Fisher lent us a plastic Fresca bottle (The drink of Chemists as Dr. Fisher would say) to blow up. Simply add some water into the bottle, and add some liquid nitrogen into the bottle, cap the top, and throw the thing into the fume hood. Boy was it loud. I even took a picture of the remains of the bottle. (Danged camera didn't go off when I took a picture of the actual explosion).

Well, hopefully the pictures will come out all right. I've got a lot of good pictures on this roll that I don't want to lose.

What the heck? Laurana changed her picture back to the old one she had before.. gee..

I learned to do the toe loop, and the toe jump today (well, I still can't do the jump, and you need a toe pick to do the loop, but I'm getting there). Walked Karen to the bus stop again. She has all these stories to tell, quite interesting..

Today is St. Patrick's day. Woo! Gives people an excuse to drink themselves silly (although this ain't too much of an excuse - people will drink themselves silly on any day). This sorta makes me worry about the broomball game tonight.. I don't want to play with or against a team that is drunk. Won't make for a clean or friendly game.. we'll have to see.


[4:00 PM EST - After the game.]

It seems as if my fears were a little unfounded. It didn't seem as if anyone showing up to the game was drunk. Actually, very few people showed up to the game. Amazingly, this made for a very good game which ended in a 3-3 tie! (We should've won tho). Oh well, it's the first non-loss that we've had this term, so the team was pretty happy.

I'm also hungry.. must eat.. food..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:36:14 EDT

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Woody Allen (From The Quotations Page.)