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[12:00 PM EST - Waxing philosophical.]

Well, clearly there won't be much to say seeing as it's been less than 12 hours since the last update (7 of which I was asleep for). *yawn* Anyway, when I got back home, found the Unreal CD on my bed with a note attached. Apparently one of the files on the CD is on an unreadable sector. That kinda sucked. I didn't check for myself till I got up today. Yupper, ChuckL was right, but I have another copy of that file somewhere, so maybe I can get around that problem.. I did a bit more account updating, still need to finish counting the money from the last CTRL-A show. Shouldn't take long, don't have much left to do.

JCC called for HNT (The computer guy) when I was working on my accounts, wanted to check if he was in town (HNT was "forced" to go to a (girl) friend's party in TO I think) since we were having our monthly after-the-show brunch at the King Street Trio (a nice restaurant without a webpage - gosh darned it). I haven't gone to brunch for a few months now. Not because the food is bad.. wow, the food is excellent! It's all you can eat as well. (All you can eat roast beef and seafood??!? Woo! I'm in!!) It's just that the price is a little steep considering the amount of money that I've got left after the computer and RSP (zilch).

Ah yes, there was a reason I actually woke up today. There was a two hour (two hour!) rec skating session scheduled for today from noon till 2 PM. I didn't exactly jump out of bed early today, so I figured that I could make the last hour of skating. When I got to the Columbia Icefield (not to be confused with the Columbia Icefield in Jasper National Park, Alberta), some guy at a desk told me that there was no skating today. What?? So I left. But on the way out, one of the employees greeted me (I didn't recognize him, but he knew my name!) so I asked him what was going on. Apparently, the Waterloo Warriors made it to the hockey playoffs and so the rec time was bumped in favor of the game. What a gyp.

For the past couple of weeks, with the snow melting and all, I've noticed that a lot of the benches and bike racks around campus have been moved, tipped, piled, or completely messed up. It may have to do with the plows and trucks moving huge volumes of snow during the new year dump, or it could also have something to do with drunken students finding something to do. In any case, I think they should start putting some of these things in places where they actually belong, cuz it looks really bad..

One more little gripe has to do with the lights in the science buildings. Or shall I say, lack thereof? The chemistry buildings have very many empty light sockets. The hallways have, on average, every other tube/bulb removed, and the stairwells have one in four lights remaining! (Makes the stairwell REALLY dark when that one tube goes out.) My office has half of the tubes removed as well! To tell you the truth, I'm fine with having only half of the lights, since the difference in the light is unnoticeable, and they are saving energy and resources by reducing the number of lights.. but I stay at school pretty late, and they turn off most of the lights at night. Add that to the number of lights that don't work, and it's pretty freaky walking around in the hallways.. (kewl though).

Heh.. did a bit of last minute surfing, and returned to Laz's site and came across his gaming review.. noticed a little tiny link that said:

the page that gave this page birth

I figured I should check it out seeing as it may become famous someday (ha!). Interesting, and I thought I said too much. This guy has a girl and has time to update his page, with rather poignant comments and little observations on his (their?) life. True, seems like he's updating weekly, but if I had a girl, I wouldn't need this page. I wouldn't need to comment on the world and hope that someone's listening. Cuz I would tell her, and she would listen. The one and only benefit of having a significant other. (Well, maybe that and sex.)

I wonder.

If I were alone.. would this daily commentary go on and on forever? Perhaps. Feeling overly philosophical after reading that homepage. I'm glad that Magnifica listens (You should wonder what more I'd write if she didn't). I'm even more glad that she's not gonna marry me. Although we may never meet, we'll see what the future brings..

Whatever, don't feel like working, I should actually go grocery shopping, but it's getting a bit late for that.. hmm.. I still have food to last a couple of days so I'll wait till Tuesday.. time to respond to e-mail (Magnifica must be wondering what's taking me so long) and get some rest..


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 04:48:38 EDT

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