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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Geez is it ever cold today. We had great sunny weather tho. Too bad I spent the whole day inside playing Mercenaries. Ah well, I'm on the Luthien mission so I'll be done quite soon.

When I came back home last night (late late last night), the driveway was still unshoveled. Not like anyone was planning to go out or anything, but it was quite annoying to see that I was the only one who actually got out that day. Well, seeing as I didn't want to get my shoes full of snow and my feet wet (Eww! Wet feet!) I grabbed a shovel, and cleared a little path to the street. Just enough space for someone to walk down. Ha!

What I forgot to mention yesterday was when JCC and I were leaving to go grocery shopping, I noticed a bird that was "stuck" in one of the bushes in front of the house. In fact, the bush was three feet away from me and the little bird was inside bouncing around (wondering why we've been getting all this cold weather all of a sudden). I found that was kinda neat, but felt sorry for the birdie. Oh well, couldn't do much. But, just before I started to shovel that night, I noticed the old nest on top of one of the lights next to the door. It was kinda dark even though I turned all of the outdoor lights on but I thought I saw something in the nest, so I decided to take a closer look. When I actually got to about a foot from the nest, I saw what I thought was the head of a bird! (Probably the same one) Well, no sooner as I noticed it did it fly away. Where to? I dunno. Gosh darned it. (Come back little birdie!!) Well, I'll go check again when I go back home tonight.

Ah, here's a little physics problem. Well, maybe it isn't. Is there a theoretical maximum for temperature? I forgot whether it was related to the average speed or the average energy of a given amount of matter. If it's energy, then you can use relativistic arguments to say that there is no theoretical limit (or the limit is infinity). But if it's speed..

It's probably energy tho, so the point is moot.

Mindee seems to have remembered me!! I got a reply to my message and so that was a pretty good sign. I'll have to reply soon, and fill her in on da news! (What news? Hmm.. It'll be a very short message I guess.)

And I thought it was just me.. seems like other people were having problems with Netscrape 4.5. This is what Damage (At ArsTechnica) had to say:

Netscape 4.51 released--thank goodness

The latest version of Netscape Communicator has finally been released, and this time it looks like it may stick (unlike a previous release that Netscape pulled from its FTP site a week ago). This is, obviously, a maintenance release, but it's sorely needed. The Win32 version Netscape 4.5 would slowly gobble up RAM and then crash on me 5-6 times a day, at least. You can try your luck with a Netscape FTP server or hit our affiliate Betanews for download help. -Damage

Well, I hope the computer guys down here will be updating Netscrape soon. It's pretty danged annoying to have it crash every so often (and leave all these annoying profiles around).

I still haven't contacted any of those QYV people yet.. yeah yeah, I should get off my lazy butt and do something. Sleep comes to mind..

Oh kewl, Laz fixed that little kudos typo that he had at the bottom of the page. Can you remember what it was? Speaking of which, it seems like he's picked up copies of Baldur's Gate and Half-Life for me! Yay!

One more comment before I go.. it's too bad I didn't go skating today. I got up late, went back to bed, and got up even later. Definitely no time for skating. Too bad, I wanted to get a bit more exercise seeing as I'm not as sore as I was a few days ago (even after skating and broomball yesterday). Speaking of skating, I was actually practicing a couple of jumps and trying to get that danged Salchow. Some guy actually came up to me to comment on how he was watching me do some of my one foot turns (actually, most of them were my attempts at a three turn. Anyway, during my jump practices, I nearly hit this little kid on the ice not once, not twice, but thrice!! Gah, gave me a scare each time. What was even more interesting was that he was the only one I nearly hit out of the other 6-7 people on the ice (It was pretty empty that day with the storm and all). Well, I hope his mom didn't get too freaked out..

BTW, for those of you who want to own your own ATM, the number is 1-877-ATM-0ATM.. that number again is 1-877-ATM-0ATM. Once again, the number is 1-877-ATM-0ATM. (Call anytime. Ha!)


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:39:34 EDT

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Frank Leahy (From The Quotations Page.)