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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Have a midterm today.. should study. Probably won't. It's tradition.

Got a freakin' load of mail today, but that's not a bad thing. Got mail from Squishy!! Yay! And it only took her a week to respond! (And figure out my echoing joke as well). She seems to be doing well. Told me that she and DWC were up in the nation's capital doing this and that for the weekend. That would of course explain why I couldn't catch her when I was in town. (Boy, with that kinda luck..) She seems really happy tho, so that's good, at least it's one less person to worry about! (What, me worry?)

Also got a thing from Laurana which was more or less a total shock since she never sends me stuff without it being a reply (okay okay, so she was replying to a forward, but it's not exactly the same alright?). Well, usually, when she does this sort of thing, I get the sneaking suspicion that she's a little depressed. I hope I'm wrong, she's too far away for me to visit (unless anyone wants to donate an Apache? Didn't think so) That's okay, she'll be alright, she's a tough girl.

Ah yes, also got what it seems like a rant from the MJO himself! (Although I'm not sure if he has a page up or not) Seems like he's also someone who's been by this page recently. Perhaps if he puts up his own page (hint hint) I might just be able to see what other sorts of nitty gritty thoughts are going through his mind on a daily basis.. Not like the thing he sent me was nitty, or gritty, but just your usual 3 am (actually 10 PM) rant. (Quite an interesting read I might add) He also mentioned something about needing to go through 60kB of text before making it to the links section.. Hmm.. he has a point there, but I never noticed (seeing as loading is neigh instantaneous) but I might just have to start shuffling around my page to fix this annoyance..

I even wrote back to Jax complaining that she hasn't changed her .plan file for a couple of months. Well, lo and behold, I just got a reply and she changed her .plan file just for me! How sweet! Then I go to check out her homepage (since that's what her new .plan file says), and boy almighty, it's completely different! (Even renamed the site!) Good lord, knocks my page down on the shame list a few notches (again). Damn that girl, if she weren't so cute, I'd have her.. well, I probably shouldn't say since this page isn't rated R (yet). Well, I think she has a good site, nice eye candy, although a little lacking on content (yeah yeah, so I shouldn't be saying anything myself). Anyway, check out the (new) Distinguished Dabbler.

Now that I've been swamped by mail and had my page humiliated, I can relate how my midterm went tonight. All I can say is, I crushed the living snot out of it! Well, I didn't do that literally, if there was living snot in my midterm I probably wouldn't have wanted to get close to it, much less write on it. Of course that's all beside the point, but I'm quite happy with my performance, I just have to see what sort of failing mark I get now..

That's enough babbling for today, I need sustenance since I skipped out on dinner to write the test.. *gurgle* so I'll leave you all with a comment from Weird Al on why he likes Canada:

In the United States, a loony is only worth 70 cents, but in Canada, it's worth a whole dollar!

Boy, don't you just love Canada?


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:36:16 EDT

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