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[12:00 PM EST - No subject.]

Happy new year! Today marks the first day of the year of the hare/rabbit/bunny/furry things that bounce. Mind you, this is the Chinese new year for those of you who didn't know. I won't be doing anything special today.. except maybe go to sleep earlier than usual (which still isn't exactly early).

Remember when Lord British was killed? (I had to use that link cuz the interviewer's last name was Hwan) Well, I decided to go back and check out the interview of Rainz, at OGR. weirDo wanted to find out a bit more, since my rendition of the events was a little spotty (at best), but reading the article still made me laugh. What a silly situation.

Oh yeah, I did find Renee last night, working as always. Definitely having a rough time, but she's a tough kid, she'll pull through.

Speaking of work, I've finished all of my assignment marking and started marking the labs. Hopefully I'll finish by tomorrow, but I've got some reprogramming to do. Need to update DSPOTFIT to do some new things. Nothing too grand, but still take some time. I dunno, are coffee making subroutines supposed to be hard?

Kewl, onto computer news, came across a site (referenced by ArsTechnica - don't mind his comments) regarding a new Plasma Display. Looks real funky, and I wouldn't mind having one of those, except for the fact that it has a $25,000 price tag (American funds BTW). Still, we can dream can't we??

Oh yeah, Jean-Guy sent me an Electronic Greeting Card today. I don't know why, (I haven't even checked it yet) but if you want to send your own greeting card from 123 Greetings, go right ahead, I dare ya! Oh, just found out that it was a new years card.. kewl! I figure I should send one back huh? Anyways..

Despite the fact that the International Lyrics Server has been shut down (bastards!) there are still a few lyrics sites floating around. One interesting one I found (via a link from ILS) was the Top-40 Hits of 1930-1998. Very simple site, got some songs that I should check out. So until the ILS comes back up, you can use this place to tide you over.

After worrying about not receiving any response from Squishy (*cry*), I got a response from Madelaine!! Wow, and it only took her one week to respond too! (That is definitely quick for her). Anyway, after sending a rather.. uhh.. "should not eat before watching" video clip of the worse job to have (I'm NOT gonna link it), she gave me a run down on the past few weeks. (Like coming to Waterloo and not visiting me.. yeesh) Oh well, I'll have to go to Guelph next Monday anyway for a mid term (which is really half an exam) so I should drop by her place or something..

That should be enough for now, I believe that I have talked enough. Whew! Now, we shall go eat!!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024 @ 06:23:20 EDT

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